Just now, the Binhai Municipal Government, which received the notification, has urgently established a working group to direct all police forces to dispatch, and also contacted the Binhai Garrison District to dispatch military forces to support.

A large number of traffic police also followed the order and blocked the streets around the incident site, and sealed off the entire area within a few miles. Ordinary people and vehicles were only allowed to leave and not enter.

Some people who didn't know the truth didn't know what happened inside, and they were all dissatisfied because the road was suddenly blocked. Some people complained secretly, and some people went directly to ask the traffic police what happened, but the traffic police only said that they received a report from their superiors. The notice, asking to block the road, did not give much explanation.

On Hexi Avenue, under the command of the traffic police, cars turned into the opposite lane and left the blockade set up by the traffic police.

At this time, a Rolls-Royce with four or six license plates overtook one after another and came quickly. In the end, instead of turning to the opposite lane as instructed by the traffic police, it continued to drive forward until it was stopped by the traffic police before the blocked roadblock. down.

"Sorry sir, the road ahead is closed, you can't go there for now, please leave!" a traffic policeman said politely.

"Hey, what are you all doing to block traffic?" A middle-aged man with a side part and gold-rimmed glasses said displeasedly as the rear side window of the Rolls-Royce was lowered.

"I'm sorry sir, we are following orders from our superiors, please stay away from here as soon as possible!" The traffic policeman explained.

"What is the order from the superior? Your bureau chief, Wang Changlong, is my friend. If you let me go, just report me Yang Jinghong's name if you have anything to do!" the middle-aged man said coldly.

"Sorry sir, it's dangerous ahead, you'd better leave quickly!" the traffic policeman kindly persuaded.

"Stop frightening me with danger, get out of the way quickly, I'm in a hurry to discuss business, can you afford to delay my business!" the middle-aged man scolded with a displeased face.

Hearing this, the traffic policemen frowned slightly, and their faces were slightly angry. They used to encounter some pretentious people when they were on duty, and there were indeed some people they didn't dare to provoke.

For example, a person like the one in front of them, from his car and license plate, they know that this person is indeed qualified to be arrogant.

If it was normal, they would definitely turn a blind eye and close one eye, and would not be boring themselves, but today's situation is special, there is a very serious thing happening there, and now almost all the leaders are busy with this matter , How dare they be negligent, but the superior ordered them not to disclose what happened inside, so as not to cause panic and cause more unnecessary troubles.

"Sorry, Mr. Yang, we really can't let anyone in without an order from our superiors!"

"Okay, I think you guys don't want to do it anymore!" The middle-aged man named Yang Jinghong said with an angry face, he took out his mobile phone, found Wang Changlong's phone number and called.


Chapter 231-232 Supernatural Presence

"Sorry, the number you dialed is on the phone..."

Yang Jinghong frowned when a notification sound came from the phone, waited for a while, and called again, but the other party was still on the call, which made him a little annoyed, and then he called more than a dozen in succession, and even returned Some other leaders I know called, but basically all of them were on the phone, or no one answered at all.

"Damn, why are these people so busy today? What's the matter?" Yang Jinghong's face sank, his heart was extremely anxious. He looked at his watch, and the time he had agreed to negotiate would arrive soon. If he If you fail to catch up with this negotiation, you may miss a big deal.

So he immediately called the subordinate who had gone there before, but no one answered his cell phone.

"Damn it, what did this bastard do!" The man became anxious, and after calling twice, still no one answered, and finally got angry, cursing secretly that this bastard must be added and fired.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly said to the driver in front, "Don't care about them, just drive in!"

"Yes, Mr. Yang!"

The driver responded, and immediately drove the car directly into the roadblock and rushed into the blocked area.

Seeing that person rushing into the danger zone despite dissuasion, several traffic policemen did not stop them, they looked at each other and sneered.

"Fool, you have to die by yourself!"

"This kind of person dies one less, what do you care about him!" A few traffic policemen cursed secretly, and immediately had no time to care about that person's life and death, and immediately set up roadblocks to prevent other people from rushing.

At this time, there were police cars roaring in the distance. Fortunately, it was not the rush hour, and the traffic on the road was not so congested that it was impassable, so those cars still gave way to the police cars.

Seeing the police cars continuously driving into the blockade, those who originally complained about the sudden road closure seemed to feel that something important must have happened inside.


After breaking through the traffic police blockade, Yang Jinghong felt a little relieved, but still told the driver to drive quickly.At this time, there were hardly any cars on their side of the lane, so the speed was not affected at all, but the opposite lane was very congested, but Yang Jinghong felt that this was also caused by the road closure.

There are still twenty minutes before his appointment with Xuanyu Technology CEO Chen Yu.There is enough time, but he just called his subordinates but no one answered, which made him feel a little strange.

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