You must know that for the vast universe, a planet is too small. This is like the contrast between a drop of water and the vast ocean.

If a planet is divided into hundreds of countries.There are even constant wars, and conflicts between each other because of differences in beliefs, cultures, and concepts.

So one day, when the earth is really invaded by alien civilizations, how should we resist?

Maybe this is a bit illusory to many people, even the plots that only exist in movies, and they don't think about it at all.

But Parker knew very well that the alien spaceship on the bottom floor of Area 51 was a living wake-up call, reminding them all the time.As imagined in the movie, somewhere in the vast universe there really is a civilization that is more advanced and developed than the human civilization on Earth.

They even had a spaceship capable of interstellar travel a thousand years ago and arrived on Earth, although they don't know why the owner of the spaceship died or where he came from.

But one thing is certain, the earth may be visited by advanced civilizations again at any time. If they are kind and intelligent life, maybe they can have a good exchange of culture and technology with each other.

But what if the opponent is a very aggressive race?If even the earth is not united, once war comes, how can we work together to resist foreign enemies?

Some may say.At that time, all countries in the world can form alliances, even a joint fleet like the one in the movie.

But any person in power is very clear that it is difficult for any intelligent life that can give birth to consciousness to be absolutely pure, not just human beings.Where there is consciousness, there will be desire.There will be selfishness. When a war really starts, everyone has their own thoughts. When defending against foreign enemies, they still want to protect themselves and consume their opponents. This is an inevitable phenomenon.

And the above is only based on human technology and military power.It has been in a constant state with high-level civilization.

But the fact today is that human technology is still very backward. Although the speed of human development seems to be rapid in the past hundred years, it is actually very slow.

If all the developed countries in the world put together their most sophisticated scientific research results and exchange them together, then the technological level of all mankind can definitely be improved in an instant by several years, or even more than ten years.

However, looking at it now, this is absolutely impossible to achieve, because each country needs to retain its own technology as its hole card, and its own strength is the most backing.

Even while developing their own technology, they are also trying to contain the development of the other party.

This is like ten people pulling the same car forward. If ten people have the same will, the same goal, and even support each other, and move in the same direction, then the car will definitely be pulled, and even faster and faster.

But if these ten people are still hostile to each other and fight each other because of each other's concepts and cultural differences, then it is impossible for them to use their power in the same place, or even ten people are moving in different directions, and the final result is to stop. , even if some of the forces are very strong, making the car move in a certain direction, but the speed will be very slow.

In the end, the car may even be destroyed first because of the power contest between them.

Therefore, human beings need unity, and only unity can use all wisdom in one place to develop and grow together.

Of course, to achieve this level of unification, the process is very difficult and even takes a long time.

After all, human beings have many shortcomings and contradictions, and even have different cultural customs, different beliefs, and different concepts.

These in themselves have great contradictions and conflicts.

Therefore, in order to unify, it is necessary to forcibly smash all regimes and unify all countries through military power, and then through unified laws and regulations and unified education to change the concepts and consciousness of all mankind little by little, and slowly assimilate everyone.In order to achieve the same general direction.

Just like their American Lijian, they tolerate people of different skin colors, different countries, and different beliefs. Although there are some disputes and contradictions among them, they are still unified as a whole.

but.A new problem they are currently facing is whether the future earth will be unified by them, or by China.

In the past, the answer must have been unique to them, but now it may not be, and the reason is naturally the appearance of Lin Xuan.

Although the appearance of Lin Xuan will be of great help to the technological development of all mankind.But after all, he is now Mei Lijian's enemy, and he is still helping China grow stronger.

This will inevitably hinder their plans, and even make their future military operations to unify the world more resistant and consume more funds.

Therefore, they must get rid of Lin Xuan before this to reduce the resistance and cost of future military operations.

As for the development of science and technology, they believe that even without Lin Xuan, they can still rely on that alien spacecraft to rapidly improve human technology, and even one day in the future.It can resist the invasion of higher civilizations.


"I hope this Godzilla plan can successfully get rid of Lin Xuan without any uncontrollable consequences!" Parker secretly prayed in his heart. At this moment, a man with thick glasses walked up to him. A balding middle-aged man with a happy smile on his face.

"Hey, Parker!" After seeing Parker, the middle-aged man quickened his pace and greeted him.

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