Just as Li Yunlong's voice fell, Shangguan Yufei walked in quickly and said in a hurry: "Commander, there is an urgent military situation in the country!"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????


"Urgent military situation. A total of 30 Soviet troops deployed on the Sino-Soviet border suddenly entered a state of war. It seems that they are about to invade the Chinese mainland. Now the border guards of the Central Army are tense. The Chongqing government has sent people to negotiate with the Soviet army. Yes, but the result of the negotiations does not seem to be optimistic!"

"Sure enough!" Li Yunlong said with a very calm expression on his face, "There will be no war between China and the Soviet Union!"

"Order the front-line combat troops to take Toveysk as quickly as possible. This is the bargaining chip for us and the Soviet army to gain benefits!"

........ ......

"Yes!" The orderly quickly conveyed the combat order.

Under Li Yunlong's order, the Predator launched an attack even more crazily, and more and more veteran soldiers fell under the Predator's guns!

"Bang bang bang... da da da da... pa pa pa pa..."


The sound of the guns in Toveysk is roaring more intensively!

In urban warfare, small mobile and fast-aiming artillery such as Tekken RPG is a siege weapon, constantly attacking the temporary defensive offensive of the Soviet army!

The Predator's attack became more and more fierce. The old soldiers were beaten so helplessly that their psychological resistance line of defense collapsed completely.

After a bloody battle, the Iron-Blooded Lion Army finally completely captured Toveysk!

"Destroy the remaining old Maozi soldiers quickly, and control the important urban areas of Tovesk!" Zhang Dabiao quickly issued a combat order!


Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the Jagged Lion Army dealt with the remaining old soldiers in Toveysk, and sporadic gunshots came continuously...

PS: For the second update, I strongly recommend a good book "The King of Kings Attack: The King of Luck". .

Chapter 1065 Ling Chi 3357 dollars, how many dollars can you afford (third update, please subscribe)

"Bang bang bang... da da da..."


Sporadic voices resounded everywhere in the entire Soviet city of Toveysk, and these were all old soldiers who were clearing the city.

Two hours later, the gunfire gradually died down, and the old soldiers in the city were almost wiped out.

Tovey passes through Sk, the temporary headquarters of the Jagged Lion Army.

Li Yunlong, He Jun, Lei Zifeng and others have just settled in this temporary headquarters, ready to fully control the Far Eastern city of Toveysk!

At this moment, I saw Zhang Dabiao walking in quickly, and behind him were two Predator pressing down on a man in a Soviet military uniform, "Eight Fifty Zero"!

This man is tall and tall, with a high nose and big eyes, and there is some fear in his eyes, but look at the rank on the epaulettes of this man's military uniform!

Yo, he is still a major general!

According to a military base city like Toveysk, the rank of major general should be the highest military commander!

This major general is none other than Kulechsky!

Originally, after learning that Tovey sk was not guaranteed, Kulchaski immediately organized his troops to retreat and planned to give up Tovey sk, but he did not expect to meet Chen Tianxiang's airborne troops on the way, and was captured alive in the end!

Now Kulechaski is very embarrassed, but he feels that there is still hope for survival. After all, he believes that although he is a prisoner, according to international conventions, prisoners cannot be tortured and killed.

"You are the supreme commander of Toveysk!" Li Yunlong looked at Kulchaski, and said slowly: "Tell me, did your leader Stalin ask you to sneak attack on our Iron-Blooded Lion Army?"

As a soldier, Kulechasky seemed to have some soldier's backbone, and said in Russian: "Although I am a prisoner, I will not reveal any military information!"

Russian, this can't trouble Li Yunlong!

Under the influence of the arsenal system, Li Yunlong said in fluent Russian: "Do you know that in our China there is a very famous criminal law called Ling Chi?"

"Lingchi, that is, "thousand cuts". When our ancient criminal law practitioners dealt with prisoners, they would cut off the flesh of the person, including the cutting and separation of the body and limbs."

Generally, Ling Chi in ancient times was executed by "eight knife punishment".The executioner uses a basket of numbered sharp knives: the first cut cuts the chest; the second cut cuts the bicep; the third cut cuts the thigh; the fourth and fifth cuts cut the arm to the elbow; And the seventh knife, cut the calf to the knee; the eighth knife, the owl's head.The dismembered remains were placed in baskets, and the heads were publicly displayed.

"Ling Chi needs to use a total of 3357 knives, and the last knives, that is, the 3357th knives, to stab the criminal to death, can be regarded as Ling Chi's success."

"That is to say, I will cut a total of 3357 knives on your body, cutting off your body piece by piece. How many knives do you think you can last?"

Ling Chi is definitely a torture.The method of execution is very cruel, and the general record is that the

The flesh of the human body was cut off piece by piece.There are also differences in the execution methods of the past dynasties. Generally, eight knives are cut, first the head and face, then the hands and feet, then the chest and abdomen, and finally the head.But in fact there are more than eight knives. In the Qing Dynasty, there were several types of twenty-four knives, thirty-six knives, seventy-two knives and one hundred and twenty knives.

Not long after Li Yunlong's army was established, Zhu Ziming, the first traitor, chose to rebel because he couldn't stand Kazuki Yamamoto's intimidation!

Hearing this, Kulechaski immediately became terrified, with cold sweat running down his forehead, and goosebumps all over his body when he thought about it, he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Li Yunlong.

"Don't talk to me about international conventions and prisoners of war treaties, these are completely unworkable here!"

"Speak, tell all you know, and you will be spared Ling Chi!"

After Li Yunlong's voice fell, Kuleckiski was already shouting profusely. He looked at Li Yunlong with trepidation in his eyes, and after a long while, he slowly said, "I said, you will let me go!" ?”

"I can guarantee that you will not be tortured by Ling Chi!" Li Yunlong said in a deep voice. .

Kulechsky hesitated for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, that's what you said!"

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