Originally, the patrol helicopters on the plain had to either return to the base or stay away from the tornado, and the patrol car could only return to the base to avoid the tornado.

Boom... boom... boom...

The four huge tornadoes shook the world, countless sand, gravel, grass, and dust were rolled up and flew all over the sky, and the four tornadoes, which looked like giant pillars, gradually approached the base of Area 51.

All vehicles and aircraft in the base entered the warehouse, and personnel were forced to hide in the room.

But they didn't know that within the four tornadoes, Lin Xuan was floating in the void, following the tornadoes and moving towards the interior of Area 51.

The four tornadoes he made are arranged in a herringbone shape. The three outer tornadoes are very powerful. According to the rating standard of tornadoes, they should be enough to reach EF3 level. The wind speed is 218-266km/h. It can push a heavy car Cars are blown over, trees are blown off the ground, houses are destroyed, and trains can be easily overturned and off the track.

But the tornado in the middle is less than EF0 level. Although the fastest wind speed on the periphery is 100km/h, which is enough to blow off the branches, the center is calm and the sea is calm, but the air pressure is lower than the normal air pressure. For Lin Xuan, it was nothing at all.

And the reason why he created four tornadoes was to let the three outer tornadoes act as his guards, generating huge destructive power and preventing the US military from approaching.

Even if the opponent finds himself lurking in the tornado, it will be difficult to get close and pose a threat to him.

However, what Lin Xuan was worried about did not happen. He followed the tornado and entered the interior of Area 51 smoothly. The dust all over the sky also instantly engulfed Area 51, covering the sky and the sun, with visibility less than one meter.

"Area 51, here I come!!" Lin Xuan thought to himself, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he immediately controlled the tornado in the center to disperse, then controlled the other three tornadoes, moved around, and began to destroy the buildings in Area 51.

After destroying some buildings and facilities on the surface, he stopped controlling the tornado, and then turned into a U.S. air patrol soldier, hiding in a corner

"System, where is the red spar!" Lin Xuan immediately asked the system in his heart.

"Okay, master, I will guide you now!" The system replied immediately, and immediately generated a route guide in Lin Xuan's mind.

He guided along that route, and soon found the entrance to the underground base of Area 51. It was a low bungalow, and the door of the bungalow was closed.

Lin Xuan didn't go in there right away, he was worried that there were soldiers holding the handles inside the gate, and it would be easy to scare the enemy by breaking in, so he waited outside for a while.

Now that the tornado has dissipated, those soldiers will definitely come out to check and repair the damage of the base's surface facilities. They will take the opportunity to become one of them and sneak into the base.

Sure enough, not long after, many soldiers came out of various buildings, and Lin Xuan also saw several soldiers coming out of the gate he wanted to enter.

Although the tornado dissipated at this time, the dust still enveloped the base in Area 51, and the visibility was not very high, so Lin Xuan immediately followed the soldiers, taking advantage of their unpreparedness, stretched out his hands from a long distance, He twisted the neck of the soldier who was walking last, dragged him to a remote corner, changed into his appearance, and took off all the documents and useful things on his body.

Finally, he controlled the wind to drag his body away from the base, while Lin Xuan quickly walked towards the door guided by the system.

As soon as he reached the gate, the gate opened again, and several soldiers walked out with toolboxes. Lin Xuan took advantage of the moment the gate opened, and walked in quickly.

Inside this gate is a hall, and there are indeed many soldiers holding hands in it, and there are several elevators in the innermost part.

Lin Xuan strolled to the elevators, took one of the elevators, and arrived at the underground base smoothly.But as soon as you get out of the elevator, you need to go through fingerprint, iris, and ID checks before you can pass through the heavily guarded bulletproof glass door.

This underground base looked similar to the US Air Force base he had been to before, with criss-crossed corridors, with offices and a comprehensive office hall on both sides.

There were people coming and going in the corridor, some soldiers dressed like him, and some people in suits or lab coats.

However, according to the route guided by the system, the location of the red spar is on the bottom floor of the base, so it is obviously not easy to get in there.


Chapter 221-222 Obama is Messy

After all, it is not the first time for Lin Xuan to enter this kind of military base, so he is very experienced. If he wants to enter the place guided by the system smoothly, the first thing to do is to control the monitoring system here and find out the situation here. .

Lin Xuan walked slowly in the corridor, the driver was looking for a suitable target.

Soon, he saw the door of an office open, and a soldier came out. The door of this office was an electric sliding door, so the moment it opened, the situation inside was almost clear at a glance.It was a very spacious office, and a middle-aged man in military uniform was busy at the desk.

"It's here!" Lin Xuan's eyes flashed, and he immediately turned and walked towards the office.

And the soldier who had just walked out greeted Lin Xuan after seeing him.

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