However, just as Yuan Fuzhong and the others rushed out of the house and were about to board the car, a trail of light streaked across the night sky and fell at an incredible speed, causing a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

For a moment, Yuan Fuzhong and the others were completely stunned, with their mouths half-opened but unable to make a sound.

next second...

"Boom—" The missile landed on the house impartially, and the huge explosive force instantly razed the place to the ground, and everyone present was spared.

Yuan swelled to death and never thought that the missiles that hit them did not come from China, but from their backer, Meilijian.

boom boom boom boom...

Huge explosions continued to explode everywhere in South Vietnam, completely shattering this quiet night. At the same time, the Malay, Tai and other countries that once provoked China and were colluding with the United States and Lijian also all suffered the same blow.

In the command center of the American Ministry of National Defense, Carter had just returned to his office from the command center, ready to wait for the good news that their missiles had successfully struck China.

But before he could sit still, there was a sudden exclamation from outside the door: "Mr. Carter is not good, our missile flight trajectory is abnormal!"

Then, I saw an officer rushing in with a panicked look on his face.

"What?" Carter stood up suddenly, looking at the officer who rushed in in surprise.

"Mr. Carter, I don't know why the intercontinental missiles we launched fell on countries such as South Vietnam, Malay, and Tai!" The officer said in a panic.



Chapter 284 Lin Xuan is Terrible

"What did you say?" Carter grabbed the officer by the collar and shouted angrily, "How could this be? Isn't our missiles all manually input the target data? How could there be errors!"

"Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Cartoon, I don't know, we did enter the accurate data manually, and our missiles also use inertial guidance!" The officer explained with an ugly face, "But for some reason, none of our missiles According to our data, it flew into the territory of China, and what's even more weird is that all the missiles landed on our garrison bases, as well as the military bases and important political center cities of these countries. We suspect that it may be possible Lin Xuan moved his hands and feet again!"

"How is this possible!" Carter felt his head buzzing and went blank. This news was no less than the news that he had heard that their aircraft carriers Kennedy and Ford had been blown up. ≧ net

Another plan of their attack on China failed, and what is ridiculous is that they used their own weapons to blow up their own military bases and the political centers of their allies. It will be an indelible scandal.

And what makes Carter feel weird is that Lin Xuan shouldn't be attacking Han Dao with Huaxia?How could he have the time to hack into their system and do tricks.

Moreover, they did not use automated control to launch the missiles just now, but manually entered the coordinate data of the target for each missile to prevent Lin Xuan from using the network to intrude.

Moreover, the guidance of their intercontinental missiles originally used a combination of multiple guidance methods such as radio, inertial, astronomical, and satellite, but in order to prevent Lin Xuan, the new batch of high-pitched missiles they newly produced only used inertial guidance.

The so-called inertial guidance is the electronic system of the missile itself. According to the data provided by the gyroscope for measuring the angular motion parameters and the accelerometer for measuring the acceleration of the translational motion, the calculation is performed by the computer, and then the control command is issued and directly sent to the actuator. , control the flight attitude of the missile, control the direction, size and action time of the thrust of the engine, and then guide the missile to the target area to complete the strike.

Therefore, before they launch the missile, they input the coordinate data of the strike target early in the morning, and then the missile is launched into the air, and the flight will be automatically adjusted according to these data.

It is almost impossible for Lin Xuan to use the method of network intrusion to change the flight trajectory of the missile and change the target of the missile.

But why did their own missiles blow up their own military bases and the political centers of their allies?

Carter really couldn't figure it out. If the calculation of their missile system was wrong, it would be a miss at most. But the reality now is that someone controlled their missiles and changed the target.

"How did this Lin Xuan do it?" The more Carter thought about it, the more creepy he felt. This Lin Xuan was so terrifying that it was unbelievable. His abilities kept surpassing their cognition. Carter was not even clear now. Where is the bottom line of Xuan's ability?

He even thought that if Lin Xuan was willing, he alone would be enough to turn the whole world upside down, and even one person would be enough to shake their entire beauty.

In fact, as Carter guessed, these missiles were indeed tampered with, but none of this was done by Lin Xuan, but by Jarvis 2 lurking in their military network and combat system.

Moreover, Jarvis hacked and modified the internal computers of those missiles through the military network as early as when the United States was manufacturing those new high-pitched missiles. Therefore, no matter what data the United States enters into the missiles, the missiles will follow Jia Weiss 2, the target set early in the morning, launched a strike.

And those targets are exactly the dog-legged countries of the United States in southern China and their military bases.

"Immediately order to stop all missile launches!" Carter, who recovered from the shock, quickly issued an order. He is not sure where the next missiles will hit. If it hits their local military base And the political center is really sad.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away!" The officer nodded repeatedly, and immediately turned around and ran out of the office. nothing.

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