Amos looked desperately at Lin Xuan who had broken through another security gate on the screen, and sat down on the chair. He never thought that one day they would be in a situation where they would abandon the ship and flee. Is the proud aircraft carrier USS Bush about to be abandoned like this?

"General, he is about to reach the nuclear power cabin, and we may not be able to leave if we don't leave!" The officers said anxiously.

"Go!" After a little silence, Amos made the most difficult decision in his life.

As soon as his words came out, everyone rushed out of the command center, followed the escape passage, and ran towards the cabin where the escape boat was located.


"Sir, break through this gate to enter the power cabin!" Jarvis reminded.

"En!" Lin Xuan raised his right hand, shot a laser from the back of his hand, cut a hole in the front gate, and jumped in.

After entering the power cabin, Lin Xuan quickly found the nuclear power reactor, and a playful smile appeared in his eyes.

"The climax of tonight's carnival can begin!"

smiled.Lin Xuan immediately took out a few remote-controlled bombs from the weapon backpack behind him, and attached them to the reactor.

"Jarvis! Maximize the power of the laser weapon!"

"Okay's done!"

"En!" Lin Xuan turned around and aimed the laser weapon at the side.Immediately start the laser weapon and shoot out an extremely dazzling laser beam.


The laser instantly penetrated the side wall.At the same time, it also penetrated the outer layer after layer of barriers, and finally directly penetrated the hull of the aircraft carrier.

Lin Xuan's arm slowly drew a circle in front of him, and the laser beam also cut a circular passage for him, leading to the outside of the hull.

"Sir, the energy is too low, please replace the Ark reactor immediately!" Jarvis reminded.

Without hesitation, Lin Xuan immediately took out the spare Ark reactor and replaced it, and then started the propeller.Fly out of the aircraft carrier from the circular channel.

At this time, the escort fleet of the aircraft carrier had received the evacuation order and quickly moved away from the aircraft carrier, leaving only one warship to meet Amos and others.

And Amos and other officers also took the escape speedboat and quickly drove towards the battleship that responded to them, but seeing that the battleship was right in front of them, suddenly there was a sharp sound of piercing the air, and several satellite missiles flew in an inconceivable manner. The speed flew over.

Seeing this, the faces of Amos and others on the speedboat changed drastically, they opened their mouths but could not make a second...

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Groups of fireballs exploded on the sea surface, and the speedboats that were traveling at high speed were instantly blown to pieces.

"Hmph, still want to escape?" Lin Xuan who just flew out of the aircraft carrier's hull sneered.Immediately and quickly flew to the distance, at the same time, Jarvis also detonated the remote control bomb.

"Boom boom boom-"

The remote-controlled bomb was detonated, and immediately exploded the nuclear reactor. The powerful nuclear energy was like the explosion of an atomic bomb, releasing extremely terrifying power, instantly disintegrating the huge aircraft carrier, and the flames rushed into the dark night sky with mushroom clouds, dyed red. half of the sky.The powerful shock wave swept across the surroundings in an instant.


far away.On the air defense cruiser that responded to Amos and others, after seeing the escape speedboat being blown up.Those soldiers and officers were shocked, but they had not had time to grieve.He was stunned by the explosion of the aircraft carrier.

But before they could react, a strong shock wave had already swept in, almost knocking their battleship over.

Then, countless fragments of fire rained down from the sky, hitting their hull one after another, like cannonballs, bombarding the hull, making a booming sound.

"Quick retreat..." the captain of the battleship shouted in horror. Although their battleship was very strong, the fragments that exploded at an extremely fast speed were enough to sink their battleship.

But at this moment, a dazzling beam of light suddenly bloomed in the night sky, like a crack in space, quickly cut off the air defense cruiser that was about to escape, and tore it apart, and the entire hull collapsed in the middle.


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