Therefore, the problem of Gouyu Island, which has been troubling China for a long time, seemed to be solved so easily, and Lin Xuan's plan to build an experimental base on the island was soon put on the agenda.

the next day.Lin Xuan led some experts under the escort of the Chinese government's warships.They went to the island to conduct field investigations and geological surveys, and also conducted lightning strikes, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, wind tunnels, and corrosion resistance tests.

After the various investigations are over.Lin Xuan also mastered all kinds of real data of the entire island, and then returned to the company to start designing the overall layout blueprint, as well as the island's water, electricity, heating, fire protection, communication networks and other lines and infrastructure.

Fortunately, with the help of Jarvis, the entire design process became very efficient. Of course, Lin Xuan did not wait for all the drawings of the building facilities to be designed before he started looking for a construction company for construction.

Instead, after completing the overall layout plan, start construction one by one according to the priority. For example, the first is to build a port for later cargo ships to dock, then the island's infrastructure such as power supply, water supply, sewage treatment, etc., and finally Construct communication network facilities, factories, intelligent mother computer rooms, office buildings, various defense facilities, etc.

However, Lin Xuan didn't need to worry about the construction of the port. The Oceanic Bureau had already asked the engineering unit to help build the entire project, so Lin Xuan only made a general request and entrusted the whole project to the Oceanic Bureau.

As for the power supply facilities, Lin Xuan naturally copied his own nuclear fusion power plant. The water supply system required him to redesign and produce equipment for extracting fresh water from seawater.

Therefore, while Lin Xuan was designing the drawings of various building facilities and making detailed materials with Jarvis, various engineering teams also landed on the island one after another to start construction.

In fact, the cost of construction on an isolated island is ten times higher than that on land, and the speed is relatively slower, because all kinds of construction materials, construction equipment, construction engineers, and workers need to be transported by cargo ships.

The island's early electricity consumption also relied on diesel power generation, and the island's drinking water and food materials can only be transported from land by cargo ships.

Fortunately, with the support of the government and the investment of huge funds, the entire project progressed very quickly.

As for the development of the island, the international community has been paying attention to the progress. However, since Lin Xuan announced the development of Gouyu Island, apart from announcing a foundation stone laying ceremony for the island development, there is almost nothing to follow. Some intelligence agencies or spy satellites can check that the island seems to be under construction, but they can't find out the real purpose of the island's development.

As for Ridao, since Xuanyu Technology built the island, their fleet has never appeared in the nearby waters, and Meilijian and Ridao have never mentioned the matter of Gouyu Island in the international arena.

In this way, more than three months passed in a blink of an eye. With the help of Jarvis, Lin Xuan finally completed all the detailed materials and drawings for the construction of the entire island, and the infrastructure on the island was basically completed. Buildings and facilities are also being constructed in full swing. According to the current speed, it is estimated that most of the buildings on the entire island will be fully completed in about four months, and the villa he designed for himself will be completed at the latest. It will be completed in half a year. As for the decoration inside, it may take some time.

As for the island's most important defense system, it is estimated that it will have to wait until the end to complete, because many defense facilities involve weapon manufacturing, and they are still some very advanced weapons. Lin Xuan can't build these facilities blatantly now, let alone his own factory now Even advanced equipment cannot fully manufacture the advanced weapons required by the system.

Only some of the parts and materials needed for defense systems and weapons can be manufactured through the existing factory equipment, and Lin Xuan also plans to use the time of island construction to develop a brand new intelligent industrial robot in the past few days. I wanted to equip Jarvis before.

With industrial robots, Jarvis can repair the equipment he manages, and can also control intelligent robots to replace humans to complete welding, assembly, installation, etc. of some large equipment.

In this way, after the island is built, Jarvis and engineering robots can help him complete the construction of defense facilities in a short time.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After several days of busy work in the factory office, Lin Xuan and Jarvis finally designed a data model of industrial robots for various purposes.

"Sir, the equipment has been adjusted!" Jarvis' voice came from the computer on Lin Xuan's desk.

"Well, read data model 1, let's produce one first!" Lin Xuan said.

"Okay sir!" Jarvis responded. At the same time, it controls several production lines, and at the same time completes the production and assembly of the robot's overall mechanical skeleton and mechanical transmission parts, and the electronic control system chips and sensors such as the central processing unit. The production and assembly of the robot, the production of the robot shell, etc.

After all the assembly is completed, it is automatically sent to the painting workshop for painting.

In this way, an intelligent industrial robot was born. This industrial robot is about 170cm high, and its appearance is quite different from those of the existing industrial robots. Simulate some movements of the human arm.

However, Lin Xuan's robot is truly anthropomorphic. Its appearance is similar to that of humans. It has a head, hands, feet, and limbs. Same, even more flexible than humans.

Although the head does not have fully anthropomorphic facial features, it has vision, hearing, and pronunciation systems.

The robotic arm on the automatic production line sends the intelligent robot that has just been produced to a warehouse through a specific track.

Looking at the robot that was just sent in, Lin Xuan showed a slight smile on his face, and waited until the robot was put away.He walked up and pressed the start button.

A light blue indicator light suddenly lit up on the right chest of the robot.There are also two big round eyes appearing on the display at the eye position of the head.

"Hi sir, I am the first generation of industrial robot. Code name 2016001! Nice to meet you!" The robot made an electronically synthesized voice, but there was no change in expression on its face.

After all, this is just an industrial robot, not a real anthropomorphic robot. Lin Xuan didn't design that complex expression system for him at all.

But Lin Xuan is very clear, as long as he gives him an order, or enters his

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