On this day, the defense system of the island was finally completed. Lin Xuan and Jarvis tested the entire defense system of the island.

"Sir, the defense system has been checked and everything is normal!"

"Okay, Jarvis. Now try to connect to the American military satellite through our satellite base station!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Okay, sir, the connection is expected to be completed in ten minutes!" Jarvis replied.A connection progress bar was displayed on the computer screen immediately.

Lin Xuan knew very well that although the defense system and defense weapons on his island were the most advanced in the world, this was not enough to make the island the safest island in the world.

Moreover, many missile interception weapons on the island need the cooperation of early warning satellites, radars and other facilities. Although Lin Xuan built the radar on the island, he does not have early warning satellites.

So we can only borrow the early warning satellites of the United States.Not only that, Lin Xuan also intends to directly borrow the missile defense system established by the United States around the world.

You must know that the United States currently has the most comprehensive ballistic missile defense system in the world, which can intercept all types of ballistic missiles.

This system is mainly known to include five major components, namely early warning satellites, improved early warning radars, ground-based radars, ground-based interceptors, and combat management command and control communication systems.

Among them, the early warning satellite is used to detect the launch of enemy missiles, and provide early warning and information on the launch point and landing point of enemy ballistic missiles.These satellites are all space-based infrared systems, that is to say, they detect missiles by the infrared radiation signals of the pyrotechnics ejected when the enemy launches missiles.

This is the top priority of the entire system, and it is also the reason why Lin Xuan wants to control all American early warning satellites, because these satellites will also provide useful information for the defense system on his island.

The improved early warning radar is equivalent to the "eyes" of the missile defense system.It can warn targets 4000-4800 kilometers away.

The radar built by Lin Xuan on the island is more powerful than that of the United States, and can give early warning to more than 9000 kilometers.

Ground-based radar is an X-band, broadband, large-aperture phased-array radar that guides ground-based interceptors into combat airspace.

Ground-based interceptors are booster rockets and interceptors

Chapter 224 Lin Xuan's Mansion

"Ding——" the voice of the system sounded in Lin Xuan's mind, "The system task is completed, congratulations to the master for getting 20 points of merit, and the master is currently 15 points away from being promoted to the next level!"

Lin Xuan smiled slightly. He knew that the system would reward him immediately, so there was no surprise, and he didn't care. Instead, he sat in front of the computer and wrote the data of the holographic projection technology.

Now that the island has been built, he plans to build Iron Man's mansion and the scientific research room with holographic projection according to his plan.

So in the next few days, Lin Xuan successively input the data about the holographic projection technology and the three-digit operating system in his mind to Jarvis one after another, and let Jarvis start to control the production line to produce the required related components and equipment .

Not only that, Lin Xuan also input the decoration data of his mansion to Jarvis, and asked Jarvis to control the industrial robot to start the decoration of his mansion.

Dozens of industrial robots started working at the same time and worked without interruption. It took less than a week to complete the decoration of the entire mansion.

Lin Xuan's mansion is definitely the most advanced residence in the world. It almost condenses the most advanced high-tech in the world. The whole mansion is equipped with smart home. Si management, there are touch screens everywhere on the walls, coffee table, and dining table in the room, and there are powerful voice recognition systems and facial recognition systems in every corner, so you can communicate with Jarvis at any time.

The research room that Lin Xuan built in imitation of the Iron Man movie is almost exactly the same as in the movie. Countless transistors are arranged in the entire space, which can form a three-dimensional image in any corner of the room.

Various sensors in the room constitute a powerful eye tracking, facial recognition, gesture recognition, voice recognition, scanning system and other systems, and the holographic projection constitutes a real three-dimensional operating system, realizing three-dimensional imaging and three-dimensional human machine interaction.

Walking into the scientific research room located on the bottom floor of the mansion, the bulletproof glass electric door opened automatically. Lin Xuan snapped his fingers casually, and the lights in the whole room suddenly turned on and music played.Jarvis' voice also sounded: "Sir, welcome back!"

At the same time, rays of light converge in the air to form a beautiful three-dimensional image.Make the whole room look exactly like in the movie, except that some luxury cars are missing.

Looking at everything in front of him, Lin Xuan couldn't help feeling like a dream, and his heart was extremely excited.

"Sir, would you like a cup of coffee?" Jarvis' voice sounded again.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly.As soon as he finished speaking, the coffee machine in the corner started to work automatically, and a cup of coffee was brewed in no time.

And an industrial robot assistant in the room immediately walked over steadily with coffee in hand.

After receiving the steaming coffee, Lin Xuan really felt like he was in a movie, as if he was Tony in the movie now, that feeling was amazing.

After taking a sip of coffee, Lin Xuan casually put the coffee into the robot's hands.Then he reached out and pulled at the [-]D image in front of him, and the [-]D image quickly came from a distance and stopped in front of him.

The image is a three-dimensional image of the entire technology island, every facility and every detail on it is clearly visible, and it is extremely realistic. Lin Xuan looked at the image, and slid his right hand to the left, and the three-dimensional image automatically rotated.

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