Chapter 1018 Iron-Blooded Expeditionary Army Expedition? (First update, please subscribe)

The relationship between the Kingdom of China and the land of the Huaxia Continent is very close, and the Kingdom of Chao has always been attached to the dynasty of the land of the China Mainland and has become a subsidiary country.

Later, in the late Qing Dynasty, the weakness of the Qing government led to the direct occupation of the DPRK, a subsidiary country, by Japan, and used the DPRK as a springboard to invade the three northeastern provinces, and began the brutal war of aggression against China!

Now that the iron-blooded lion army has reached Jilin, many little devils are frightened by the news, but it also gives hope to many countries oppressed and ruled by the little devils, hoping to fight against the Japanese invaders.

Because it is very close to Jilin Province, North Korea first saw hope, hoping that the iron-blooded lion army could enter North Korea and fight against Japanese invaders, so Jin Yicheng came to seek support and help!

But as a traveler who traveled from the 21st century, Li Yunlong knew how the future situation would develop, and even more knew the troubles and troubles that the dynasty brought to the land of China!

So Li Yunlong thought in his heart, can he take advantage of the Second World War to prevent a series of troubles and crises in the future?

Li Yunlong looked at Jin Yicheng and said, "Are you the Japanese invaders who asked us to send troops into the DPRK and attack the DPRK?"

"Yes!" Imaichi said: "Our country is also suffering from the poison of the Japanese invaders. I hope General Li can send troops to reinforce us!"

Sending troops to enter the DPRK is to send an expeditionary army!

In the history of the Anti-Japanese War, Guominzhengfu also sent expeditionary forces to support other countries' anti-Japanese and anti-fascist wars.

这第一支远征军是guominzhengfu派兵入缅对日作战部队,亦称“中国赴缅远征军”、“中国援缅远征` ` 军”。该军由第5、第6、第66军编成,计9个师10万余人。

At that time, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, the Burma Road, the Hump Route, and the Sino-Indian Highway were all transportation lines for logistics support of the Anti-Japanese War. In order to win the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War, it was necessary to ensure the last international transportation line of the Burma Road.If the Burma Road is not secured, foreign aid will not be able to enter China easily, and the battle with Japan will also fall into the disadvantage of insufficient supplies. Therefore, an expeditionary force was organized to go to Burma.

To put it bluntly, the expeditionary force at that time was fighting to protect a road, which was the lifeline of the anti-Japanese troops!

Now if Li Yunlong also sends an expeditionary army, then it is necessary to go on an expedition to the country!

"How is the anti-Japanese struggle in your country going?" Li Yunlong looked at Jin Yicheng and asked.

"It's hard to say!" Jin Yicheng said with a sad expression in silence: "Our anti-Japanese armed struggle was defeated by the Japanese army. Now all anti-Japanese activities have been carried out underground, and they have no great effect!"

"It is precisely because of this that we hope that General Li will send troops to support us in fighting against the Japanese invaders and restoring our homeland!"

It is worth mentioning that after Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, North Korea has not successfully resisted for nearly forty years since Japan took control of Korea, which shows that this is a very helpless thing.

Li Yunlong began to think, Zhou Weiguo, Zhang Dabiao and others all looked at Li Yunlong, waiting for Li Yunlong's reply.

As subordinates, Zhou Weiguo, Zhang Dabiao and others will only obey Li Yunlong's orders.

As we all know, the Korean peninsula was divided into two countries after World War II.

According to the course of history, after the surrender of the Japanese army, according to the agreement of the Allies, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, MacArthur, in the No. The temporary demarcation line for Japan's military activities, the north is the surrender area of ​​the Soviet troops stationed in North Korea, and the south is the surrender area of ​​the US military. Later, North Korea and Bangzi Kingdom were established respectively in the north and south, splitting the Korean peninsula.

This situation also brought a lot of troubles to the land of China mainland!

