"Sir, do you need to take immediate action?" Jarvis asked.

"Not for the time being!" Lin Xuan waved his hand and said thoughtfully. In fact, in the past few days, he has been connected to the parliamentary report, saying that many capable people in America and Europe have ignored federal regulations. Violent resistance to law and rampant behavior.

And among these people, some were instigated by Joseph, while the other part relied on their own ability, refused to obey the management, and acted arbitrarily.

"It's time to announce the establishment of the Alliance of Capable Persons!" After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan suddenly said, he is very clear that today's society needs to give higher honor and treatment to capable persons, and let them make more contributions to human society. It needs a special organization to manage these special existences.

If ordinary people manage them, those capable people will naturally not be convinced, so they can only let the capable people manage the capable people, and the capable people will get different status and treatment based on their strength and contribution ratings, and let the capable people with integrity act as Supervise, manage, and special law enforcement personnel to manage newly born ability users, ability users who have newly joined the alliance, and some ability users who have bad intentions and violate laws and regulations. Only in this way can the balance and order of today's human society be maintained.

Otherwise, Lin Xuan alone may not be able to do it from exhaustion.

As for Joseph and the others, Lin Xuan didn't plan to do it himself.

He intends to let the members of the Alliance of Capable Persons deal with this organization that intends to provoke the Human Federation. In this way, through the performance of this battle, Lin Xuan can select and train suitable talents as the mainstay of the alliance in the future.

This incident can also create the reputation and value of the Alliance of Capable Persons.

After all, the honor of an organization or a person is not something you give yourself. You can’t necessarily be superior to others just because you are capable. That would be difficult to convince the public, and it would only arouse conflicts.

Therefore, Lin Xuan needs to use this action to create opportunities for the Alliance of Capable Persons to make contributions and gain honors. Only when the organization has a very high honor and status in society will every member of it follow suit. Be respected and loved.

Everyone will feel the pride and glory of being a member of the Ability Users Alliance.

Moreover, this action will also have the effect of killing one and others, allowing the alliance of capable users to have a real deterrent effect on the remaining capable users.

You must know that in today's human society, it is obviously difficult for Lin Xuan, a powerful ability user alone, to have a real deterrent effect, otherwise there would not be so many lawless ability users recently.

However, a well-managed organization with a large number of members, a wide range of organizational branches, and a wide-reaching eye, the deterrence, supervision, and management strength produced by it are still quite large.

"Jarvis, help me contact the members of the council immediately and hold a meeting!" Lin Xuan said suddenly, now that the Human Federation has been steadily developed, it is time for him to discuss with the members of the council about establishing an alliance of capable people.

However, this so-called discussion is just a work arrangement of Lin Xuan. After all, no one is more proficient than Lin Xuan in the management of capable people, and no one dares to refute Lin Xuan's ideas.

What's more, this is a good thing!

Soon, almost all the members of the council appeared on the screen and on the screen, and some of them were even woken up while sleeping, and the sleepy ones immediately came to participate in the video conference.

"The personnel are basically here, let's start!" Lin Xuan glanced at the people on the screen, and said immediately, "The reason why I am so anxious to call everyone for a meeting today is because something happened recently..."



Chapter 327 Alliance Established

After listening to Lin Xuan's words, all the congressmen nodded one after another. They are also thinking about the management of capable people because of the ability people's resistance to the law these days. Although they have formulated relevant laws and regulations in detail for capable people, But what is written cannot be carried out, it is just a dead letter.

So they also thought of some new countermeasures, and many ideas actually coincided with Lin Xuan's, leading to the same goal by different routes.

However, because of the ability, the person with the ability will inevitably swell, and it is difficult to obey the rules like ordinary people, and it is even more difficult to obey the management of some ordinary people.

However, Lin Xuan's idea can solve all these very well, and with Lin Xuan, the originator of the ability user, the spokesperson of this super hero as the top manager of the ability user, he will definitely respond to everyone, and will soon gather the ability users together, and then Form a complete special organization to deter and manage the remaining capable persons.

"What do you guys think?" After explaining his thoughts, Lin Xuan looked at the people in the video and basically had an answer.

As expected, after pondering for a while, everyone raised their hands in agreement.

Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and said with a slight smile, "Okay, at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, we will officially announce the establishment of the Ability Users Alliance!"

"Okay, let's ask the secretariat to draft the relevant documents immediately, and contact the relevant departments to prepare for the establishment of the alliance!" A Chinese-looking congressman said.

"Well, that's it, let's end the meeting, let's take a rest!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice, and immediately ended the video call.

"Jarvis, continue to pay close attention to what's going on with Joseph!" Lin Xuan said again, and then leaned back on his chair and pondered about the Ability Users Alliance.

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