"Lin Xuan, take me with you?" Xia Xin looked at Lin Xuan expectantly.


"I know you are going to leave the earth!" Lin Xuan just opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Xia Xin, "You can't lie to me, you want to go to an alien planet!"

Lin Xuan didn't expect Xia Xin to guess what he was thinking, and was a little surprised and didn't know what to say.

"Lin Xuan, take me with you, I want to go on an adventure with you!" Seeing Lin Xuan's hesitant eyes, Xia Xin knew that she had guessed right, so she rushed up and grabbed Lin Xuan's arm and pleaded.

"This business may be very dangerous. We don't even know if we can come back. I don't want you to take this risk with me!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters!" Xia Xin said with sincere eyes.

Hearing Xia Xin's words, Lin Xuan was very moved. He knew that Xia Xin had been waiting for him to open his chest to accept her, and he was constantly working hard to get together with him. I have been busy with my career, ignoring her waiting again and again, and even failed to fulfill the promise I made.

"Okay!" After a little silence, Lin Xuan nodded heavily. He knew that if he didn't take Xia Xin with him, he would fail her expectations again, and for Xia Xin, waiting was far more terrifying than death.

"Yeah, that's great!" Hearing Lin Xuan's reply, Xia Xin cheered excitedly, and even hugged Lin Xuan, so happy that she didn't know what to do, "I knew you would promise me of!"

"Okay, okay, come with me, our time is still very tight!" Lin Xuan said pretending to be serious, to be honest, seeing Xia Xin's happy look, he was also infected, making him originally Because of the heavy heart of parting, I feel much better, and Xia Xin will accompany me in this trip, so I won't let myself be too lonely.

"Yeah!" Like a little girl whose wish has been fulfilled, Xia Xin happily followed Lin Xuan and flew towards the depths of the Pacific Ocean with him.

After a long time, Lin Xuan and Xia Xin had arrived at the center of the Pacific Ocean. At this time, a huge interstellar warship also slowly emerged from the water, like a huge aircraft carrier floating on the sea.

This time Lin Xuan is going to take this adventurer's battleship to the Star River Empire. The reason why he chose this battleship is firstly because this battleship has a pass certificate for interstellar travel, and secondly because this battleship belongs to the "extreme" special organization, so it itself represents this kind of strength, which makes many people flinch, and makes the journey smoother and safer.

And that alien spacecraft is temporarily staying on the earth because of insufficient energy to carry out interstellar travel.

The hatch of the battleship opened, and Lin Xuan and Xia Xin flew in together. Xia Xin, who came to the starship, was like a child entering a science and technology museum for the first time, full of curiosity about everything, looking around, amazed again and again.

After Lin Xuan took Xia Xin for a brief stroll around the battleship, they came to the exclusive cabin that originally belonged to the star-lord and sat down. At the same time, a screen on the side lit up, and a purple-skinned woman Appeared, it was Nalarna.

"Lord Lin Xuan, do you need to leave now?" Laerna said in a gentle voice, but Lin Xuan could understand what she said, but Xia Xin couldn't.

And Xia Xin also looked at the purple-skinned woman on the screen with surprise: "Lin Xuan, have you subdued all these aliens?"

"Well, yes, with them as our subordinates, this business will be much safer!" Lin Xuan said with a smile. Immediately with a thought, a holographic projection appeared in the void in front of him, and it was also a projection of the world map of the earth.

This battleship already has a neural brainwave reading system, which can automatically establish a connection with Lin Xuan's brainwaves. Lin Xuan can control the entire system with just one thought.

The map in front of Lin Xuan quickly zoomed in, and finally moved to the location of the old castle of Meilijian.

"Turn on the stealth flight mode, go here first!" Lin Xuan said, and a red dot lit up on the map in front of him.

"Yes, Lord Lin Xuan!" Laerna responded, and immediately began to give orders, and the battleship began to slowly rise into the air, and finally the surface lit up with a strange brilliance. sky merged into one.


Chapter 351 Hostile Forces

The huge battleship soon arrived over the castle of Meilijian, and immediately saw several beams of light shoot out, bombarding the location of the castle. √

In an instant, the ancient castle that originally occupied a huge area turned into nothingness in an instant, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground.

"Search for wormholes immediately!" Lin Xuan said.

"Yes!" Laerna on the screen responded, and immediately gave the order, but soon, Laerna responded again: "Master Lin Xuan, we can barely sense a special space fluctuation similar to a wormhole, but The system cannot lock the wormhole and establish a space link with it, and the wormhole seems to be blocked by some kind of space shield!"

Hearing Laerna's words, Lin Xuan frowned slightly, did not speak, but immediately called the system in his heart: "System, how to close the shielding energy field of the wormhole?"

"Master, lock the energy cannon to this coordinate!" An extremely accurate coordinate position appeared in Lin Xuan's mind immediately, "As long as you keep attacking here for three minutes, you can destroy the energy field!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan said in his heart, and immediately looked at Laerna: "Switch the No. [-] energy muzzle to manual control mode!"

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