Li Guoqiang did not speak with a gloomy face. He naturally felt aggrieved and humiliated in his heart, but no matter how much shame he had, he could only bear it now. ?? · Now I can only hope that Lin Xuan can adapt himself to the situation and protect himself.

But when he saw Lin Xuan's confident eyes and that meaningful smile, Li Guoqiang felt a little relieved, and vaguely felt that Lin Xuan seemed to have some special plans.

"What is this kid going to do?" Li Guoqiang was puzzled.

At this time, Lin Xuan had already left the hall with several Americans in military uniforms.


On an empty road in the United States, more than a dozen military Humvees galloped, escorted by several military helicopters above. In one of the Humvees, Lin Xuan relaxed on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

There were several other young soldiers in the car, all with guns.Looking at Lin Xuan vigilantly, no one spoke.

"Why haven't I arrived yet? Are you taking me to Mars?" Lin Xuan opened his eyes and looked at the deserted plain outside the window.Feel free to make complaints in English.

"It's almost here!" One of the young soldiers said, his eyes flickered slightly, he seemed to hesitate to say something, and finally after pondering for a while, he said this time: "Hey, sir. Can you really vomit?" Shoot spider silk?"

"Of course, I'm Spider-Man!" Lin Xuan said casually.

Hearing this, the soldier's eyes lit up immediately, he looked at Lin Xuan with admiration and said, "Then can you let me see it?"

"Of course not, your American government doesn't seem to be very friendly to me!" Lin Xuan glanced at the gun in the man's hand.

"Sorry, this is just an order from above, and we can only obey it. To be honest, I admire you very much. The video of your street fight is so cool. I watched it several times. I love every video that is circulated on the Internet. I've seen it!" The soldier talked more and more enthusiastically, and even got carried away, but fortunately, other people patted him, so he stopped, laughed a few times and stopped talking.

But after a little silence, he spoke again: "Sir, can I take a photo with you?"

"No!" Lin Xuan refused without thinking, and then leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes again. He doesn't have a good impression of Americans now.

The man shrugged helplessly, looked at the other people around him in embarrassment, then laughed a few times, and did not speak again.

After driving for a long time, the convoy finally entered an area of ​​a military base. After passing many checkpoints, it came to a building near the core area of ​​the base and stopped.

As soon as Lin Xuan got out of the car, he saw that he was surrounded by layers of soldiers, guarded heavily, apparently afraid that Lin Xuan would play tricks here.

At this time, a man with the rank of general came over, holding a special handcuff in his hand, and handcuffed Lin Xuan.

"What does this mean?" Lin Xuan looked at the man, and then at Kerry, who had just got off the car not far away, and said with some displeasure.

"I'm sorry sir, this is an important military base, we have to do this!" the general said seriously.

"Do you think this little thing can trap me?" Lin Xuan said coldly, but he didn't try to break free.

He could tell that these were not ordinary handcuffs, and that there were obviously special devices on them. If Lin Xuan guessed correctly, there might be a discharge device here. Presumably, as long as he tried to break free, the discharge device would release a strong current and knock him unconscious instantly. , or even kill.

Obviously these handcuffs were specially prepared by the United States for themselves, but they didn't seem to have calculated that now they don't need to use force to break free.

The admiral smiled, ignored Lin Xuan's words, and stretched out his hand to invite: "Sir, please!"

Lin Xuan didn't say any more, nodded, glanced around, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Military base?

Ha ha, it seems that the next step will be very exciting!I have to think about it, how can I play it more interesting?

Lin Xuan thought to himself, but of course the American soldiers beside him didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise they wouldn't bring Lin Xuan here if they were killed.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Xuan was taken into a closed room, which looked like a larger interrogation room. One of the soldiers locked his handcuffs on a solid steel frame. ·

The rest of the dozen or so soldiers surrounded the two sides, while the Secretary of State Kerry and the general walked in front of Lin Xuan.

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