"That's right!" Chief No. [-] nodded affirmatively, and then explained his reasons in detail.

If Huaxia wants to take military action, it will inevitably cause panic among the domestic people, and even allow some criminals to take the opportunity to confuse people's hearts, shake people's beliefs, and cause unnecessary turmoil.

Therefore, in addition to stabilizing people's hearts through the victory of the first military strike, Huaxia also needs Lin Xuan, a superhero who has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.As a spiritual leader, come to bring psychological comfort and spiritual sustenance to the Chinese people on the spiritual level.To stabilize people's hearts, Lin Xuan's heroic image can also be used to generate a kind of cohesion and appeal.

You must know that the so-called "spiritual leader" is someone who can give people spiritual inspiration.A person who can lead people's spiritual development in a certain direction.

This is a man whose theories of thought dominate the mind for an entire period, and whose words or intentions can make you jump for joy or jump through fire and water.

Generally, in every turbulent period, a country needs spiritual leaders to stabilize people's hearts, lead people's spiritual direction, and unite people's hearts.

And this important task is often undertaken by the country's top leaders.

But now China is facing a powerful enemy like the United States, as well as many countries that are allies with the United States. China will be outnumbered, and the United States has long been in the world.Even the image of hegemony established in the hearts of Chinese soldiers and civilians will inevitably make many Chinese soldiers and civilians fear.

Therefore, to boost morale at this time, unite the beliefs of the army and the people, and unite as one, a national leader is obviously not enough. They also need a powerful existence that is strong enough to be able to challenge Meilijian alone. The backing in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians is their hope of seeing victory.

And this person, I am afraid that Lin Xuan is the only one in the world.There is no second person to be found.

You know, Lin Xuan's performance all the time has caused many people to regard him as a Chinese superhero and a kind of spiritual sustenance.As it exists like a god.

That's why Chief No. [-] decided to hand over such an important title and responsibility to Lin Xuan this time.

If he is made into the spiritual leader of Huaxia, it must be the best choice.This is like the fictional image of Captain America in American movies.

The influence of Captain America in the movie on the spiritual level of the American people and the significance of national cohesion.He has already surpassed his own superpowers.

And this is also similar to a belief, which is why ancient religious groups were able to run amok for a while.These are all spiritual forces.

Just imagine, if the army has always been full of the belief of victory and has no fear, then the power erupted by the unity of one heart and one will will be very powerful.

If it is because of fear and lack of confidence, then how to fight against the powerful American Lijian, and how to stabilize people's hearts, so that even if China is in a war period, the country can still be relatively stable, and there will be no turmoil due to panic.

"Spiritual leader?" Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat after hearing what Chief No. [-] said, and he suddenly thought of a way to complete the task.

That is to become the spiritual leader of all mankind. If you become the spiritual leader of all mankind, or become the spiritual leader of most of mankind, then it may be possible to unify all mankind. Of course, you must do what the system says There is obviously still a long way to go to establish a unified social system and political civilization system, but at least Lin Xuan has found a clue and a breakthrough to complete the task.

"Lin Xuan, I know the burden of being a spiritual leader is not light, but the country really needs your help now, and I hope you can stand up at this time!" Chief No. [-] said very sincerely.

"The country needs me, how can I back down, Chairman, I agree with your request, and this time I will help you fight against the United States, I believe that the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation is definitely just around the corner!" Lin Xuan said with firm eyes , The words are sonorous and powerful, beyond doubt.

"Okay!" A smile appeared on the face of Chief No. [-], and he said with a little excitement, "You are indeed our hero in China, Lin Xuan. This time it is up to you to unite the hearts of the people and strengthen the belief of our soldiers and civilians in China!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and said with extremely firm eyes.

"Well, in addition, Lin Xuan, if possible, I hope to connect the Avengers and the person who bombed the Bush aircraft carrier with you through informal channels such as the Internet. This will make your strength more intuitive. If you are seen by the public, you will be more convinced of your power!" Chief No. [-] suddenly changed the topic.

"Hehe, of course!" Lin Xuan smiled. He was the one who did these things. Naturally, he didn't mind the head of the No. [-] publicizing it, not to mention blowing up the American aircraft carrier. A good thing to praise.

But after all, this kind of thing is illegal and disgraceful internationally.The Huaxia government cannot publicize it through informal channels.

However, promoting through informal channels such as the Internet can still achieve the same effect.In this way, Lin Xuan's status and strength in the hearts of the people.Naturally, a rising tide lifts all boats.

Being able to eliminate the most powerful weapon and military force of Mei Lijian with one person, such a strong man and the Huaxia military will join forces to fight against foreign enemies will definitely give Huaxia soldiers and civilians a reassurance. I believe that Huaxia can survive this battle. Win the battle.This will also help the Huaxia government stabilize people's hearts and the domestic situation.


The problem in the Nanhai Sea is still fermenting, and with the start of the joint military exercise in the Nansha Islands waters of the Philippines, Nanyue, and Malay, a shadow of war has begun to hang over China and the Philippines, Nanyue, and Malay. In Malay and other countries, the people of various countries began to panic and uneasiness, and many people even began to hold anti-war demonstrations.In particular, the anti-war voices of the people in the Philippines and Malays were the highest.

But there are also many people who support the war, especially some people in China who are outraged by the incident of the Philippine donkey coast crashing and capsizing the fishing boat.

Of course, for more people, war is a frightening thing, but many people do not believe, and do not want to believe that war will really come.

Facing the Philippines and South Vietnam that seemed determined to intensify the conflict, the Chinese government continued to issue statements and condemnation internationally, while stepping up military deployments in the South China Sea and borders with other countries.

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