But Lin Xuan always felt that it was not just that simple.

"Would it be their responsibility to join the Star Federation?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"Yes, you need to complete some tasks issued by the federation every year, or establish certain achievements for the federation, and get the corresponding points. Only those points that meet the requirements will continue to stay in the federation, otherwise you will be banned by the federation. Eliminated, the difficulty of applying again will be greatly increased, and even the opportunity to apply will be lost forever. Not only that, these points are also the basis for the rating of members of the federation. After the points reach a certain value, you can apply for an upgrade, and then get more Authority, higher status and identity, etc.," the system introduced in detail.

"Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world!" Lin Xuan smiled wryly. He had expected that joining the Planetary Federation would not be so easy. It seems that after he joined, he would have to work for others.

But this is also reasonable, as if citizens still have to pay taxes to the country, they can't just want to get benefits from others without paying anything.

"Although joining the Star Federation doesn't seem to be a very difficult task, once I become a member, I'm afraid I can only stay in the Star River Empire, otherwise it will take several years to go back and forth, and I don't have time to complete it. The mission issued by the federation." Lin Xuan said with some headaches, although he could take his family to live in the Galaxy Empire in the future, but that would require him to return to Earth.

"Actually, it only takes three months for the master to go to the Galaxy Empire!" The system replied.

"Three months?" Lin Xuan was a little surprised. He had learned from the memory of the adventurer that they had been flying for several years before reaching the earth. It has been flying for a long time, but no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to reach the Star River Empire within three months, unless there are wormholes near the earth, but the memory of those adventurers does not seem to find that there are wormholes around the earth that can be used for space jumping. ?

Of course, the surprise is the surprise, the system's words are definitely good news worth surprising for Lin Xuan.

"Yes, master, there are wormholes on the earth that can be used for space jumping, but this wormhole is hidden by a special energy field, so the battleships of those adventurers cannot detect the wormholes here on the earth. .” The system replied.

"Oh?" Lin Xuan raised his brows, feeling slightly excited and surprised that there are wormholes on the earth, so it will be very convenient for him to go to and from the Galaxy Empire. "Where are the wormholes?"

"Master, you actually know the location of this wormhole! You should still remember the headquarters of the Freedom Organization, the basement of that old castle, right?"

"It's there!" Lin Xuan's eyes widened suddenly, and it suddenly dawned on him that the weirdness in the basement was due to the wormhole, which can almost block all telepathic power, and the detection of all detectors is the one used to hide The energy field of the wormhole?

"It is actually a space wormhole. The special magnetic field and space fluctuations there are all caused by the wormhole, and it can shield the detection of any detection instrument because it is surrounded by a special energy field. Come to hide the existence of the wormhole!" The system's answer confirmed Lin Xuan's guess.

Lin Xuan nodded secretly, and basically guessed in his heart who hid the wormhole?I'm afraid it has a lot to do with this system, or the owner of the spaceship, and its purpose should be to prevent other civilizations from discovering the earth and entering here through wormholes.

If this is the case, it is very likely that the owner of the spaceship died here to avoid the enemy, but he died here for some unknown reason.

But right now these things don't have much to do with him, so Lin Xuan just thought about it briefly and then put it behind him.

"We can jump through the wormhole now, right?" Lin Xuan confirmed to the system.


"Okay!" Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction. With the wormhole, it will be much easier to go back and forth between the Galaxy Empire and the earth.

After a night of silence, the next morning, just after breakfast, Lin Xuan noticed something was wrong with his parents' expressions. Lin Xuan was a little strange, and after a little telepathy, he knew what his parents were thinking.

But before Lin Xuan could speak, Mother Lin said: "Xiao Xuan, you are not too young anymore, your marriage with Xiao Ke is almost done, your father and I also want to have a grandson soon!"

Hearing what his mother said, Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and looked to his side. Yang Shuke, who looked at Lin's father and Lin's mother in a little surprise, stretched out his hand and grabbed Yang Shuke's hand. He looked at Lin Xuan happily.

"Well, Mom and Dad, I'm planning to tell you about this these days. It's really time for Xiao Ke and I to prepare for the wedding. Originally, I wanted to give Xiao Ke a surprise marriage proposal first!" Lin Xuan said with a smile, in fact, he did think last night that he should marry Yang Shuke before he left the earth.

After all, the two of them have been in love for so long, and it's time to make a positive result.And now they are no different from normal couples, only one ceremony is missing, but this ceremony is indispensable.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Lin's father and Lin's mother immediately beamed with joy, Yang Shuke also showed a happy smile on his face, and said: "The marriage proposal ceremony is unnecessary, why are you still making troublesome things between us? Just go and get a marriage certificate, and set up a few tables to entertain relatives, and the troublesome ceremony can be saved!"

"Hehe, how can I do that! I can't treat my wife badly. The proposal ceremony can be saved, but the wedding can't treat you badly!" Lin Xuan said, holding Yang Shuke's hand tightly.

"That's right, our family can't treat our daughter-in-law badly, this time we must marry Xiao Ke into the family in a glorious manner!" Mother Lin said with a smile on her face.

"Oh, time flies so fast, Xiaoxuan is going to marry a wife soon!" Lin Xue was also full of excitement, seeing that her younger brother was getting married, she, as an older sister, was naturally very happy.

"Old sister, it's almost time for you to find a boyfriend!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Me, don't worry, I don't worry about marrying your sister!" Lin Xue said with a smile, but there was a bit of bitterness in her smile.

Sensing the loneliness in her sister's eyes, Lin Xuan felt a little distressed. After her previous relationship, her sister was somewhat affected in terms of love. Coupled with the successive events that happened afterwards, she did not have many opportunities to contact to boys, so I didn't find a suitable boyfriend for a while.

But now she actually needs a new love, to let her forget that painful past, to make her believe in love again.

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