The yellow-haired man wanted to run away quickly, but the violently shaking ground made it difficult for him to stand up, let alone run.

At this time, the terrifying huge waves also crashed into the military base, and the tumbling waves swept the fighter jets on the airport to the distance, and also involved Yamada and the yellow-haired man.

Fortunately, the two just caught the wing of a fighter jet in the huge waves, so they quickly floated above the waves.

But before the two of them had time to rejoice, their eyes widened again, and an unprecedented look of shock appeared on their faces, and they were completely stunned by the distant scene.

There, there are huge waves with a height of one or two hundred meters.Like a wall connecting the sky and the earth, it rolled from a distance, and the terrifying rumble sounded like the roar of gods and demons, echoing between the sky and the earth.It's heartbreaking.

At this moment, Yamada and the others deeply realized how insignificant human beings are in front of the power of nature, and they also clearly knew that death is really coming.

"No. No—" the yellow-haired man yelled in horror, and immediately tried his best to climb into the cockpit of the fighter jet to avoid the attack of the huge waves, but on the already rough water, violent shaking Make it hard for him to move.

In the end, he accidentally fell into the water again from the plane, and when he climbed onto the fighter plane again, the monstrous huge waves were already approaching.

The monstrous rumbling sound drowned out all sounds in the world, and also drowned out the exclamation of the yellow-haired man.

In the end, like the big hands of the gods, they fell from the sky.With terrifying coercion and momentum, it swallowed the entire Anderson Air Force Base in an instant, and then swept across the entire Guam, including the Apra Naval Base that docked an aircraft carrier fleet preparing to participate in the Japan-US joint military exercise.


At the White House in the United States, Obama, who heard the news of the earthquake and tsunami in Guam, felt like thunder, buzzing, and couldn't believe his ears. He even thought it should be a nightmare and waited for him to wake up.Everything will be in vain.

Just eight hours ago, an unprecedentedly powerful earthquake and tsunami engulfed the entire Guam under the surface of the Pacific Ocean, and the American Air Force Base, Naval Air Station, and Navy Base completely disappeared.The so-called "unsinkable aircraft carrier" actually sank.

Even the aircraft carrier fleet that was going to conduct a joint military exercise with Hijima was not spared, only some nuclear submarines escaped.

Not only that, but also other islands close to the Mariana Trench, such as Saipan in the United States, were affected by this disaster. The losses and casualties of this disaster are almost inestimable, and it is an almost painful blow to the United States. .

But it's not just their loss from the disaster that hurts Mr Obama's heart.It is Guam, which is of extremely important strategic significance to them, and is known as the "unsinkable aircraft carrier".

That was the key they used to dominate the Asia-Pacific region, but now this unsinkable aircraft carrier has sunk, and their USS Washington aircraft carrier fleet, as well as countless fighter jets and soldiers have sunk with him.

This time their loss can be described as extremely huge.

However, Obama still doesn't know that the disaster in Guam was caused by Godzilla. Otherwise, the depression of lifting a rock and shooting himself in the foot would definitely make him vomit blood and die on the spot.

"Search and rescue with all our strength, we must minimize the loss!" Obama said after being silent for a long time, his face was extremely gloomy at this time, but the blow caused by this natural disaster left him with nowhere to vent his anger, so he could only Swallowed it into his stomach.

"Yes, Mr. President!"


The news about the earthquake and tsunami in Guam, USA, swept the world almost instantly, causing a huge shock. This disaster is also known as the most terrible earthquake and tsunami in history, and the losses and casualties it caused are unprecedented. Some remarks about the end of the world began to spread again, which also caused a lot of panic.

And because many of the victims of this natural disaster were tourists from various countries in the world, many countries lowered their flags at half-mast to express their condolences.

But for the Huaxia government, this disaster made them both sad and happy.

It is sad that many Chinese tourists died. Now the government has sent many rescue troops and search and rescue ships there to assist in the search and rescue, hoping that there will be a miracle.

And the happy thing is that this time God helped them to teach Mei Lijian a hard lesson, and even eliminated a huge threat from Huaxia in the Western Pacific.

Moreover, the fleet that Meilijian was planning to conduct a joint military exercise with Hijima also sank in the tsunami, which made them feel that God was helping them and slapped Meilijian hard.

It is estimated that American Lijian will stop for a while.

"It seems that God is helping us!" Li Guoqiang said with a smile that was not a smile. Although it seemed inhumane to gloat at this time, Li Guoqiang was really happy in his heart.

"The so-called people are doing what the sky is watching. If you do many injustices, you will die yourself. This time, Lao Mei has been punished. They want to hit our Huaxia idea. Before this first step is taken, I will break it first." One foot!" Xia Weiguo said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Xiaoxia, how is your communication with Lin Xuan going?" Li Guoqiang suddenly changed the subject. His ambition will never be dispelled because of this loss.

And precisely because they lost Guam and suffered heavy losses, they are more likely to seek benefits through war to make up for losses.

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