The official media of the Human Federation also reported on the whole incident, emphasizing the terrorist acts of the Freedom Organization and the threat to human society, and commending the contributions of the Alliance of Superpowers this time, allowing superpowers to The positive image of the league is once again deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the final trial, the mastermind Joseph Morgan and several principal offenders were all sentenced to death, and the accomplices and other members were given different punishments according to the circumstances of their crimes.

With the end of the trial, this matter can be regarded as completely settled, and all the students of the League of Superpowers returned to the training camp to continue training after the mission was completely over.

After this mission, everyone has realized the sense of mission and glory of being a superpower, and deeply realized the meaning of the existence of the superpower alliance, so they hope to become a member of the superpower league, or is to become the real backbone.

Therefore, the people who came back, as if they had been pumped with blood, were full of enthusiasm, received training more desperately, practiced the use of superpowers harder, and learned the various rules and regulations of the Superpowers Alliance.

Seeing everyone's performance, Lin Xuan was naturally very happy and satisfied, and he was also infected, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.

"The training will be more rigorous in the next month, but I believe that those of you who can persevere until now will definitely be able to persevere until the end. Are you confident?" Lin Xuan stood on the podium, looked at the ones below, and said loudly , the voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing throughout the training ground, ""

"Yes!" Nearly a thousand superpowers in the audience shouted in unison, with momentum like a rainbow.

"Okay! Then let's start today's martial arts training next!" Lin Xuan nodded with a smile, and immediately separated his legs, piercing into the ground like tree roots. Mode.

Seeing this, everyone in the field also made the same move, and their eyes all focused on Lin Xuan, waiting for his next move.

"Start..." Accompanied by a loud shout, Lin Xuan stepped forward with his right foot, his right hand was like a poisonous snake, and struck out at a very fast speed and at a strange angle...

Time passed day by day, and the half-year training ended in a blink of an eye. Eight hundred and fifty-eight people successfully passed the final assessment, and based on the assessment results and personal ability, they were initially divided into levels and assigned to work types.

The Alliance of Superpowers is also officially in operation, and all members perform their duties, and they will also serve as a special and relatively independent department, assisting the human federal government to manage all superpowers, and guarding the stability and peace of human society. .

At the same time, offices for superpowers set up in various cities and towns around the world have also been formally established, and intelligent systems and intelligent robots are in charge of the office to register and register all superpowers.

Only superpowers who register and register at the office will get a superpower identity card and enjoy the special treatment brought by superpower status.

Not only that, but according to Lin Xuan's original plan, the management of the Alliance of Espers began to establish schools for Espers around the world to train future newborns with Espers.

And after Lin Xuan finished training the superpowers, he was finally able to get away and go to the basement of the old castle to study the special magnetic field there.

But just as human society is gradually getting out of the catastrophe of the natural selection virus and getting back on track, all human beings including Lin Xuan don't know that a spaceship from an alien civilization is constantly approaching the earth, and an unknown crisis will also meet unexpectedly.


Chapter 332 Galaxy Level Magic Treasure

In the starry sky, a huge space battleship was flying back and forth, and directly in front of the spaceship, a blue planet was in sight. <network

Inside the spaceship, the tall humanoid creature with cyan skin was standing in front of the huge transparent dome with his hands behind his back, looking at the blue planet that was particularly dazzling in the sea of ​​stars in front of him, his eyes were shining slightly, behind him There is another person who is reporting the initial detection of the blue planet.

"Master Xingjue, we can basically be sure that the cosmic quantum that once appeared was transmitted from that planet, and through the preliminary detection of our detectors, it is a planet with a rudimentary technological civilization. It is the most common intelligent life. At present, our detectors have successfully invaded their satellites, and are reading the data in them, trying to decipher their information!"

"Hmm! Decipher it as soon as possible, and see if you can find clues to the quantum of the universe!" The star-lord nodded expressionlessly and said, although in his eyes, those humans on the earth are like ants Weak and humble, but they are not resource predators or intruders after all. They have only one purpose, which is to find clues to the quantum of the universe, so they are still too lazy to attack humans when it is not necessary.

"Yes, Lord Xingjue!" The speaker was about to turn around.


A large screen on the side of the hall suddenly lit up, and immediately a purple-skinned woman appeared on the screen. The background of the woman was a cabin with many control consoles. with.

"Master Xingjue, General Fanos, we have successfully deciphered their data, and we even discovered artificial intelligence through their communication network!" The woman on the screen said.

"Artificial intelligence?" The man called General Fanos was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this kind of wild planet had exhibited artificial intelligence technology. It seems that he really underestimated them, but an artificial intelligence is not enough. what.

And Xingjue on the side also raised his eyebrows slightly, a strange color appeared in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

"We have just successfully hacked into the mainframe of the artificial intelligence, and obtained a lot of important information from it!" The woman continued, and immediately swiped her right hand randomly, and a photo of a man appeared on the screen immediately.

If Lin Xuan was here at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize the person in my photo as himself.

Then, a video clip began to play on the screen. The video was the scene of Lin Xuan fighting Godzilla for the first time, which was captured by a Chinese military plane.

Seeing the picture in the video, the man named Fanos was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect that there are mortal life forms on such a border planet!"

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