"Mr. Tian Yizhonglang, are you sure that Godzilla will be able to kill Lin Xuan? He is not simple, and he can fly over the roof and walls, and his whereabouts are strange. What if he finds that he is not Godzilla's opponent and escapes?" Parker After roughly reading the plan, he questioned.

"I have great confidence in Godzilla, its power is beyond imagination, as long as Lin Xuan appears, it will never give Lin Xuan a chance to escape.

And I have watched all the videos about Lin Xuan. From his battle with those mutants last time, it can be seen that he will definitely not escape easily like General Parker worried about.

As for Lin Xuan's ability, he can spit out spider silk, has bone claws, and has a strong self-healing ability. It seems that it is really difficult to kill him by conventional means.

But these abilities are useless in front of Godzilla. Spider silk can't trap Godzilla, and bone claws can't kill Godzilla. As for his self-healing ability, it's useless in front of Godzilla, because Godzilla doesn't need If you kill him, you will eat it, or devour him. No matter how strong Lin Xuan is, he will probably be broken down by Godzilla's mysterious power in a short time. "Tian Yizhong Lang said confidently.

"But what if Lin Xuan really escapes? Isn't our plan all in vain!" Parker frowned and raised his doubts again.


Chapter 207 Superhero Fund

"If Lin Xuan really escapes, our Godzilla plan will also have another effect. As I just said, he will cause unprecedented disasters to China, and it will also show us China's current military level!" Said At this point, Tian Yizhonglang looked at the pensive Obama, and continued: "Mr. President, at present, this may be the only possible way to get rid of Lin Xuan, and this method will not expose us behind the scenes at all. , and even put Huaxia on the cusp of the international storm again.

Afterwards, we can quietly stir up the Huaxia biochemical experiment again. Even if countries in the world dare not do anything to Huaxia this time, they must still be wary of Huaxia in their hearts.

If we let the biochemical crisis happen in the future, it will also threaten the security of other countries, and even damage their interests.

I think these countries will never stand on the sidelines again, and China will inevitably become isolated and helpless at that time.

And this may also be a good excuse for our future military operations. At that time, we can even raise the banner of justice and win over all countries to fight against China, the number one threat, before continuing with the next few steps of the plan!

If all countries in the world attack China together, no matter how strong Lin Xuan is, he will not be able to turn the tide by himself, and now our research on the technology of the alien spaceship is progressing very rapidly, maybe in the near future, Lin Xuan will not be able to constitute us. What a threat.

All in all, this Godzilla plan is definitely a crucial one, and it will be very successful, a very perfect plan! "

Hearing this, Parker fell silent, and looked at Obama.

After listening to Tian Yizhongro's explanation, Obama also put down the plan in his hand, with a slight smile on his face, nodded and said: "Dr. Tian Yizhongro, the plan this time is very detailed and relatively complete. And as you said, this plan kills two birds with one stone. And the timing is good too.

So you can start the implementation according to the plan, and you can tell General Parker what support you need next, whether it is funds or manpower, or what special channels are needed.It will be all right!We must implement the Godzilla plan perfectly this time! "

"Okay, Mr. President, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!" Tian Yizhong Lang promised with a smile on his face, nodding his head.

"That's good. Dr. Ichiro Tanaka goes to work first, Parker, you stay!"

Tian Yizhong got up and walked out of the conference room. Obama looked at Parker and said seriously: "Several major financial groups are very happy to learn that our research has made new progress, and have agreed to increase investment. Our exascale supercomputer will soon It can be put into use, you continue to increase the expansion of fresh blood in the past few days, and gradually eliminate incompetent people who have not made achievements, and choose the best to keep!"

"Okay, Mr. President! These days, I have sent many agents to find suitable talents all over the world! There should be a new batch of scientific researchers coming in soon!"

"Well, that's right. Is there any problem with secrecy?"

"No problem, all the new researchers don't know where this is. We just told them that this is a scientific research institution. As for the confidential things, we have also prepared a good disguise, and we will never leak any news!"

"Well, it's good—in addition, the mechanical part of our future fighters can start mass production, and the production workshop needs to continue to expand. Recently, a large amount of funds will be injected, which should be enough for the following plans. !"

"Okay. Mr. President!"


Huaxia Binhai City, after returning from Dubai, Lin Xuan also quickly packed up his mind and began to work.

After a week, the biological laboratory he planned has been completed.All kinds of equipment have basically been installed in the laboratory, just waiting for Lin Xuan's next modification work.

But now Lin Xuan already has a large number of industrial robots, so he doesn't need to do the transformation work himself, it can be completely handed over to Jarvis.

The construction of the island of science and technology is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

So after returning to Binhai, in addition to handling some daily affairs, Lin Xuan also began to spare time.Putting his decision to set up a foundation in Dubai on the agenda.

But with his current status, he doesn't need to do these things himself. After he made this decision, he handed it over to Zheng Wenwen and others to inquire about relevant regulations, prepare application materials, go through relevant procedures, etc., and he only needs to Listen to the results and make a decision.

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