"Yes, General!" replied a soldier.

"General, he doesn't seem to be going to the power cabin, he seems to be walking towards us!" Another soldier suddenly exclaimed.

As soon as his words came out, everyone's hearts trembled, and their complexions became even more ugly. When everyone looked carefully, it seemed that Lin Xuan was really walking towards them.

"No, he, he didn't want to blow up the aircraft carrier!" Price suddenly exclaimed. He was still wondering why Lin Xuan didn't directly break through the hull and enter the power compartment like the last time he attacked the USS Kennedy.

I thought that Lin Xuan was worried that they installed defensive weapons there, but at this moment, it seems that Lin Xuan did not come to bomb the aircraft carrier, but to...

"He's here to grab the aircraft carrier!" Price's complexion changed drastically, and his words made everyone even more emotional. If Lin Xuan came to grab the aircraft carrier, he would never let anyone on board go. , including them.

"Retreat, everyone retreats quickly, let's leave the aircraft carrier!" General Price, who was a little panicked, shouted.

Although he is not a cowardly person who shoots to death, when facing Lin Xuan, he still has no guts and courage at all, and he knows very well that they have no way to stop Lin Xuan. There is a silver lining.

So General Na Price immediately rushed out of the command center with other officers, and quickly ran towards the escape cabin.


When Lin Xuan came to the command center, there was no one there, and there was also no one in the cockpit connected to the command center. Lin Xuan smiled, secretly thinking that these people must have guessed his intentions, so they all ran away up.

But Lin Xuan didn't care, he was here to grab the aircraft carrier, since the opponent retreated without a fight, he would save himself trouble, and after the aircraft carrier fell into his hands, would those people really be able to escape?

"Jarvis, how is your side?" Lin Xuan sat down casually in front of a console, and then asked through his communicator.

"Sir, the aircraft carrier Enterprise is already under my control, and the New Century will be under my control soon!" Jarvis replied.

"Very good! My side has already succeeded! You immediately control the Enterprise and set sail, return to Huaxia!"

"Okay sir, by the way sir, in order to prevent us from blowing up the nuclear reactor, they sank the nuclear reactor under the sea surface, you can retrieve the nuclear reactor through the console!" Jarvis reminded.

"Well, I got it!" Lin Xuan responded, and immediately glanced at the console, and immediately found the control area that seemed to be used to control the nuclear reactor.

Looking at the control area, Lin Xuan immediately started to operate.

Soon, the display screen indicated that the nuclear reactor had returned to the nuclear power reactor, and the installation was completed, and the nuclear power reactor started up again.

"It's ok, let's go back!" Lin Xuan said with a smile to himself.

At this time, Jarvis' voice came from the communicator: "Sir, the New Century has also been obtained, and we will start sailing immediately!"

"Well, you drive the New Century to the Enterprise first, and I'll meet you right there!"

"Okay, sir!"

After finishing the call with Jarvis, Lin Xuan immediately controlled the aircraft carrier for automatic navigation, and the target was the Enterprise located fifty nautical miles away.

Later, Lin Xuan checked the various areas inside the aircraft carrier through the surveillance cameras, and found that most of the people on the aircraft carrier had escaped, but some soldiers were still hiding in various corners, at a loss, or did not know what to do with the aircraft carrier. Has fallen.

Lin Xuan ignored those people. After all, as soon as the aircraft carrier arrived in Huaxia, they would naturally become prisoners.

As for those American soldiers who had already taken the escape boat and left the aircraft carrier, Lin Xuan did not intend to let them go. He controlled the missile system on the aircraft carrier, immediately locked on the Anxie escape boat, and then fired the carrier-borne missile, directly killing the escaped boat. The boat was blown to ashes.

After finishing all this, Lin Xuan sat in the cockpit leisurely and called Xia Weiguo.

"Hey, Kobayashi!"

"Hehe, Minister Xia, the aircraft carrier has already been obtained, and it is now sailing back to Huaxia, please arrange a port of call for me!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"What!" Xia Weiguo exclaimed, "You, you already got the aircraft carrier? So fast!"

"Hehe, that's right, America's latest three aircraft carriers, the USS Enterprise, the USS Obama and the New Century, have fulfilled what I promised, and you should discuss it with the chairman as soon as possible to formulate a plan to attack America! "

"Okay, okay, Lin Xuan did a great job!" Xia Weiguo's voice trembled with excitement, "You've done a great job again this time, haha, wait for my call, and I'll arrange a port of call for you right away!"

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