After finishing all this, Lin Xuan quickly left the office and quickly walked towards the bottom floor of the base along the route guided by the system.

Because all the verification systems along the way were turned off, Lin Xuan went all the way unimpeded, and soon came to the warehouse on the fifth basement floor of the base.

After easily solving the warehouse administrator.Lin Xuan entered the warehouse smoothly.

There are some unknown utensils and parts displayed in this warehouse. Lin Xuan guessed that none of them originated from the earth.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan felt more and more that the red spar that the system allowed him to steal probably came from outer space.Even the system in my head should be the same.

But right now is not the time to think about these things, he quickly followed the system's guidance and found the location of the red spar.

But what surprised Lin Xuan was that the red spar was not what he imagined, and even said that it was not red at all.Not a spar either.

It's a black cylinder of unknown material.

This cylinder is about [-] centimeters long, with a cross-sectional diameter of about [-] centimeters. It looks like a black stick, and there is nothing special about it.

If you have to say it is special, it is that it is surprisingly heavy. Such a stick seems to weigh hundreds of kilograms.

Even with Lin Xuan's strength, it feels heavy to pick it up.

"The system, it's the black stick, right?" Lin Xuan confirmed to the system again.

"Yes master!" The system confirmed.

Lin Xuan nodded, and immediately left the warehouse quickly with the unsurprising black stick.

The way back was also very smooth, but the people in Area 51 had already discovered that the monitoring system and detection system were inexplicably shut down.So I am contacting relevant departments to check the reason, and many people are busy with it.

Lin Xuan ignored those people, and returned to the ground of the base with a normal expression. Then, in a corner where no one was around, he created several tornadoes again to cover himself and leave here.

When he got back to the car, Lin Xuan was a bit mentally exhausted. Creating such a powerful tornado twice in a row was very exhausting to his mental and physical strength.

However, he insisted on starting the car and quickly drove towards Las Vegas.

"Ding—" the system's voice sounded as expected. "The system task is completed. Congratulations to the master for getting 20 points of merit. At present, the master is still 35 points away from being promoted to the next level!"

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, but didn't pay much attention to it.Instead, he was thinking about everything he saw in Area 51, and guessing about America's future conspiracy.

If they really build a powerful robot army, then I am afraid that any regime may be crushed by it.

Of course, this does not mean that military robots are invincible, but because the technology that can be applied to military robots can also be applied to other weapons, such as the creation of smart missiles.Intelligent aircraft, or other intelligent weapons, etc.

Coupled with the various strange aircraft and some strange weapons that Lin Xuan saw in Area 51, this made Lin Xuan worry that the United States must have very big ambitions.

"Fortunately, the computer technology I have mastered is still a threat to the United States." Lin Xuan thought to himself.

He is very clear that the United States will not use these smart steel legions and weapons until they solve him or are not threatened by his technology. Otherwise, once he finds their control host and controls it, then the steel The legion may turn against each other in an instant. At that time, their United States is equivalent to making wedding dresses for others.

"But it doesn't rule out that the United States may find a way to deal with me in the future!" Lin Xuan was a little worried.

Although he is very confident in the technology he has mastered, when he saw the alien spacecraft in the United States, he felt that the world had changed.

As long as they have the scientific and technological crystallization from the advanced civilization, the United States can continue to study the spaceship and make various technological breakthroughs. Maybe one day the technology it masters will no longer pose a threat to them.

And Lin Xuan is not only worried about the United States, but the threat from outer space. Since a spacecraft has crashed into the earth, one day in the future, there may be aliens with higher civilizations visiting the earth. What happened in the movie at that time The scene, maybe you are no longer a fantasy.

"We must not let the disaster of that day happen!" After saying this, Lin Xuan frowned slightly, as if he understood once again the so-called great power comes great responsibility.

If he is still just an ordinary person, what he cares about every day may be only firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. How can he care about the survival of the country, human beings, and the planet.

Even if you know that the earth may be invaded by aliens one day, you will feel that if the sky falls, there will be tall people supporting it, and everyone will die together in the end.

This mentality is not a coward, but a kind of helplessness with limited ability.

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