So next, Lin Xuan hurriedly started planning the packaging, sales, and publicity of the Qianjianjian Oral Liquid with the relevant personnel of the company.

Lin Xuan didn't intend to make money or get more honors from taking this oral liquid for strengthening the body, but since he decided to do this, he naturally wanted to do a good job of him and make the drug's reputation known, so that he could It can make more people buy their own products, and it can also benefit more people.

Of course, Lin Xuan is not so kind as to let everyone use these potions for free.And sometimes the more free you are, the more people may doubt the quality of your product.

So what Lin Xuan can do now is to set the price as low as possible so that most people can afford it.

In fact, the cost of this oral liquid itself is actually not high.A box of twelve is only four or five yuan, plus some publicity and operating costs, the cost of a box of ten yuan is enough, so Lin Xuan simply set the price at 12 yuan, which is equivalent to one yuan a piece .

And this price is compared to the effect that the drug can bring.It's already as cheap as grandma's house.

If it were another merchant, the price of such an unusual box of medicine would be at least ten times more expensive than this.

However, Lin Xuan also thought about it. After the drug is rolled out in major cities and towns, he will use the profits earned from the drug to produce a batch of oral liquid and provide it to his foundation for activities to give away for free. for people in poor areas.

As for the profits brought by foreign markets, he plans to use all of them in the experimental research and development of medicines that can prolong life.

Soon, the sales channels and advertisements of Qiangshen Oral Liquid continued to spread. ? ? ? But initially the drug did not cause much market response.

After all, there are too many drug advertisements nowadays, the competition in the industry is almost fierce, and all kinds of fantastic publicity have already numb consumers, especially health care drugs like Lin Xuan.

You know, in China, more people think about buying medicine and seeing a doctor when they are sick. Only some white-collar workers and people with a higher education level in first- and second-tier cities pay more attention to physical maintenance and pay more attention to health care. some health medicines.

But these people are also more willing to choose existing well-known brands.The new products launched by Lin Xuan and his company are naturally unpopular.

So Lin Xuan and the others immediately adjusted their publicity strategy and re-shooted the advertisement. Lin Xuan even endorsed his own health-care oral liquid, and added the slogan of the military's designated health care medicine to the advertisement.

After this advertisement adjustment.Finally, there was a response, and sales surged for a while.

And with the miraculous effect brought to the users after the Jianshen Oral Liquid was used, it immediately aroused great repercussions. In addition, Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. took the initiative to contact the media to interview and report some users.It also made Qiangshen Oral Liquid completely popular.

Although Lin Xuan didn't intend to rely on this potion to make money, within a short period of one month, the Qiangshen Oral Liquid brought him a net profit of more than one billion yuan, and the sales of Qiangshen Oral Liquid were still increasing sharply. It has already begun to export abroad.


"Alas—there's not enough time. It seems that I can't go to Area 51 until the island of science and technology is completed!" In the office, after listening to Jarvis' report on the construction of the island, Lin Xuan said anxiously, frowning. Also tightly wrinkled.

The progress of the construction of the island of science and technology was much later than he expected, or his previous estimate was too idealistic, although it could be completed before the one-year deadline given by the system.

But if I wait until the island of science and technology is built, get the merit points, exchange for the storm girl's ability, and then carry out the task of stealing the red spar, it will be too late.

Calculating the time, it is only one month away from the mission deadline, and the defense system on the island has just begun to prepare for construction.

Even if there are hundreds of industrial robots working on the island at the same time and working 24 hours a day, it will take at least half a month, or even a month, to build the entire defense system.

So it seems that I can't wait to exchange for Storm Girl's ability before performing the task of stealing the red spar.

"Oh—forget it, let's think about how we can enter Area 51 if we don't use Storm's ability!" Lin Xuan sighed helplessly.

At night, Lin Xuan was tossing and turning in bed, thinking about how to enter Area 51 in his mind, but obviously all the hard thinking and meditation now were futile.

He thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a good solution. In the end, he could only decide to go directly to Area 51 after simply arranging the next work tomorrow, to see if he could find a breakthrough there.

On the second day, according to the original plan, Lin Xuan asked the general manager of the company who is currently in charge of the Qiangshen oral liquid business to provide a batch of [-] million boxes of Qiangshen oral liquid from the latest production department to his foundation , preparing to carry out a new phase of health-giving charity activities.

This time, the one million boxes of health-enhancing oral liquid will be distributed free of charge to elementary and middle school students in rural areas. In Lin Xuan's view, children are the hope of the future, and they are growing their bodies. A good foundation will play a vital role in their future growth, future development, and even their entire life.

A healthy body is likely to benefit them for a lifetime!

So he decided to give free medicine to these children first.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan briefly explained the related work of the company's various business departments, then borrowed a passport from Chang Sheng, and then quietly left Huaxia, and took a plane to Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States. Gas.

Area 51 is located in the southeast of Lincoln County in southern Nevada, 13o kilometers away from the center of Las Vegas. After Lin Xuan arrived in Las Vegas, he settled in a hotel for a day of rest, and also rented an off-road vehicle in the city. car.

The next morning, just after dawn, Lin Xuan drove to Rachel Town near Area 51.

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