"Ah—" All the congressmen shook their heads and sighed bitterly.

At this time, the loud voice was still echoing in the sky outside, which was basically the same as yesterday, and it was still forcing Lin Xuan to come out.

"Where did Mr. President go? Doesn't he really know what happened, even if he can give us some instructions through telepathy at this time!" A congressman looked out the window and complained.

In fact, they couldn't figure it out, those outsiders were so advanced in technology that they couldn't find Lin Xuan.Moreover, they couldn't figure out where Lin Xuan had gone. He hadn't heard from him, and he had completely cut off contact with the parliament. This made them think wildly and worry.

"Perhaps he can't do anything this time!" A congressman said bitterly.

His words silenced all the people present, and everyone's will became more sluggish and depressed. They were actually worried that Lin Xuan might really leave them this time.

Although they do not want to believe this fact.

"No matter, Mr. President said before that he was thinking of a way. Let us give him a few days. Right now, he may be preparing somewhere, and he can't be distracted to contact us, and he doesn't even know what's going on outside!" Xu Changde represented Lin Xuan explained, and he said this to himself again, because he knew that Lin Xuan was their sustenance in their hearts. If he really abandoned human beings, it might cause the already bad morale to plummet completely. .

"I hope so!" Another congressman said bitterly.

"But I think we are all too dependent on him. He is not a god. He also has selfishness and fear. No matter what the result is, we should not blame him. After all, without him, we might have died in natural selection In the virus catastrophe, perhaps human beings no longer exist. If human beings do not have this super hero leader, all crises need to be faced by ourselves, so we should also face this disaster by ourselves, regardless of the outcome No matter what, we all have to rely on our own strength!" Xu Changde said again.

"Get ready to use nuclear weapons, this is our last resort!" Another congressman said.

"Well, that's the only way to go. If they are allowed to slaughter, human beings will be completely extinct!"

"Let's start preparing now. Let's wait another day. If Mr. President still has no news, we will use nuclear weapons!"

"That's fine!" All the congressmen nodded one after another.

The use of nuclear weapons is already their last effort. If even nuclear weapons can't harm those aliens, then they really have no hope.


Somewhere on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, a huge spaceship docked on a cliff on the bottom of the sea, the surroundings were pitch black, only a few deep-sea fish wandered around.

In a spacious cabin of the spaceship, Lin Xuan's parents, family members, and Godzilla were all waiting here. Since they were sucked into the spaceship yesterday, they were brought to this cabin by an intelligent robot to rest.

The robot also told them that Lin Xuan was doing an experiment and could not see them, and asked them to wait here.

"Gentlemen and ladies, lunch is ready, please enjoy!" The cabin door suddenly opened, and the robot walked in pushing a dining cart, and a table and several chairs slowly rose from the side of the cabin .

From yesterday to now, this robot has brought them food, and it's all seafood. I have to say that this robot is more powerful than their former smart housekeeper, and the food it cooks is delicious.

"No. oo7, how long will it take for Lin Xuan to come out?" Seeing the robot walking in, Yang Shuke suddenly asked.

"It should be soon, there will be another two or three days! Beautiful lady, please don't worry!" The robot replied while putting the dishes on the table.

"Can't we all go and see him?" Yang Shuke asked again.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't have permission to open Mr. Lin Xuan's laboratory, unless he opens it himself, no one outside can enter!" The robot replied.

"Okay!" Yang Shuke nodded helplessly.

In the cabin where Lin Xuan was located, the huge cocoon of light still enveloped Lin Xuan, but the red spar on his chest had disappeared, and Lin Xuan's skin had become crystal-like, crystal clear, and even more radiant. Halo, blending with the surrounding light, as if the light was emitted by him.

In the corner of the room, the beautiful figure of a female elf, who looked like an elf in a western fantasy movie, was still standing there, watching Lin Xuan in the halo, with a slight sparkle in her eyes.

"The speed of fusion is actually faster than expected. It seems that the master is right. After being tempered by the Western Law spar, the cosmic essence stone can completely fuse with the living body. It's a pity that the master did not wait for this moment. At once……"

Speaking of this, the woman's eyes were full of sadness and hatred, and the cabin fell into silence again.

As time passed by, the halo on Lin Xuan's body began to slowly disappear, and his crystal-like skin began to slowly turn into flesh-colored.

"He absorbs so fast. At this speed, it seems that he will be able to complete the fusion in less than three days. I didn't expect his fusion to be so fast!" The woman on the side had a look of surprise in her eyes, and murmured He muttered to himself, it's only been two days since the distance began to merge, but Lin Xuan has entered the final stage.

Under the surprised eyes of the woman, Lin Xuan's body returned to flesh color at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the skin still had a simple halo.

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