"Definitely!" Lin Xuan said politely.


In the next few days, after finishing the work at hand, Lin Xuan plunged into the biological laboratory and started his biological experiments.

As for the program of the intelligent robot, he has asked Jarvis to further optimize the intelligent core and the entire electromechanical design on the basis of the industrial robot, and generate technical documents and materials, as well as design drawings.

In addition, he will spend part of his time every day, and according to the original plan, he will gradually start to install the nerve control system of the steel suit, the energy system such as the Ark reactor, the power and flight system, the internal life support system, and the weapon system. And other technical data, input them to Jarvis one by one.

Let it control the production line on the island of science and technology, and gradually begin to produce several major components of the steel suit.

On this day, a group of pictures of the appearance of the mansion suddenly went viral on the Huaxia Internet, and the reason why the pictures were spread like crazy was because of rumors about this mansion.It was the residence that Lin Xuan built for himself on the island of technology, and another reason is that its appearance is quite similar to Tony's seaside mansion in the movie.

Although the mansion also exists in reality, named "Liberty City", it was designed by American architect Brown Christopher Robin.Located in Black Shores, San Diego, California.

But the mansion in the photo looks even grander and more spectacular than the "City of Liberty".

Although the Liberty City was also built on the top of the mountain by the sea, the terrain of that mountain was far less steep than the cliffs of Gouyu Island, so it looked as spectacular as Lin Xuan's mansion.Moreover, the appearance of Lin Xuan's mansion is even more beautiful than that of the "City of Liberty".

Some netizens even began to speculate whether there is a high-tech laboratory similar to Tony's holographic projection in the mansion, and is there also a steel suit?

With Jarvis paying attention to all kinds of news on the Internet every day, Lin Xuan naturally knew about his mansion on the Internet at the first time, so he also took a look, and found that the photos circulated on the Internet were exactly his. A mansion, but judging from the quality of the photo and the shooting angle, the photo should have been taken from a distance with a high-power camera.

You know, since Lin Xuan signed the agreement with the government.After starting to develop the island of science and technology, as a controllable nuclear fusion reaction experiment base, it has received strong support and protection from the Huaxia government, so the Oceanic Bureau has specially divided a marine police formation to be responsible for the security issues around the island of science and technology. Patrolling the waters nearby takes turns continuously throughout the day.

Moreover, the current monitoring facilities on the island can monitor the movement on the island and the nearby waters around the clock. If any disturbance is found, Jarvis will immediately report the news to the coast guard in charge here. It is impossible to enter any buildings on the island at all.

So far.The island has always been safe and no trespassers have been found.

However, since the island of science and technology only restricts the nearby [-]-meter sea area and does not allow approaching, other places are still unrestricted, so some people can still see some buildings on the island through high-powered binoculars.Including Lin Xuan's conspicuous mansion.

So it's not surprising that someone used a high-power camera to take photos of the mansion and uploaded them on the Internet.

And Lin Xuan is not afraid, after all, such a large building cannot be hidden even if it wants to.

However, this incident also made Lin Xuan feel that he still needs to strengthen the safety management around the island.Relying solely on the strength of the Coast Guard is not enough.

"It seems that I have to hire a marine patrol team that belongs to me!" Lin Xuan said to himself, thinking of this, he immediately called Chang Sheng and asked him to help him prepare for this matter.

Then he continued typing on the keyboard, converting the design of the neural control system into the data read by Jarvis.

At Binhai International Airport, a handsome man with a Chinese face walked out of the airport with a briefcase in his hand.

His name is Brown, and he is the agent sent by American Lijian to assist Tian Yizhonglang. In the previous stage, because of the invasion of Lin Xuan in Area 51, he was urgently recalled to American Lijian to report the latest situation of the Godzilla project. And received the order from Mr. President to implement the plan as soon as possible to get rid of Lin Xuan.

So after coming back today, he went straight back to a villa they rented in Binhai, ready to convey the news to Tian Yizhong Lang, but when he returned to the villa, he found that Tian Yizhong Lang was not there.

He guessed that Tian Yi Zhonglang might have gone to the underground laboratory of Zhongrong Building, so he drove there immediately.

After setting the car up at the entrance of the building, Brown walked into the building, and then walked to the basement at the bottom of the building through the stairs.

But when he just walked out of the corridor, he saw a few maintenance workers repairing one of the elevators. When they saw a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes like Brown came here, they looked at it in a little surprise. he.

But Brown ignored the strange eyes of those people, and quickly turned into a corridor, walking towards the laboratory at the end of the corridor.

When he came to the door of the laboratory, Brown took out the key and opened the two doors of the laboratory one after another.

However, the moment he opened the last door, the scene in front of him made his face change slightly. He saw that the Godzilla cells that were supposed to stay in the container were lying on the ground, and the container had been broken. There was no one inside, and there was no sign of Tian Yizhong at all.

"Not good!" Brown had a bad premonition in his heart. Even though he was about to leave the laboratory, at this moment, a tentacle suddenly shot out from Godzilla's body, just like a python pounced on food. Quick, even if it was a few meters away, it passed in the blink of an eye, and instantly entangled Brown who had just retreated outside the door.

Brown was shocked. Even a specially trained agent like him was terrified at this moment, especially when he felt the huge force of the tentacles dragging his body over, he couldn't help but let out a terrified cry : "Help——"

But in the next second, his body was quickly spread and wrapped by the black cells, and a sense of fear of death struck instantly. In front of him, it was like a mayfly shaking a tree, but it was useless.

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