Li Yunlong was thinking, if the Korean peninsula is unified at this time, now that the United States and Japan are fighting to the death in the Pacific War, and the old Su is preparing to go to war with Germany and Germany, he has no time to estimate the situation in the Korean peninsula. The Lion Army can just take advantage of the gap and unify the entire Korean peninsula.

But in time, all problems can be easily solved!

Jin Yicheng stood beside him cautiously, waiting for Li Yunlong's reply. After all, this is an issue related to the entire country of the DPRK!

No one wants to be a subjugated slave.

Li Yunlong thought for a long time, then looked at Jin Yicheng and said: "...General Jin, we can send an expeditionary force to support your anti-Japanese struggle, and we can also fight against the Japanese invaders and restore rivers and mountains!"

When Jin Yicheng heard it, he suddenly said with joy and excitement: "That's great, thank you, General Li, and the people of the country will thank you!"

"But... I have one condition!"

As soon as Li Yunlong's voice fell, the smile on Jin Yicheng's face suddenly disappeared, and then he looked at Li Yunlong cautiously, and asked, "General Li, what conditions do you have?"

"My condition is very simple!" Li Yunlong looked at Jin Yicheng and said: "After helping you recover the Chaoguo Peninsula, your Chaoguo will continue to become a subsidiary country of our Chinese mainland, and obey our orders." Dispatch and command!"

A dependent state is a country that has sovereignty in name, but is actually attached to and controlled by a powerful country in terms of diplomacy, economy, and military.

It can be said that since the Western Han Dynasty, the countries on the Korean Peninsula have been China's vassal states.Before the rise of the Qing Dynasty, North Korea maintained a traditional close relationship with the Ming Dynasty and was a very important subsidiary country!

If we delve into the history and the situation of China, many countries around the land of China at this time were formerly affiliated countries of China.

Hearing Li Yunlong's conditions, Jin Yicheng fell silent.

PS: For the first update, I recommend the good books "Snow Leopard War Wolf World", "Legend of the Strongest Army God", "The Strongest Army God of the Anti-Japanese War" and "The Real Man's God-level King". .

Chapter 1019 Establishing a vassal state and solving troubles (second update, please subscribe)

The question before Izumi now is: should he become a vassal state of the Chinese mainland, or should he become a colony of Japan!

It's a choice!

As far as the DPRK is concerned, the autonomy of a dependent country must be much higher than that of a colony, and it is more like a country.

Beginning on August 1910, 8, Korea became a Japanese colony, accepted Japanese colonial rule, signed the "Japan-Korea Merger Treaty", and the royal family of the Korean Empire moved to Japan. .The Governor's Mansion of the North Korea is set as the capital.

During this period of time, the Japanese government implemented colonial rule over the country, restricted the development of national capitalism in the country, and plundered the resources of the country. Japanese was designated as the national language and the teaching of the Korean language was restricted. "Japan and South Korea have the same ancestor" and try to assimilate the North Korean people.Moreover, after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, they plundered a large number of North Korean labor force, forced a large number of comfort women to serve the war of aggression, instilled militaristic ideas in students, and recruited many Japanese soldiers of North Korean nationality... All these made North Korea miserable. .

Becoming a vassal state is equivalent to being a younger brother, 620 can still have its own rights, but becoming a colony is equivalent to being a slave, and you can only obey!

After thinking and analyzing the pros and cons, Jin Yicheng gritted his teeth and looked at Li Yunlong and said, "General Li, I can promise you this condition, but I hope we also have a certain degree of autonomy!"

"This is fine!" Li Yunlong said lightly: "Simply put, we have the final say on major matters, and you have final say on small matters!"

The more you oppress, the more you resist!

Li Yunlong understands this truth, so if he wants to control the country well, he must be relaxed, not too tight or too loose.

After hearing this, Jin Yicheng nodded slightly and said: "Yes, we can agree to this condition, but I hope that General Li can send troops into the country as soon as possible. Our people have been devastated under the Japanese colonial notice. , we hope to recover as soon as possible."

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