"Welcome, my distinguished guests!" Seeing Lin Xuan's family stepping out of the elevator, the private butler at the door immediately warmly welcomed them up, speaking standard English. ?? ·

"Distinguished guests, please come in!" The housekeeper invited Lin Xuan and his family into the room, and patiently introduced to Lin Xuan and them how to use the various high-tech facilities in the room and some service items as usual.

The presidential suite is equally luxurious and unimaginable. There is a cinema, two bedrooms, two living rooms, and a dining room in a space of 78 square meters. All the windows in the room are floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can face the endless Arabian Sea at any time. .

And every part of the room is also gold-plated, the furniture, bathroom, door handles, faucets, ashtrays, coat hooks are all gold-plated, even a piece of note paper is covered with gold.Although it is only a thin layer, people have to sigh that the world of local tyrants is different.

There are also oil paintings of famous artists on the walls, and they are all authentic works. The various artworks on display are almost precious artworks from all over the world.

The various high-tech facilities contained in the room are also amazing. Lin Xuan has even seen the shadow of the smart home he wants in the future.

Moreover, in addition to the personal butler, the royal suite is also equipped with a private chef, waiter and others. It can be said that it really makes people experience the treatment like an Arabian king, and it also makes Lin Xuan deeply lament the power of money.

"This money is really not in vain!" Lin Xuan sighed in his heart. At this moment, he had a deep understanding of why those local tyrants spend so much money, why they are willing to pay such a high price to live here for a day.

After all, when the amount of money reaches a certain level, it is just a string of numbers, and only when it is used for enjoyment can one feel the value of the money.

"Wow, this place is so beautiful!" Lin Xue cheered excitedly as she lay in front of the floor-to-ceiling bed.

The same is true for Yang Shuke, pulling Lin Xuan to look at this and then look at it.Her pretty face was full of surprise and excitement.

As for Lin's father and Lin's mother, of course, they are also very happy, and they are a little bit blank for a while after being shocked by the luxury here.

But when they came back to their senses, they felt sorry for Qian again. After all, they were born in poverty.I'm used to thrift.

"Xiaoxuan, does such a luxurious house cost a lot of money for one night?" Mother Lin suddenly pulled Lin Xuan aside and asked in a low voice.

"Mom, for me now, this place is not expensive at all. Don't forget, your son is expected to become the richest man in the world in the future, and he can't spend all his money, so you don't have to worry about money!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Lin's father and Lin's mother smiled, and looked at Lin Xuan very proudly. They never dreamed that one day they would live in such a luxurious palace-like room, and it was all because they had...

Seeing the happy faces of the family, Lin Xuan felt that his decision to bring them here this time was very correct, and it suddenly made him feel that earning so much money had a new meaning.

But when you think about the meaning of money.Lin Xuan's thoughts suddenly scattered again, and a lot of thoughts about money popped up in his mind.

What is the point of money?

For a businessman, money is the blood of his enterprise and the measure by which he realizes higher value. The meaning of money is the value of life.

For people who are seriously ill in bed, money may be a good medicine for them to prolong their lives, so the meaning of money is life and time.

For a poor family, money may be their food for sustenance and their children's school fees.It is even the reliance of their family to change their destiny, so the meaning of money is food and destiny.

For many young people who are struggling in cities today, money may be their houses and cars.Even love.

For Lin Xuan at the moment, money is the luxurious suite in front of him, the high-quality service, the beautiful scenery outside the window, and the happiness of the whole family.

In short, money has many meanings.It depends on how you use it. When it is used to buy drugs, it may destroy a person or even a family. It may be used to manufacture and buy weapons. It may cause war and death. Sun and rain.

But now, I have a huge wealth in my hands, and I also control the lives, time, fate and happiness of many people.

As long as you are willing, maybe the fate of many people in this world will change drastically in the next second.

Of course, no one's money comes from the strong wind. It is impossible for Lin Xuan to be generous enough to give his money to others casually.

But if they are used for charity, to help countless poor families change their destiny, and to help those poor children go to school, then the money becomes more meaningful.

And this may be the reason why many rich people will do charity. Of course, this does not rule out that some people want to establish a positive image for themselves, or even for commercial purposes.

But there must be some who have the same idea as Lin Xuan.

"After returning to China, I will also set up a foundation to help more poor families. This may also be a heroic act, and maybe I can get hero points!" Lin Xuan thought to himself. ????? ·

Although he thought a lot just now, those things in his mind only took a very short time to complete.

And he made this decision only because of an idea that flashed by chance, not really for heroic value, nor because of his overflowing love.

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