"Could it be that the nuclear bomb really didn't kill him!" Carter thumped in his heart. He thought of Lin Xue's escape and their initial guess, and couldn't help but feel even more worried.

If Lin Xuan is really still alive, then this will be even worse for Mei Lijian.

Their president was killed, but Lin Xuan, a huge threat, came back to life. This is undoubtedly double bad news.

But Carter really couldn't believe that they could bring Lin Xuan back to life after seeing Lin Xuan who was killed by the nuclear bomb.

So Carter still had a little luck in his heart, hoping that Lin Xuan didn't do all this, and that Lin Xuan was dead, but what bombed the presidential plane?

Carter couldn't figure it out.

After a long time, while Carter and countless American government officials and military officers waited nervously, the black box of the presidential plane was brought back and immediately sent to relevant departments for cracking.

Just wait for the black box to be cracked, and all doubts will come to fruition.



Chapter 271

Pay attention to get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not snatched red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their skills this time.

Inside the Pentagon, Carter and other American defense officers were waiting in the black box deciphering room, nervously waiting for the staff to interpret the data in several black boxes.

There are two black boxes on the plane, namely the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder.

Among them, the cockpit voice recorder, as the name suggests, is to record the voice conversation half an hour before the plane stopped working or crashed.

The flight data recorder can be connected with sensors in various mechanical parts and electronic instruments of the aircraft.It can record the flight altitude, speed, heading, rate of climb, rate of descent, acceleration, fuel consumption, retraction of the landing gear, Greenwich Mean Time, as well as flight parameters such as aircraft system operating conditions and engine operating parameters two hours before the accident. record it.

When necessary, decode the recorded content for flight experiments and accident analysis.

After a long time, while Carter and the others waited anxiously, the data from the black box of the cockpit voice recorder was first deciphered.

Carter and the others gathered together immediately, listening nervously to the deciphered dialogue. The staff played the voice dialogue from about ten minutes before the plane crashed.

The two drivers only chatted occasionally, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Until about three or four minutes before the accident, a loud noise completely broke all the tranquility, and the two pilots also let out an exclamation, followed by a huge wind.

It sounded like the cab's windshield was shattered.

"It seems that something smashed the windshield?" A staff member said in surprise.

Everyone gasped, what could it be, it could be smashed into pieces, the windshield glass that even bullets can hardly penetrate.

But before everyone came back to their senses, there was another loud crash in the voice.I don't know what happened again, and because the whole sound is the noise of whistling air.So it is difficult to distinguish some subtle sounds.

However, amidst the howling wind, the terrified shouts and conversations of the two drivers could barely be heard.

"That was... Iron Man?"

"I don't know. Notify the command center, York!"

"Damn, our communication equipment is not working!"

"Brin, I, I can't breathe, slow down and fly!"

Hearing this, Carter and the others turned ugly, although they didn't see the image.However, through the dialogue between the two pilots, they can roughly confirm that the presidential plane was not an accident, but was indeed attacked.

And the attacker seems to be Iron Man?

Thinking of the word "Iron Man", Carter and several other officers felt terrified, looked at each other with ugly faces, and the same name—Lin Xuan, and the humanoid power armor that had blown up their aircraft carrier Bush immediately appeared in their minds.

"It's him! He's really not dead!" Carter felt his head buzzing, and what he was most worried about happened. Lin Xuan really did all of this.He blew up the presidential plane, has his revenge begun?

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