Although Lin Xuan is not a passionate patriot, as a Chinese, whenever he hears news about Gouyu Island, he can't help but feel angry. However, the problem here has always been a headache for the country.

However, many people know that Gouyu Island is an inalienable territory of China, and all the disputes are nothing more than American Lijian playing hooliganism on the Japanese island. The sanctions are almost the same, all because China is still developing and cannot withstand too much turmoil. On the one hand, we must save face and show our attitude, and on the other hand, we must not go too far, so as to avoid conflicts, which is the way of the United States.

That's why the problem here has always made Huaxia people feel very tangled and painful. While angry, it seems that there is nothing they can do except curse a few words.

"Since Ridao always covets this place, then I will help the country completely cut off their thoughts!" Lin Xuan's brows gradually frowned, and a stern look appeared in his eyes.

Lin Xuan knew very well that, given his deterrence towards Meilijian and Ridao, no one would dare to say no if he wanted to develop on this island, and no country would dare to be ostentatious around it.

And the Huaxia government must be very happy to hand over this island to Lin Xuan for use, so that this island is equivalent to being completely managed by China, and there will be no disputes from other countries.

So this is definitely a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Not only that, but it is precisely because of the controversy here that it will not be completely controlled by any party, so that my actions on it will be more free.

This is what Lin Xuan wants, he doesn't want to build a technology island by himself.You have to listen to others every day.

However, Lin Xuan also knows that choosing this place has both advantages and disadvantages. It is very close to the Kadena Air Force Base in the United States and the Air Force Base in Hishima.It is also under their surveillance all the time, even if the two countries go to war.It's an easy target here.

In terms of climate, although the subtropical monsoon climate here is very good, it is on the parabolic path of typhoon, and there may be a typhoon period around August every year. In addition, there are almost no fresh water resources on the island, which makes it unsuitable for long-term living.

But Lin Xuan is not afraid of the American Air Force Base and Hijima. With his deterrent power over these two countries, they will definitely not dare to have any thoughts about this place for a while.

And use the defense system information given to him by the system.Lin Xuan believes that this island can definitely defend against any advanced weapon in the world.

What's more, he has the big backing of Huaxia behind him. When he builds this place, the technology he gave Huaxia before should have been put into reality. At that time, Huaxia's national defense force will definitely not be much worse than that of Meilijian!

And in the future, if a steel battle suit is manufactured, are you still afraid of the American Air Force Base and a few aircraft carriers?

As for the typhoon and fresh water problems that he faces every year, Lin Xuan doesn't have to worry. First of all, he is not afraid of typhoons. Secondly, the building materials given to him by the system are also capable of resisting typhoons and earthquakes, and he can use fresh water. Advanced technology extracted from sea water.As long as a nuclear fusion power plant is built here to provide a steady stream of electricity, he doesn't have to worry about this kind of problem at all.

Lin Xuan even felt that the system seemed to want him to choose Gouyu Island.As for the reason, he can't think of it yet.

"The time for this task is very tight. It seems that we must hurry up!" Lin Xuan knew very well that it was really urgent to build a technological island of the kind required by the system in one year.

So right now he can't waste time, he must get the island's development approval as soon as possible.

And it's also fortunate that his company's black gold mobile phones and graphene composite materials are almost like grabbing money all over the world, and can provide him with a steady stream of huge funds, otherwise the funds for building the island are still a very serious problem.

"Jarvis, help me contact Minister Xia immediately!" Lin Xuan said to Jarvis.

"Okay sir... the call is in progress... the call has been connected!"

"Hi Minister Xia, I'm sorry to bother you, is it convenient to talk now?" Hearing the call connected.Lin Xuan immediately said with a smile.

"Haha, Xiao Lin. It's convenient and convenient!" Xia Weiguo's laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Xuan didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic: "Minister Xia. I hope to meet the Prime Minister and the Director of the State Oceanic Administration. I wonder if you can help me arrange it!"

"No problem, I'll contact you later, and I'll let you know the specific time later!" Xia Weiguo said. Although he was a little curious about why Lin Xuan suddenly wanted to meet these two people, he didn't ask any further questions.

"Okay, then there is Minister Lao Xia!" Lin Xuan thanked.

Xia Weiguo's work efficiency was really high. Not long after Lin Xuan finished talking with him, he called again and told Prime Minister Lin Xuan that he had time to see him after 10:[-] tomorrow morning, and the director of the Oceanic Bureau would also come.

In the morning of the next day, Lin Xuan flew to Kyoto on the earliest regular flight, and then someone picked him up and took him to the Central Office.

After chatting with Xia Weiguo for a long time in the reception room, the director of the Oceanic Bureau came over, and then Prime Minister Li Guoqiang also walked into the reception room.

After a few pleasantries, Lin Xuan got straight to the point. He told Li Guoqiang and Wang Hong, the director of the Oceanic Bureau, about his reason for coming.

"What, you want to build a scientific research base on Gouyu Island!" Li Guoqiang said in surprise, while Xia Weiguo and Wang Hong looked at Lin Xuan in the same astonishment.

Gouyu Island is a place full of disputes. Why did Lin Xuan suddenly think of where to go to meet the scientific research base?

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