The fighter jet launched a tracking missile again, and it struck with a roaring sound of piercing through the air. Lin Xuan calculated the time this time and jumped out of the helicopter a few seconds earlier than before.


The earth-shattering loud noise exploded in the air, and the blazing fire balls rolled and rushed to the surroundings, countless random shots were fired, and Lin Xuan also fell obliquely downward at an extremely fast speed following the shock wave of the explosion.

Although this time he was also hurt by the huge explosion, but Lin Xuan did not lose his mind. Instead, he used the impact of the explosion to make his body fall faster, and he also transformed his limbs and body. It was flattened, forming a structure similar to a gliding suit, allowing the body to glide quickly into the sky above the town with the speed of falling.

Lin Xuan knew very well that as long as he entered the town, the helicopters and fighter jets of the US military would no longer attack at will.

And with the cover of the crowd in the town, it was easy for him to get out.

At this time, the residents of Rachel Town were also taken aback by the huge explosion just now, and looked in shock at the gradually dissipating fireball in the sky and the several helicopters speeding towards them.

They have long been used to seeing US planes passing by here, but they rarely saw the picture of the missile bombing the helicopter, so they were surprised for a while.

Especially when some people saw Lin Xuan gliding down from the sky, they all stared at him curiously.

Lin Xuan's sliding speed was extremely fast. He controlled his body and quickly rushed towards the most crowded street in the town. Finally, when he was about to land, his hands immediately shot out spider threads and stuck to the buildings on both sides of the street. The body suddenly slowed down, and finally landed smoothly.

And he was in the astonished eyes of many people.Quickly rushed into a large supermarket on the street.

After a while, the three chasing helicopters also arrived above the large supermarket, and two of the helicopters immediately separated and began to circle and patrol above the supermarket.

The other one landed at the entrance of the supermarket.Finally, when it stopped a few meters from the ground, the soldiers on it quickly got off the helicopter, rushed into the supermarket with guns, and began to search for Lin Xuan.

But they are very clear, although they know that Lin Xuan can change his appearance.But it will still be very difficult to catch him, after all, they don't know what he will look like in the next second.

Moreover, he has extremely terrifying superpowers, even if they find him, they are no match for the other party, and if he wants to escape quietly from a certain corner of this supermarket, it will be a breeze.

But right now, they can't let go of any chance of catching him, at least block the supermarket first, and wait for the support from the headquarters to rush over.

But they didn't know that at this time Lin Xuan had already left here in a taxi in the town.

Just after Lin Xuan rushed into the supermarket.He immediately changed his appearance, followed a few customers who had just paid their bills, and walked out through the gate calmly.

By the time those American soldiers caught up, he was no longer in the supermarket.

"Jarvis, help me paralyze the surveillance system in Rachel Town!" Lin Xuan, who was sitting in the taxi, said into the phone.

"Okay, sir!" Jarvis' voice came from the phone.

Putting down his phone, Lin Xuan finally leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. As long as the general control system here is paralyzed, it is absolutely impossible for the US military to find his trace again.

In the afternoon, Lin Xuan returned to Las Vegas smoothly.Although the American police blocked all highway intersections, checked documents, and searched for suspicious persons.

But this approach is of no avail to Lin Xuan.Because before he got into the taxi, he turned into Chang Sheng's appearance, holding Chang Sheng's ID, and passed the inspection easily.

After returning to Las Vegas, Lin Xuan went back to the hotel he had previously rented and took a hot bath.Then lay on the bed thinking about what happened before, and what to do next.

Although he failed to break into Area 51 today, he still has plenty of time to complete the task.

It's just that now that he's making a fuss to scare the snake, I'm afraid that the guards in Area 51 will be more stringent in the future, and after this attempt, Lin Xuan has really seen the tight defense of Area 51, which is simply impeccable.

And what troubled him the most was that almost all of his current superpowers were exposed, and he obviously couldn't rely on the previous methods to sneak in there.

"It seems that the next step is to find a way to earn hero points and exchange them for Storm's superpowers. Only in this way can I enter Area 51 quietly!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan immediately took out his mobile phone again and called out Jarvis: "Jarvis, help me hack into the US police system or the FBI system, and check if there is any criminal activity here in Las Vegas!"

"Okay sir!" Jarvis responded, and soon after, Jarvis' voice sounded again: "Sorry sir, there is currently no criminal activity in the area!"

"How is it possible?" Lin Xuan was a little surprised. In his impression, Las Vegas was a gambling city. How could there be no criminal activities here.

"It's like this..." Jarvis immediately explained to Lin Xuan.

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