There are more than 38 military bases in Korea, but [-] of them are army bases, and this is one of them.

In an office on the base, General Casey, the Army general, was having a video call with Carter, Secretary of Defense of the United States.Reporting on the battle situation in Japan and the latest developments in China.

"That's the situation. I'm sorry Mr. Carter. The current situation in Rijima is indeed not good for us!" Casey said with a distressed expression.

"Hmm!" Carter frowned, his face sank like water, and after a little silence, he said, "I'm not most worried about today's island. What I'm most worried about now is that Huaxia is likely to attack our Korean island in the next few days." base!"

"Well, I'm worried too!" Casey said with a serious expression.

"That Lin Xuan is completely from Modern Warfare..."

Before Carter finished speaking, the entire office was suddenly plunged into darkness.Even the fire emergency lights did not emit a glimmer of light.

Casey's complexion changed drastically, and his heart trembled. The endless darkness would have caused inexplicable panic, not to mention that Casey knew very well what the coming of darkness meant.

"My God, he's really here!" Casey felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and his back felt cold.A shadow of death hangs over.

He immediately tried to use the communication equipment on his body, and sure enough, the communication equipment had been damaged just like the previous day on the island.

"Evacuation, we must evacuate from the base as soon as possible!" Casey murmured to himself in panic, the fear of Lin Xuan had already made it difficult for him to keep calm at this time.

And he knows it.After the power outage, Huaxia's missiles and air force will come over. Without any defensive weapons, they have no ability to resist at all, so the only way is to evacuate the base as soon as possible to avoid Huaxia's strategic strikes to reduce unnecessary sacrifice.

Just rushed out of the office.Casey heard exclamations and commotions in the corridor, and several officers were using kerosene lighters to barely illuminate the surroundings by the door.

"Is General Casey that Lin Xuan..." Seeing Casey rushing out, the officers beside the door said in panic.

"Notify everyone immediately, and evacuate the base as soon as possible!" Casey didn't say much nonsense, and quickly gave the order to evacuate, and immediately took out a lighter, and ran towards the outside of the base with the faint light.

Soon, the American soldiers who had been resting in various barracks or keeping watch at night poured out from everywhere and gathered in the open space outside the base.

At this time, there is still moonlight outside, and many people have lit torches with gasoline, so the light has been restored here.

After everyone had assembled, Casey and the officers immediately led the crowd to retreat outside the base.

But just when they had just evacuated to three kilometers away, a huge explosion came from behind them. When they looked back, they saw that in the distance, their base had been engulfed in flames.

"Speed ​​up!" Casey, with an ugly face, gave the order again, and everyone ran as hard as they could.

But not long after, the roar of fighter jets came from the sky, and everyone was shocked, and immediately instinctively crawled down, or found a bunker around to hide, hoping to avoid the eyes of the Huaxia Air Force.

But it is clear that the reality is often cruel. Huaxia's air force discovered them and immediately launched a fierce attack.

"Da da da……"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The stream of bullets from the heavy machine gun fell like raindrops, and rockets continued to fly from the air, falling towards the positions of the American soldiers with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

boom boom boom boom...

One group after another of flames exploded among the American soldiers, and there were screams and wailing everywhere. The American soldiers fled in panic, and some American soldiers also tried to fight back with machine guns. The scene was extremely chaotic.

"Fire, fire!" The officers shouted desperately, "The fifth brigade takes cover, and the others immediately retreat to the woods over there!"


Carter stood in front of the computer screen, looking at the screen that displayed "signal interruption", his head was buzzing, and he knew very well that the thing he was most worried about still happened.

Lin Xuan and the Chinese army should have used the same method to attack their military base on Han Island.

"Bastard!" Carter was so angry that he slammed his fist heavily on the table. There was a rage in his heart that he had nowhere to vent. It felt so aggrieved.Extremely depressed.

Over the past few years, in their foreign wars, they have always been suppressed and beaten. When did they become so passive?

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