"Mutated alien species!" Lin Xuan's eyes were burning, and he whispered to himself, this mutation factor is the solution he wants to find. It is not difficult for Lin Xuan to imagine that if he injects a certain amount of mutation factor into ordinary people and studies Develop an instrument that can control the mutagen, and use the mutagen as the hormone and medium to carry out controllable modification of the human gene, which can completely realize the controllable modification of the human gene.

This mutant is like a miniature robot, a kind of miniature robot that specifically targets genes. They can enter the human body and modify the genes of the human body.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan was so excited that he couldn't sit still at all. The inspirations in his mind also rushed out like a volcanic eruption, and various design ideas continued to emerge in his mind, gradually forming a perfect and feasible set. Instrument model.

"This will definitely work!" Lin Xuan was excited, and immediately got up and walked out of the brainwave enhancement machine, went straight to his research room, began to input the design ideas in his mind to Jarvis, and built models and models in the computer. The data is calculated and verified by a high-level computer, and then modified and improved.

In this way, a great genetic modification instrument that is about to change mankind, change history, and change the era is slowly taking shape and slowly being born.



Chapter 321 The Monkey With Superpowers

In the scientific research room, Lin Xuan stood in front of the three-dimensional image, staring at the extremely complex instrument model with full concentration, while thinking and adjusting the various components in the model.network

Jarvis is constantly reporting a complex set of data to Lin Xuan, providing data support for Lin Xuan's modification.

Now, five days have passed since Lin Xuan entered the research room. During these five days, he was almost completely in a closed state, staying up day and night, transforming the design ideas in his mind into reality.

"It should work this time!" After making some adjustments to the model, Lin Xuan suddenly stood up straight, looked at the equipment model in front of him with satisfaction, which was so sophisticated and complex that it surpassed any instrument on the earth, and nodded. There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Jarvis, we are conducting a mock test!"

"Okay sir!" Jarvis responded, and immediately started the simulation test. The huge amount of calculation made the entire scientific research room, and even the super computer mainframe on the entire technological island have a roaring reputation.

The three-dimensional image in the scientific research room also started to simulate the scene, and the whole instrument started to operate, using his not minding as the medium, to start the directional modification of human genes.

After a long time, the instrument stopped working, and Jarvis' voice sounded: "Congratulations, sir, the instrument simulation works perfectly!"

"Okay!" The smile on Lin Xuan's face suddenly bloomed. Now that there is no problem in theory, the next step is to verify the manufacture of this instrument and conduct experiments.

"Jarvis, start making equipment immediately!" Lin Xuan said quickly.

"Okay, sir!" Jarvis responded, and immediately based on all the data of the model, he controlled the production line and intelligent robots on the technology island to start production.

And Lin Xuan is not idle either. Now that the equipment has been designed, there is still a very important job to do, which is to extract mutant xenomorphs from his body for a large number of cultivation, which will be used as mesons for genetic modifiers.

In this way, as time passed day by day, the parts of the genetic modifier were continuously produced, and quickly assembled into modules one by one.

And Lin Xuan also successfully extracted the mutant species, and carried out a large number of cultivations, and only waited for the instruments to be produced for actual experiments.

While Lin Xuan was engrossed in the scientific research room, the members of the Human Federation Council were constantly holding video conferences again and again to discuss and improve the corresponding constitutional system.

A complete set of human federation constitution is slowly taking shape, rules and regulations have been finalized one by one, and the preparations for establishing the human federation are proceeding at a rapid speed.

In this way, another week passed in the blink of an eye, and the genetic modifier designed by Lin Xuan was successfully produced. This instrument is not small, it is more than two meters high, three meters wide, and weighs as much as one ton. It's just a part of the instrument, without counting the part of the supercomputer that supports its operation. Without the support of the Jarvis system and the supercomputer on the island of technology, this instrument can't really operate.

Therefore, if it is a complete set of instruments, I am afraid that the volume will be several times larger than this.

"Jarvis, get ready for the first test!" Lin Xuan said after putting the anesthetized monkey into the genetic modifier cabin, closed the cabin door, and adjusted the corresponding parameters.

Although monkey genes are very different from human genes, Lin Xuan is only testing whether this instrument can perfectly modify the biological genes, and perfectly graft the gene fragments representing strong self-healing ability on the original gene helix.

As long as it succeeds, it proves that this machine can run perfectly.

Of course, the current instrument is only specially designed by Lin Xuan for the gene code segment of strong self-healing ability. Can not accurately support the grafting of other ability gene segments.

For example, if Lin Xuan wanted to graft the genetic fragment of Mystique's transformation ability to others, he would need to adjust the parameters of the entire instrument, redesign many components, and even re-manufacture one.

So this instrument is not a universal genetic modifier, it is so advanced that it can bestow human abilities at will.

However, the birth of any new technology starts with imperfections. Just like the first computer of human beings, it was not only huge in size, but also could only perform some mathematical calculations. Who would have thought that today's computers can have so many function, with such a powerful capability.

So in Lin Xuan's view, it is not impossible to create that kind of universal genetic modifier in the future.

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