Today, there are also many tourists here, people who come here to visit.They would walk to the stands in front of the President Hill and watch the great masterpiece of human beings from a distance. Many people also took pictures with their cameras.

But at this moment, bursts of roars of planes came from the sky, and immediately black shadows began to hover over the park.

Everyone looked at those planes curiously, a little surprised what was going on, but soon someone thought of the drone fireworks incident that happened over the Pentagon and the White House not long ago.

"Not good, could it be that..." someone in the crowd exclaimed.

But almost at the same time, a drone suddenly swooped down.Like a missile, it slammed into the giant stone statue on President Hill.

For a moment, all the people present felt the blood rushing up all over their bodies, and their brains went blank.


A deafening explosion hurts.A huge fireball exploded on the mountain, thick smoke billowed out, and countless sparks shot out. The scene was really shocking and shocked everyone present.

But after a while, there was chaos in the stands.There were exclamations one after another, and everyone ran towards the rear one after another, but there were also a few bold ones who stayed where they were, taking pictures of the astonishing pictures with their mobile phones.

Soon, amidst a deafening roar, the rest of the drones also swooped down together, and finally crashed into the President Mountain together.

boom boom boom boom...

The terrifying explosion shook the world, shook the President Hill, and the flames soared into the sky. The terrifying impact and explosive force completely tore the four huge stone statues into pieces. It collapsed, and the scene was extremely astonishing.

In an instant, this horrific scene, like a flood of beasts, impacted the souls of the people present, and completely frightened everyone present. They even forgot to run away, and their minds went blank as they stared at the astonishing scene in front of them.


"Bastard! Damn Lin Xuan!" All the bad news almost made Obama's head and lungs almost explode in the secret manor in Kentucky. ?·

All military and civilian networks were paralyzed, military satellites were hijacked, President Hill was blown up, and the Statue of Liberty was almost destroyed.

At this moment, he finally understood what Lin Xuan said earlier. The bad news was really exciting. He had just experienced a thrilling moment, but now he heard the bad news one after another. If it wasn't for him The ability to bear it is strong enough, I am afraid that he would have fainted from anger at this time.

Moreover, at this time, Obama was completely aware that their military technical elites were no better than trash in front of Lin Xuan, and their military networks and systems were also so vulnerable.

At this time, almost all military communication equipment in the United States failed, and he could only communicate with Carter and others through civilian communication mobile phones to understand the situation.

And he also had to temporarily call high-level officials to his secret residence to prepare for a meeting to deal with this unprecedented disaster and mess.

at the same time.The local government officials in the American states are also having a hard time. Due to the paralysis of the network, it has brought unprecedented chaos, not to mention the huge economic losses caused by the network paralysis.The public outrage alone is hard to appease.

Although many people resented Lin Xuan for going too far this time, more people blamed the government for not resolving the conflict between them and Lin Xuan in a timely manner, which led to the escalation of the situation and led to such serious consequences today. involved the interests of the public.

So the people started to march and demonstrate.Pressure was put on the local government, and the people were very emotional, so the scene was a little out of control, and there were even many riots in some places. Of course, this was also because some criminals fished in troubled waters and deliberately took the opportunity to create chaos.

For a while, the entire United States was completely ruined by Lin Xuan!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the pressure of all parties, even this mighty superpower, hegemonic empire.It seems that he has to bow his head.

However, the threat of the paralysis of the civilian network to the American government is not enough to lower their noble heads. The reason why they admit defeat is because they have almost achieved the ultimate protection in the military system, and they are still broken by Lin Xuan. , and was also hijacked by the other side of the military satellite.

This is the greatest threat to them. You must know that they have made many enemies over the years. If their backyard catches fire, the national defense will be paralyzed.It will definitely give some countries the opportunity to take advantage of the fire, and the consequences will be even more unimaginable at that time.

So they had to temporarily lower their stance, and even lower their dignity, in exchange for a peaceful settlement.

And now they have to admit it.Lin Xuan can really break through all their sophisticated technological defenses on his own.

Soon, the spokesperson of the American government held a press conference to publicly clarify that Lin Xuan had not undergone body modification, and admitted that the American government tried to force the Chinese government to hand over Lin Xuan through slander.Furthermore, the fact that he was able to hold an extraordinary talent like Lin Xuan in his own hands.

The U.S. government apologizes for this, and will not hold Lin Xuan accountable. It hopes to live in peace with Huaxia and Lin Xuan personally, and work together for human progress and prosperity.

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