"Of course!" Lin Xuan laughed.

"Okay, by the way, third child, why don't you call Zhang Wei and Li Kun over too? It's been a long time since I've had a drink with them, why don't we all have fun together!" Chen Yu suggested.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Speaking of drinking, both Lin Xuan and Chen Yu seem to have the same troubles. Although their careers are getting more and more successful, they know more and more people, and their social status is getting higher and higher, especially Lin Xuan, but they find that they can There are fewer and fewer people who drink happily together, and even fewer friends who can make friends.

This may be the so-called extreme cold!

The people they know now are either business partners, or other leaders and employees in the company, and these people are basically much older than them, and there is a big generation gap between them.

In addition, due to the existence of interests or differences in status, Lin Xuan felt that drinking with these people always felt a little less.

So in Lin Xuan's view, perhaps only the brothers in the university dormitory are the only ones who can simply drink, drink, eat and eat together, and have heartless and unscrupulous nonsense together.

Although they haven't lived together for a long time, and Lin Xuan and Chen Yu's current vision and level of attention seem to be far from those of the roommates in the dormitory, unlike when they were in school, most of the attention and discussion On the topics of learning, games and girls.

But for some reason, every time he is with his brothers in the dormitory, Lin Xuan can find the purest happiness, making him feel extremely relaxed.

And that kind of purest happiness is rare for Lin Xuan now, and he misses it very much, just like Lin Xuan often misses the heartless and innocent time when he was a child.

In the afternoon, Lin Xuan asked his secretary to book restaurants and cakes in advance. After four o'clock, Zhang Wei and Li Kun all finished their classes.Lin Xuan and Chen Yu made an appointment to meet in the private room of the hotel.

But in order not to cause unnecessary sensation in public, Lin Xuan changed his appearance before going out.

Seeing the change in Lin Xuan's appearance, Chen Yu was also a little surprised, but Lin Xuan only said that he had done some special effects makeup similar to those in movies.To avoid the inconvenience of going out.

In this regard, Chen Yu could only smile wryly to express his understanding. Sometimes being famous really brings a lot of troubles.

Not long after, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Zhang Wei, Li Kun, and Cao Yang walked in.The three of them all said "Happy Birthday" to Chen Yu, but the smiles on their faces seemed a little unnatural, as if they were a little reserved, and they were stunned when they saw Lin Xuan, and didn't recognize him. Lin Xuan saw this , explained it quickly, and then a few people understood. ?·

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere seemed to be much better, but after the three of them sat down.For a while, they couldn't find a topic to chat with, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

After all, they haven’t been together for a long time, and they are a little rusty. In addition, Lin Xuan and Chen Yu’s achievements are getting bigger and bigger, and they seem to belong to two completely different worlds, especially Lin Xuan, who created one shocking world after another. The miracle also completely subverted Zhang Wei and Li Kun's perception of Lin Xuan.

While they were shocked, they also felt that Lin Xuan had become stranger, and they had even forgotten the Lin Xuan in front of them.It was the classmate who shared the dormitory with them, but the Spider-Man with mortal abilities, that god-level figure who attracted worldwide attention.

Let them feel awe, and what this kind of guard leads to is a sense of distance.

So when facing Lin Xuan and Chen Yu.Li Kun and Zhang Wei, who are usually chatty, also seemed a little dull. For a while, they didn't know whether to face Lin Xuan as a fan who met their idol, or as a classmate, so the atmosphere Somewhat embarrassing.

However, Lin Xuan and Chen Yu came into contact with society and all kinds of people earlier than their roommates.So things like warming up are naturally out of the question.

Lin Xuan took the initiative to find some topics in the school, and chatted with his roommates. After the waiter brought all the food and wine, Lin Xuan asked everyone to drink a glass of wine first.

After drinking a glass of wine, the atmosphere became more harmonious among everyone, and Zhang Wei and Li Kun gradually let go, and began to ask about Chen Yu and Lin Xuan's company.

Several people chatted while drinking, and with the strength of alcohol, everyone gradually let go, and they were not as restrained as before. Then Li Kun and Zhang Wei also resumed their chattering nature. We talked about several major events that shocked the world that Lin Xuan did at this stage.

For a while, the dinner turned into a fan meeting. Zhang Wei and Li Kun asked Lin Xuan excitedly, but they really let go.

Although Lin Xuan would like to see his brothers being able to be like this, as free and honest as before, but after all, he has a lot of secrets that he can't tell anyone. He doesn't want to talk too much about him, so timely Stopping the topic of Zhang Wei and Li Kun, he quickly picked up his wine glass and said with a smile: "Haha, come on guys, don't talk about me all the time, today the big brother is the protagonist, we must accompany the big brother well, come and let's talk again." A toast to brother!"

"Third brother is right, haha, come on, let's toast to elder brother first, and wish elder brother a happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday brother!"

"Brother Xie, let's do it!"


Lin Xuan and the others drank until almost [-]:[-] p.m., but Zhang Wei, Li Kun and the others wanted to sing, and Chen Yu was in a good mood tonight, so he also wanted to have fun. Naturally, Lin Xuan would not sweep the brothers Their elegance, so they hit it off and decided to sing together.

"I know there is a very good one nearby, and I heard that the speakers there are great!" Zhang Wei said enthusiastically.

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