However, the huge phoenix light and shadow around Lin Xuan's body was not affected in the slightest, and moved forward without hesitation, gradually approaching the interstellar warship.



Chapter 345 I want this battleship

Looking at the pictures and various data sent back from the screen, Laerno's eyes became more gloomy, and his brows became more and more wrinkled. [

Because he was shocked to find that their energy cannon attack had no effect on Lin Xuan at all, and even before the energy touched Lin Xuan's whole body, it was disintegrated by an invisible force.

"Why is his ability to control objects so strong!" Laernuo exclaimed in his heart. You know, even he, or even a star-level peak powerhouse, might not be able to face such a high-intensity energy cannon. It is easy to dissolve all those energies, the most is to distort the trajectory of the energy, and then avoid the attack.

But this Lin Xuan, so easily dissolved those high-energy quanta in an instant, turning them into the most common quantum form. Cannon attacks are meaningless to him at all, at most they are just consuming his strength.

But obviously Lin Xuan couldn't allow their energy cannons to attack him unscrupulously.

Sure enough, at the same time Laerno thought of this, a tyrannical consciousness broke through the barriers of space and matter, invaded their battleship instantly, and invaded the body and brain of everyone in the battleship.

In an instant, most people on the battleship lost their sense of autonomy, and even Laerno felt a trance, but fortunately, his star-level soul was very strong, barely resisting the invasion of Lin Xuan's consciousness, and immediately got up Fight back to prevent Lin Xuan from consciously manipulating the people who killed them directly.

Therefore, the two strands of consciousness were suddenly like two invisible forces, and there was a fierce confrontation. In the game, Lin Xuan's consciousness had the upper hand.

"Activate the consciousness shielding device immediately!" Laerno said immediately. He knew that his consciousness was inferior to Lin Xuan's, so he could only activate the consciousness shielding system of the battleship to assist.

Otherwise, if he was negligent, Lin Xuan would directly use his consciousness to control and kill most of the people on their battleship.

"Okay, Lord Xingjue!" A female voice replied, it was the intelligent system of this battleship.

Soon, the consciousness shielding device was activated, but even this kind of consciousness shielding device could not completely block Lin Xuan's consciousness intrusion, so some weak people on the battleship still could not completely get rid of Lin Xuan's consciousness control.

But at this moment, an equally tyrannical object control ability also enveloped the entire battleship, and even acted on Larno, trying to disintegrate his body.

Moreover, that ability to control objects is so powerful that Laerno is afraid of it. Even from that power, Laerno feels a special power that surpasses matter.

"No, this cosmic spar is weird!" Laernuo was shocked. Although he knew that Lin Xuan, who had fused the cosmic spar, was already at the same life level as himself, reaching a star level. In terms of energy manipulation, it has almost reached the point of abnormality.

But at this moment, in Lin Xuan's ability to control objects, he felt a mysterious and mysterious power that even he could not understand.

"Could it be the power of rules! How is this possible! Even if he has fused with the cosmic spar, his life level has improved, and his ability to control objects with his mind has improved, but the power of rules is the power of laws that maintain the operation of the universe, and it can only be controlled at the level of gods." How could this Lin Xuan have the power of rules! is not a universe spar, but a universe crystal!"

Thinking of this, Laer Nuo's complexion became even uglier, and his heart became more annoyed.

"Damn bastard!" The more he felt Lin Xuan's strength, the more depressed Laerno felt. If he had fused this spar, he might be able to walk sideways in the Galaxy Empire now.

But there are no ifs in this world. Now that I haven't got the spar, I have provoked the other party, a strong man who can already use the power of rules. It is hard to say whether I can leave here alive today.

"I can't die here!" Laerno's eyes once again showed a fierce look. After all, he has lived for hundreds of years, and has ventured in the universe for more than a hundred years. He has experienced various life and death crises, I have seen all kinds of strong men, so although the current situation is not optimistic, he can still maintain the most basic calmness, and to be able to cultivate to this level, he has naturally paid a lot of hardships, so he also has more strength than ordinary people. A strong desire to survive.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's figure had appeared outside the transparent dome of his cabin. At this time, the phoenix phantom around Lin Xuan had disappeared, but there was still a simple halo around him.

Although his figure is not as tall as Laerno's, he feels as majestic as a mountain to Laerno, and he even involuntarily has a feeling of looking up and awe in his heart, just like a mortal feels when facing a god, but since reaching He has not felt this way for a long time.


The transparent dome of the cabin suddenly began to crack, and Laer Nuo's complexion changed drastically. His ability to control objects could not resist Lin Xuan's ability to control objects at all.

Under the effect of Lin Xuan's ability to control objects, the transparent dome split apart from each other like a liquid, forming a crack that could pass through a person.

And Lin Xuan also flew in from the crack, and soon saw that the crack healed again and returned to its original state.

"Mr. Laerno, didn't you always want me to come out to see you, and now I'm here!" Lin Xuan landed in front of Laerno, and communicated with Laerno through telepathy, with a hint of playfulness on his face look.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Laer Nuo's face became more gloomy, his eyes fixed on Lin Xuan, the power in his body was secretly running, and he was ready to fight at any time.

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