"Yi Yitian, are you okay?" Li Yitian's friend came back to his senses, rushed over to help Li Yitian, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, Dongzi, let's go!" Li Tiantian was a little panicked, and hurriedly dragged Dongzi back to the car, and then drove away from the restaurant.

"What happened just now?" Dongzi asked a little puzzled. How did Li Yitian, who was so arrogant and domineering, lose his temper at all when facing that person just now, and even frightened him like that? Who is that person? .

"Damn it, I ran into Lin Xuan!" Li Yitian said with lingering fear.

"What? Lin Xuan? That Lin Xuan!" Dongzi was also taken aback, and immediately understood why Li Yitian flew upside down by himself just now, "Oh my god, it turned out to be him, but that person didn't look like that just now! "

"Well, it doesn't look like it, but I'm sure it must be him, and now that I think about it, his appearance is actually somewhat similar to Lin Xuan. I guess he was afraid that others would recognize him, so he did it. Some camouflage, don’t forget, he is not an ordinary person, it is said that he seems to be able to change his appearance-damn, it’s so fucking scary, I just called him a kid and scolded him!” Li Yitian thought more and more I was afraid, and even more worried that Lin Xuan would not be the kind of narrow-minded person who would take revenge on himself later, it would be miserable.

"I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who dare to call Lin Xuan boy face to face, and you are also the first person!" Dongzi suddenly joked.

"You're still talking sarcastic words at this time, and I'm afraid that he will hold grudges in his heart and take revenge on me!" Li Yitian said worriedly.

"It's not possible, but it really can't, you can find a chance to accompany him later, right?"

"Hey—let's go home and talk to my dad! Maybe Lin Xuan will save face if he comes forward!"



In the western restaurant, Lin Xuan had long forgotten the episode just now. There are not many things in the world that can make him feel emotionally disturbed. .

The environment of the western restaurant where Xia Xin and Lin Xuan ate was very good, and Xia Xin booked a private room. After all, Xia Xin also knew that Lin Xuan's status was special now, so it was not good to be exposed too much to the public.

After the two came to the private room, they casually ordered some special dishes, and Xia Xin also ordered a bottle of red wine.

Soon the same dishes were served, and Lin Xuan and Xia Xin chatted while drinking red wine and eating their meals.

But because the two haven't seen each other for a long time, they couldn't find anything to talk about at first, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward, so the two could only eat and drink red wine to relieve the embarrassment.

But maybe it was the stimulation of alcohol that made the two of them gradually open up the chatter box. From some things in school, they talked about Lin Xuan starting a company later, and finally they talked about the war between Huaxia and Meilijian.

Although Xia Xin is not a fan of military affairs and rarely cares about national affairs, she is very interested in this war, especially that Lin Xuan participated in this war, and it was Lin Xuan who told the story.

So Xia Xin was just like when she was in the woods at school, listening to Lin Xuan telling herself interesting stories about his childhood, listening to Lin Xuan's story with relish, and Xia Xin seemed to have found the feeling of getting along with Lin Xuan back then , so natural, so warm, so comfortable, as if there were only the two of them left in this world, as if time was stuck at this moment.

Just like that, before they knew it, the two of them drank up a bottle of red wine, but the two of them talked more and more, as if they could never finish talking.

"Add another bottle of red wine!" After chatting for a while, Xia Xin said suddenly.

"If you drink any more, you'll get drunk!" Lin Xuan said looking at Xia Xin whose cheeks were flushed and her eyes were slightly blurred.

"It's okay, I'm happy today. Besides, if I get drunk later, you can take me home. Here, here is my house key. I live in Room 19o3, Building 1, Prosperous Community!" Xia Xin He said with a smile, and then threw the house key and car key to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan smiled and didn't interrupt Xia Xin's interest.

Xia Xin called the waiter and ordered another bottle of red wine.

But just after drinking half of the second bottle of red wine, Xia Xin was already very drunk, her cheeks were flushed like red apples, and her eyes were blurred but full of charm. I have to say that she is good-looking, She looks good at any time, and this drunken Xia Xin seems to be even more charming.

"We can't drink any more, we should go back!" Lin Xuan quickly stopped Xia Xin, and then walked over to help Xia Xin.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, then you have to take me home!" Xia Xin put her arms around Lin Xuan's neck and said coquettishly.

"Well, I'll give it to you!" Lin Xuan nodded, and immediately called the waiter to pay the bill, and then prepared to help Xia Xin leave the private room.

However, Xia Xin seemed to be unconscious, so Lin Xuan had no choice but to hug her and walked out of the restaurant.

But Xia Xin, who was lying in Lin Xuan's arms, had a slight smile of happiness on the corner of her mouth.

In fact, she wasn't drunk enough to pass out, she just played tricks on purpose, hoping to feel the feeling of being taken care of by Lin Xuan.

Putting Xia Xin on the back seat of the car, Lin Xuan started the car and left the restaurant.

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