There is even a carrier-based E-2C "Eagle Eye" early warning aircraft in the air, which can be used to detect targets in advance and patrol at a distance of 100-150 kilometers from the aircraft carrier. The airborne early warning radar can detect and identify incoming aircraft 460 kilometers away. . An incoming missile at a distance of 270 kilometers can provide the aircraft carrier formation with an early warning time of more than 15 minutes.

Moreover, the E-2C "Hawkeye" early warning aircraft also serves as an air combat command center. Under its command, other attack carrier-based fighter jets can be deployed at a distance of 200 to 300 kilometers from the aircraft carrier formation, and an air patrol area can be established to make the ship Carrier aircraft defense zone can reach about 580 kilometers.

In this way, the carrier-based aircraft and the escorting cruisers, frigates, and submarines formed a battle group with the aircraft carrier as the core, and jointly established a large-depth, multi-level, and concentrated firepower offensive and defensive system.

However, because it is not a time of war, the aircraft carrier battle group did not maintain the highest alert state, and only early warning aircraft and some fighter jets patrolled in turn.

Gradually, the sun sank below the sea surface, and night covered the sea surface. Only the lights of the aircraft carrier battle group remained on the sea, and the distance was pitch black.

In the night sky, Lin Xuan, who was wearing a steel battle suit, flew across at high speed, chasing after the aircraft carrier fleet of the USS Bush.

"Sir, we are still 100 kilometers away from the USS Bush aircraft carrier. There are currently two "Hawkeye" early warning aircraft and four Hornet fighter attack aircraft patrolling in the sky, but we have not been spotted!" Jarvis kept asking Lin Xuan reported the situation.

Jarvis positioned the aircraft carrier battle group based on American military satellites and combat command systems. Even without the detection system of the battle armor itself, he could clearly lock their position, as well as the position and situation of each warship.

The advanced quantum radar and powerful stealth system equipped on the battle armor can easily lock any target within hundreds of kilometers without causing any detection by the opponent.

So at this time, the so-called most advanced radar, infrared and other advanced detection systems of American Lijian have become blind in front of Lin Xuan.

At this time, Lin Xuan had a deep understanding of the gap in strength brought about by the gap in technology.

It is not difficult to imagine that if an alien spacecraft visits the earth one day, we may not be able to detect it at all.When we see each other, they really have appeared before our eyes.

But the current self, to Mei Lijian, is that alien!

"Humph. Mei, I will send your most powerful aircraft carrier into the sea tonight!" Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly.


On the aircraft carrier USS Bush, a Hawkeye early warning aircraft and two Hornet fighter jets took off on the deck, and then disappeared into the night sky.

Shortly after.Another Hawkeye and two Hornets completed their patrol, flew back, and landed on the deck.

After the plane stopped, the three pilots got down from the cabin, then got together and walked towards the cabin together

"Phew - today's patrol mission is completed, and I can finally sleep!" One of the pilots yawned and said.

"Would you like a drink before bed, Sam!" another pilot said with a smile.

"That's a good idea. What about you, John? Do you want to join us?" the one called Sam patted the silent companion beside him and asked.

"Yeah!" The man nodded.

But just as the three of them were talking, a piercing sound suddenly came from above, and before they could react, a tall figure fell in front of them, making a crisp metal crash.

At the same time, a smiling voice came from the figure: "Hey, gentlemen, good evening!"

Seeing this sudden appearance, the three of them froze, borrowing the lights on the aircraft carrier.The three of them could see the figure clearly, their eyes widened suddenly, and shock appeared on their faces.

"Steel, Iron Man?" The three of them looked at the color in front of them in shock.The humanoid battle armor, which is almost exactly the same as Iron Man in the movie, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"I like this name very much!" A laughing voice came from the battle armor. At the same time, the battle armor raised its hands, and the arc pulse cannon on the palm hummed, shining brightly.The faces of the three people changed greatly when they saw this, and a sense of fear suddenly surged in their hearts, and they turned around and ran away immediately.

But their escaping speed couldn't compare to the attack speed of the arc pulse gun, so after hearing three "bang bang bang", the three of them were blown away one after another.

"The crazy moment has begun, Jarvis, let's play some explosive music!" Lin Xuan said with a smile. As soon as the words fell, the dynamic dance music sounded inside and outside the battle armor at the same time.

At the same time, the weapons on the shoulders and arms of the battle armor also rose one after another, and small rockets flew out in the rhythmic dance music, as if they had eyes, and shot at the surrounding fighter jets .

"Boom boom boom boom..."

A series of earth-shattering explosions completely shook the huge aircraft carrier, shattering the tranquility of the night, and the bursting flames also dyed the night red.

At the same time, piercing sirens sounded on the aircraft carrier, and the command center of the aircraft carrier exploded in an instant, with figures running back and forth, and various exclamations and noisy voices came and went.

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