When Lin Xuan woke up again, he felt that his world seemed to be much richer. His senses could easily perceive many strange energies and strange substances. It turns out that the world is so colorful and gorgeous. ≧

Lin Xuan knew very well that this was the ability brought about by obtaining the ability of Phoenix Girl, and he knew that as long as he wanted to, he could even clearly perceive the molecules of the surrounding substances and easily control them.

You know, according to the original introduction of the system, Phoenix Girl's abilities mainly include telepathy, mind control, resurrection, timeline manipulation, and release of the power of the Phoenix.

Among them, telepathy is somewhat similar to Professor X's ability, but not exactly the same. In addition to being able to read other people's consciousness and control it according to her own consciousness, she can also read many kinds of consciousness at the same time, and telepathy and the power of the phoenix After fusion, even huge amounts of energy can be manipulated.

And her mind control can make various objects float and manipulate easily, can create power barriers, can fly, and can also stimulate the generation of thermal molecules to create rapid shock waves.

Even being able to control matter at the subatomic level, manipulating the molecular structure of matter and energy, and making them change in structure is definitely a very powerful force, even a powerful force close to the ability of creation.

And when her spiritual power is fully awakened and becomes a phoenix descended like a god, her power rises almost infinitely, just like a god.

However, according to the system's instructions, the abilities of resurrecting the dead, manipulating the time axis, and the power of the phoenix can only be obtained continuously after reaching the next level.

Lin Xuan is not surprised by this, after all, many abilities were acquired in this way.

After getting off the instrument, Lin Xuan's thought immediately moved, and the table beside him was suspended immediately, and like sand in the wind, it quickly disintegrated and dissipated, turning into nothingness at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared.

But soon, countless black particles emerged and gathered in Lin Xuan's hand, and then quickly condensed into a table shape, and finally turned into the same table as before.

"It's very interesting!" Lin Xuan nodded with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, the edge of the table automatically flew back to its original position.

After briefly testing Phoenix Girl's abilities, Lin Xuan left the ability exchange room and asked Jarvis to report on the situation in the past few days.

Lin Xuan has been in a coma for the past few days, and the outside world has indeed undergone a lot of changes. According to the original plan, the Federal Council has carried out the plans one by one in an orderly manner.

And one after another, the newly produced gene modifiers were also sent to the planned places one after another. People who were not infected were arranged to go to nearby places one after another, received genetic modification, and then returned to the town one after another.

In addition, there is another news that aroused Lin Xuan's interest, that is, a rumor has been circulating in the past two days, saying that the natural selection virus was cultivated by Lin Xuan, and this end-time disaster was also directed and acted by Lin Xuan Conspiracy, and his purpose is to subvert the original regime and system of mankind, to rule the world and all mankind.

And the so-called Human Federation is the first step for Lin Xuan to rule the world. In the future, he will be in power, and he is likely to become king and emperor and enslave all mankind.

After hearing this absurd news, Lin Xuan was not too angry. He had expected that there would be some people in this world who would oppose the establishment of the Human Federation, just like where there is sunshine, there must be shadows.

There will always be some people in this world who like to be people in the shadows, who like to provoke right and wrong, and like to fight against justice.

However, Lin Xuan didn't care. This group of people didn't pose much threat to him at all, and even less to the Human Federation. He could easily destroy their conspiracy through telepathy.

"Okay, I know Jarvis!" Lin Xuan said casually, and then went straight to the brainwave enhancement machine, he wanted to see what monsters and monsters those people were.

However, according to the area where the rumors reported by Jarvis appeared, Lin Xuan searched carefully many times, and only found a few suspicious people who spread the rumors through the memories of some people. They all casually mentioned these in some small chats. thing.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan continued to search for those people based on these clues, but to his surprise, these people seemed to disappear out of thin air. He couldn't find him at all, and couldn't feel their souls at all.

It felt as if these people had died.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, they have a way to shield their telepathy.

"The development of the times is as fast as I imagined. I really can't underestimate the wisdom of other people!" Lin Xuan frowned slightly. He didn't expect that someone would invent a device to defend against telepathy so quickly.

Although he didn't know what method the other party used, the appearance of this kind of shielding telepathy was not a good thing for him.

"No wonder you dare to spread such rumors. It seems that you came prepared!" Lin Xuan's eyes turned slightly cold, "But do you think you can escape from my palm by doing this?"

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan immediately asked the intelligent robot to bring him a computer, and then connected it to the helmet of the brainwave enhancement machine to read his own brainwaves, and draw the appearance of those people who spread rumors in Lin Xuan's mind out.

"Jarvis, find out the whereabouts of these people immediately!" Lin Xuan pointed to the heads of several people on the computer and said.

"Okay sir!" Jarvis responded. Today's intelligent robots around the world, as well as all the Internet and electronic devices, are all under his control. In addition, the population is so large now, it would be difficult to track a few people. It's not difficult either.

After dealing with this matter, Lin Xuan didn't think about it anymore. After all, even if these people had a way to defend against telepathy, Lin Xuan still had many ways to deal with them.

However, this incident also sounded the alarm for Lin Xuan. Now the disaster caused by the virus has gradually subsided, and human society is slowly restoring order.

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