So once the virus is released, most of the humans in this world will die, and even if they survive, they may have to fight and die with those mutated humans.

In this way, perhaps less than [-]% of human beings can survive in the end, which fully meets the purpose of his New Era plan, and the part of the surviving people basically has the best genes and has completed genetic evolution of new humans.

Of course, there will also be a part of the survival quota left by their organization in the plan.

However, although Stern has developed the natural selection virus, he has not yet developed the antibody to the virus. In addition, the whole plan is of great importance, and he still needs to make some detailed preparations.

That's why he hasn't started to implement the plan. After all, he himself is not sure whether he will undergo a benign mutation or a malignant mutation under the infection of this virus.

But if you can't develop antibodies for a long time, you can only use other methods, such as conducting experiments on your own clones first to see the results of the experiments. If the results are good, you can accept the virus infection.

If the result is a malignant mutation, then I can only give up the virus to allow myself to undergo genetic evolution.

And he can only enter the survival base they prepared for the "New Era Project" together with other members of the organization, where they can avoid the infection of the virus, and wait until a year later when all the vicious mutants are all dead and the rest of the human race completes evolution, they will then Come out for a new era.

But before that, he still needs to cultivate benign mutant test subjects from his own organization members, and after their plan is implemented, they will serve as the contact and communication medium between their survival base and the outside world.

And after the arrival of the New Era, they will be able to assist their organization to grow rapidly, and then control the entire human society, and establish a unified and developed human civilization.


Chapter 261 Mission Impossible

The situation in Huaxia and Nanhai continued to ferment. Faced with Huaxia's strong condemnation, as well as demands for the release of hostages, apology and compensation, Fei Lubin turned a deaf ear to it and did not make any response. , The news of the Malay-National Joint Military Exercise. ?·

The Nanyue Kingdom has also continued to gather troops near the Nansha Islands. It is said that it is a joint military exercise. In fact, everyone can guess that it is used to deal with wars that may come at any time.

As for Malaysia, the opening of oil tenders did not stop because of Huaxia's condemnation. Obviously, this time it was going to anger Huaxia, or force Huaxia to back down, and to make enough profits again with this rogue method.

However, the behavior of these three countries completely angered the Huaxia government. The Huaxia military dialect made a fierce counterattack and condemned, and issued an ultimatum and warning to the provocations and infringements of the three countries, demanding that they immediately stop all attacks on Huaxia. Territorial violations require the Philippines to respond to the incident of colliding with and overturning the fishing boat within three days, otherwise China will not rule out taking military action against any country that violates China.

At the same time, the Huaxia military also began to secretly prepare for war. A large number of naval forces have gathered in Nanhai, and major military regions have also begun to mobilize troops to the coastal areas of Nanhai. Few people began to worry.

"It seems that Huaxia is really going to make a serious move this time!" After hearing the latest information reported by Jarvis, Lin Xuan said in surprise.

Although he had expected Huaxia to take this step before, he was still surprised and a little nervous when he heard the news now.

After all, he was also born in a peaceful age, he didn't want to see war, and he was a little afraid of war.

But now he also knows that for a country, especially China, sometimes a war is needed to consolidate China's position in the world.To prove the power of China, the so-called good people are bullied, and good horses are ridden by others.

China's concessions over the years have resulted in the pressing of the Western powers.The surrounding evil neighbors are making progress, so China needs a victory to revive the country's prestige and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"These three jumping beam clowns are really determined to hit the stone with an egg. I really don't know what kind of benefits Obama promised them, and let them work so hard!" Lin Xuan shook his head.Said secretly contemptuously.

He is well aware of China's military strength today, and has many weapon materials that he has provided before, such as high-pitched weapons and aircraft that can reach 22 times the sonic intensity, new sonar jamming and electronic jamming weapons, super alloy materials, new nano-wave absorbing materials, China's current military strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

According to Lin Xuan's understanding, Huaxia has successfully developed the world's fastest missiles and fighter jets, the best sonar jamming warships and electronic jamming aircraft based on these materials, and the reconnaissance plane that uses the most advanced wave-absorbing materials and fighter jets. ·

And many warships, armored vehicles, military aircraft, etc. have all applied that level of alloy materials.Recently, many weapons have just been developed and have applied intelligent programs, initially possessing the ability of intelligent weapons.

So once the two sides go to war, these three small countries are definitely not China's opponents.

Even if American Lijian's military technology is not weaker than China's, how can they provide all their best weapons to these three small countries?

Obviously impossible!

As for why these three small countries danced so happily, and even dared to hit a stone with an egg, it was not difficult for Lin Xuan to guess the reason after careful consideration.

Everything is nothing more than two words - interest!

These three countries are different from European countries. European countries themselves are very powerful. If they do not have very large interests, they will never easily provoke wars to consume their own strength and economy.Not to mention playing this kind of jumping clown.

But Nanyue, Malay, and Philippines are different. They are not strong in themselves, and they can even be said to be weak, and they don't care about the losses and impact of the war.

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