"Excuse me, what do you need, sir?" Seeing Lin Xuan and the others walking in, the company's salesperson immediately came forward with a smile on his face.

"I'm here to sell things!" Lin Xuan said casually, and looked around. The company is full of steel textures, and several people who look like customers are being led by the salesperson to visit some of the surrounding products.Some were chatting with the salesperson in the rest area not far away.

"Then I don't know what you want to sell?" the salesperson asked.

"Adventurer's interstellar battleship!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the man's eyes flashed immediately, and he looked at Lin Xuan in a little surprise, his eyes suddenly showed respect.

Those who can own an adventurer starship are definitely not ordinary people, this is a substitute business.

"Wait a minute, sir! I'm going to ask our general manager to come over!" The man bowed slightly, then turned around and ran upstairs, and came back soon, followed by a shrewd man, a Yanhuang star .

"General manager, this is the gentleman!"

"Hello, I'm the general manager of Huichen Trading, Donny!" The shrewd man smiled and shook hands with Lin Xuan, and perhaps because of their similar looks, Lin Xuan was kind to Donny sense.

"Hi Mr. Downey!"

"I don't know where the sir's battleship is, can you show me!" Downey asked.

"No problem!" Lin Xuan nodded, and the man walked out of the room with Lin Xuan without any fuss, then flew straight into the air, and soon arrived at the location of the battleship.

"I'm going to sell both of them!"

Seeing the battleship, Downey showed a hint of surprise on his face, "Oh? This is the adventurer battleship of the Extreme Organization and the Abyss Organization. Ordinary people dare not accept this thing?"

Downey looked at Lin Xuan meaningfully. Based on his experience, he knew without thinking that this person wanted to sell the two warships belonging to mutually hostile organizations at the same time, which meant that he definitely did not belong to any of them, but There was only one reason why he was able to get this battleship.

This person hid from that battleship!

It can be seen from this that the person in front of him is so amazing. Neither the Extreme Organization nor the Abyss Organization are very powerful and famous forces. He really admires this person for having such courage.

However, the organization behind their company is not ordinary, otherwise they would not dare to mess around here.

"I know, that's why I chose to come here. I don't like to be long-winded. If you give me a quick word, can you accept it?" Lin Xuan said bluntly.

"Take it, take it, of course!" Donnie immediately laughed and said, how could he let go of such a big deal, they went back to refit these two warships, and they could earn hundreds of millions of imperial coins by changing hands.

"How much?" Lin Xuan asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Two ships of [-] billion imperial coins!" Downey said with a smile.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, shook his head, and said coldly, "Two billion!"

Downey smiled: "Sir is a straightforward person and a shrewd person, so I won't bargain with you, [-] billion imperial coins, this is the highest price we can offer, after all, these two warships are not ordinary organizations The battleships, the price we need to pay to whitewash them is not small, you must give us some profit margins!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan pondered for a while. The value of the imperial currency is more valuable than the US dollar on the earth. The imperial currency is definitely more than ten times that of the US dollar, so the price of [-] billion is already quite a lot. Expectations are about the same.

So he didn't bother to talk nonsense, nodded and said, "Deal!"

"Haha, sir is indeed a straightforward person, I like to do business with people like you! Well then, sir, please drive the battleship to our company's landing platform!" Downey said with a happy smile. For a single big business, his performance can definitely surpass all colleagues in the company, and maybe he will be transferred to the head office next month and leave this desolate place.

And even if he wasn't transferred, his commission would be enough to make him rich.

Lin Xuan ordered his men to land the warship on the landing platform of Huichen Trading, and then signed a sales contract with Downey, who then handed Lin Xuan a gold card.

"Sir, this is the supreme gold card of the Imperial Bank. There is no password. Please keep it safe. You can go to any bank in the empire to check the amount, withdraw or transfer money, or you can set a password yourself for future use!" Xuan probably knew the gold card, but Downey explained it anyway.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan didn't say much when he got the gold card. He knew from the memory of the people of the extreme organization and the abyss organization that in the territory of the Galaxy Empire, the gold card is a kind of card that is very strictly controlled and has a small amount of money. The currency represents the highest currency symbol, and no one dares to imitate it.

And Lin Xuan is not afraid that the person will deceive him. After all, although this company is a black market, there are no rules here. If they cheat, it is impossible for them to be so big and for such a long time.

Moreover, few people who come here to buy and sell things are idlers, and they dare not easily offend and deceive.

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