However, even so, the Philippine Lubin still fell into this end, so if China launches an attack on them next, they will definitely follow in the footsteps of the Philippine Lubin.

For a while, the people of South Vietnam and Malay became panicked, and various anti-war voices arose, urging their national leaders to stop their hostility to China and immediately engage in peaceful diplomacy.

The American allies in Europe also held their own meetings to discuss China's military action and evaluate China's military strength. For the first time, the leaders of the major developed countries deeply and truly felt the deterrence from the Eastern Dragon. .

The leaders of the South Vietnamese and Malay countries were also completely panicked. On the one hand, they were busy dealing with the anti-war voices in their own countries and appeasing the restless people. On the other hand, they were busy contacting the American government, asking for help, and asking Why did the US missile defense system fail to protect the Philippines?


Chapter 264 Plan B

In the American White House, Obama's face was gloomy and frightening, and Carter on the side was also feeling bitter. Ever since Lin Xuan, an outlier, appeared on Obama's face with such an expression, he had already lost count. forgetting that the president used to be a funny man

"Lin Xuan really teamed up with Huaxia. How did this bastard paralyze our missile defense system again? Hasn't our system upgrade been completed yet?" After a long silence, Obama said bitterly.

"Mr. President, we have already completed the upgrade of all military systems, but at present, it is not our upgrade problem. I am afraid we have no way to prevent Lin Xuan from invading our informationized combat system!" Carter said helplessly, Now he is completely convinced by Lin Xuan.

He is almost pervasive, as long as there are information and communication networks, he will be pervasive. This makes Carter very worried. Will the army of intelligent robots they build be controlled by Lin Xuan one day? They made a wedding dress.

If an army of five million robots falls into the hands of the enemy, it will be a real nightmare and disaster for them.

"Damn bastard——" Obama was so angry that he smashed his fist on the table, then calmed down secretly, and then spoke a little calmer, and said: "Forget it, he won't live for a few more days, just get rid of him, All hidden dangers are gone!"

"Mr. President, is everything going well with our plan b?" Carter asked, although he didn't know what the plan b said by Mr. President, and their Ministry of Defense, Security Agency, and CIA have not received any secret missions. Action, obviously this time the degree of secrecy is at the highest level, but it should also be the most secure.

"Well, it went well. My people should be able to act today!" Omaba said in a deep voice, but there was a slight glimmer of coldness in his eyes.


On China's side, the victory over the Philippines in the First World War inspired the whole country, and countless patriots applauded and shouted China's mighty power.Many people who were originally worried were also full of confidence in Huaxia.Lin Xuan, who teamed up with Huaxia this time and paralyzed the American missile defense system, naturally contributed a lot, and once again became a hero in the hearts of countless people.

However, many people also know that this battle is not the end, but the beginning. Next, China will inevitably face the sanctions of the UN Security Council, as well as the attack of the sanctimonious American-American coalition forces that are used to maintaining justice and peace.

But fortunately, there is still Lin Xuan who can do it alone.The most powerful military force in the battle against the United States - the strong existence of the aircraft carrier battle group, everyone has a little more confidence in their hearts, not to mention the strong military strength displayed by China in this battle against the Philippines, which has also attracted countless people's attention. When Huaxia became really strong, it really had the power to challenge Meilijian.

Internationally, the UN Security Council also condemned Huaxia's military action and urgently convened a UN meeting, but did not invite Huaxia representatives.

At the meeting, American Lijian proceeded according to their plan.He began to advocate the China threat theory, and began to slander and exaggerate the illegality and inhumanity of China's military operation.Call on the United Nations to sanction and strike against China, and take military action.

But this time, America's allies in Europe expressed objections. They believed that although Huaxia's behavior was illegal, it was not enough to use force to sanction it, and peaceful means could be used.So they refused to participate in the military action proposed by the United States.

The U.S. side sees that the European Union and other countries are due to China's strong military strength this time, so they don't plan to take this muddy water. Say nothing, so they ask the Security Council for authorization.On behalf of the United Nations, their country will take military action against China to maintain justice and peace.

In the end, the Security Council authorized it, and Hijima also chose to join it.


On a grassland in the west of Huaxia, it is far away from the tense area, so the haze and atmosphere of the war can't be felt at all.

The blue sky, white clouds, horses, and grasslands are all so comfortable and peaceful, so free and open.

On the prairie, Lin Xue and her boyfriend were galloping on the same steed, and bursts of laughter echoed on the green grassland. This is the second stop for Lin Xue and her boyfriend Chen Qiao to travel. Lin Xue has always liked the place - the Nalati Grassland.

"It's so beautiful here!" Lin Xue, who was sitting in front of Chen Qiao, opened her arms and cheered. She was completely immersed in the beauty of nature, and she didn't notice that there was an off-road vehicle following behind.

On the other hand, Chen Qiao's handsome face had a preoccupied look, her brows were furrowed and she didn't know what she was thinking.He looked back, and the two bodyguards who were also riding on horses [-] meters behind him looked at the off-road vehicle not far away, and there was a trace of undetectable cunning in their eyes.

The steed galloped for a while, and a meandering river appeared in front of it. There was also a car beside that river. Chen Qiao pulled the rein of the horse, and the horse's hooves slowed down, and then walked along the clear mirror-like river.

But at this moment, a man stood up from the sunroof of the off-road vehicle parked by the river, with a bazooka on his shoulder, and immediately aimed at the off-road vehicle following Lin Xue.


A rocket was shot out in an instant, and rushed to the off-road vehicle in the blink of an eye, but with a bang, the off-road vehicle was directly blown to pieces. Although the people inside jumped out of the car at an emergency, they were still caught by the flames of the explosion. devour.

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