Seemingly aware of someone approaching, several people patrolling in the northwest corner looked over, but they didn't pay much attention when they saw that it was their own people.

When Lin Xuan was approaching the manor, he walked towards the gate of the manor following the path of the security personnel after changing their guards every day.

In fact, these security personnel hardly pose any threat in his eyes, and he can break in without hesitation, but he is very clear that Obama's hidden residence must be other means of escape, such as secret passages or helicopters.

If you startle the enemy, the other party has already fled before you can find Obama.

So the only way to see Obama is to sneak into the manor first.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Xuan came to the gate of the manor smoothly. When the guard at the gate saw him, he said in surprise: "Hey, Aiwen, didn't you just go to stand guard, why are you back again!"

While speaking, he still opened the door for Lin Xuan.

"Something fell into the room!" Lin Xuan said casually, and his pace immediately accelerated a little.

The man smiled and ignored Lin Xuan.

But the moment Lin Xuan just walked into the manor, with his sensitive hearing, he vaguely heard Omaba's voice, coming from the third floor of the castle-like building in front of him.

He looked around, and finally locked his eyes on an open window on the third floor, from where Obama's voice came from.

The fresh air continuously floats into the room through the windows, making people feel comfortable taking a breath.

Obama was leaning on a chair by the window, with his legs resting on the table in front of him, talking on the phone: "Have you found any trace of him yet? It seems that he should be hiding temporarily. Keep searching. We must find him." Come out and deal with it!

Well, I am still very confident in our military's technology. After this comprehensive upgrade, even if he wants to invade our system, he may have no way to do it. Hmph, no matter how strong he is, it is just a personal strength after all. Where is it? Our opponents! "

There was a sneer at the corner of Omaba's mouth, and his feet on the table kept shaking.

"I don't think so!" A voice with a slight smile suddenly sounded, which startled Omaba and nearly rolled him off his chair.

He turned his head and saw a man sitting on the window sill, looking at him playfully!

"Lin, Lin Xuan!"

Omaba's complexion changed drastically. Frightened, his feet on the table seemed to be a little out of control. He wanted to stand up, but he couldn't get his feet off in time. He rolled over from the chair with a plop and fell on the ground. on the ground.It looked a bit embarrassing like that.

"Guard, guard!" Obama, who was lying on the ground, yelled in horror before he had time to think.

Immediately, a few figures rushed in from the door at a very fast speed, and they saw Lin Xuan sitting on the window sill at a glance.His complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Lin Xuan. Several of them rushed to the side of Obama who had just got up from the ground, and even dragged him towards the door.

"Kill, kill him!" Obama shouted in horror.

As soon as he spoke.Several agents immediately pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang bang...

The moment a burst of gunshots rang out, Lin Xuan's figure disappeared in place, and then turned into an afterimage, with a gust of wind, he arrived in front of several agents in an instant.

Immediately before those people could react, he punched and kicked those top American agents flying out. Moreover, Lin Xuan's shots were heavy, and all of them were attacking their vital parts.

So the moment the few people flew out, they were basically unconscious.

And at this time.The two agents who had rushed to the door to protect Obama immediately turned around and blocked Lin Xuan, allowing Obama to escape by himself.

But they never expected that the bullets they fired were bounced back by Lin Xuan's body, and finally hit them all. Fortunately, they were wearing body armor.

However, being hit by bullets still hurts, and it made them startled for a while. They didn't know what was going on, and before they could recover, two fists the size of sandbags hit their faces above.His eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

At the same time, Obama, who had already opened the door and rushed out, was stuck by the spider silk shot by Lin Xuan.Then he was pulled back directly by a strong force.

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