
The grenade exploded, and the air-raid shelter that hadn't been completely collapsed collapsed again in an instant, and the little devil who still had a trace of life in it completely turned into a dead body!

"Help けて, 私はここにいる, 励けて (Help, I'm here, help!)"

"人がいないか、助けて (Is there anyone, help)"


There were bursts of shouts in Japanese from some collapsed military fortifications.

Although the Predator doesn't understand Japanese, he knows that there are still living ghost soldiers inside. No matter what happens, the Predator is always greeted by grenades and bullets.

After a while, the shouts inside disappeared instantly!

Facing the enemy Gui Zibin, the Predator will not be soft at all!

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, and these devil soldiers are still devil soldiers who have committed heinous crimes!

Because Kyushu Island is relatively close to the Chaoguo Peninsula, most of the ghost soldiers on Kyushu Island were evacuated from the Chaoguo Peninsula, and they can be regarded as old opponents with the Jagged Lion Army.

For this part of the ghost soldiers, their psychology already has a major psychological shadow, because they know the horror of the Predator!

After experiencing the outbreak of the big earthquake, I had lingering fears, but now I have encountered the crazy (bbbj) attack of the Predator, and the psychological shadow area is even bigger.

After more than ten hours of fighting, the Jagged Lion Army finally took control of the situation, and allowed the rear to continuously transport troops and equipment to Kyushu Island!

The Kyushu Island landing battle, this is the largest landing battle of the Jagged Lion Army, involving the joint and coordinated operations of the Jagged Navy, Jagged Air Force and Jagged Army, which provides very noble experience for the next battle of the Jagged Lion Army !

Through the landing operations on Kyushu Island, Li Yunlong became more aware of the role of the navy and air force, which will also be the focus of future battles, so it is necessary to vigorously develop the iron-blooded navy and iron-blooded air force.

The future battle will be a global strategic battle, and 70% of the world is ocean area, so the navy and air force will be the focus of development!

At eight o'clock in the evening.

Li Yunlong, Zhou Weiguo, Lei Zifeng, Zhang Dabiao, Shangguan Yufei, Liu Shiyin and others set foot on Kyushu Island. At this time, the entire Nagasaki and Fukuoka areas of Kyushu Island are under the control of the iron-blooded lion army!

"Commander, because of the earthquake, Fukuoka and Nagasaki are now full of collapsed buildings and earthquake casualties. How should we deal with it?" Li Xiangyang, the frontline combat commander, came up and said, "Looking at the people everywhere A ruin!"

"I am not a Bodhisattva."

"Leave these matters to the devil residents themselves, and save us a lot of trouble!" Li Yunlong said lightly: "Immediately build the first combat headquarters of our Jagged Lion Army on Kyushu Island! Get ready for the next battle!"

The Jagged Lion Army is not a savior rescue team, so it is impossible for the Jagged Warriors to rescue these devil residents. Even if they extend a helping hand, these devil residents may not be grateful!

Moreover, the Predator still has more important battles to fight!

"Yes!" Li Xiangyang replied abruptly.

The main force of the Jagged Lion Army landed on Kyushu Island, which means the official start of the Jagged Lion Army's full-scale attack on the mainland of the island country, and what happened next surprised many people.

PS: In the third update, there are tens of thousands of words of sword fans "Legend of the Strongest Army God" and "The Strongest Army God of the War of Resistance", stimulating special forces fans "Special Forces: Extreme Agent" and "True Man God-level King".

Chapter 1153 Li Yunlong's wild words: Destroy the island country within three months (Fifth update, please subscribe)

After a day of hard fighting, the Jagged Lion Army finally occupied the territory around Fukuoka and Nagasaki, and became the foothold of the Jagged Lion Army!

Fukuoka County is the largest county on Kyushu Island and the political, economic and cultural center of Kyushu. It faces the sea on three sides and has well-developed transportation.The fishery is well developed and the fishery is abundant.

Nagasaki is a port city on the west coast of Kyushu Island and the capital of Nagasaki County. It is only 800 kilometers away from Shanghai. It is a transportation hub city, and the shipbuilding and fishing industries are very developed!

After occupying these two cities, it will be very helpful to the Jagged Lion Army's next battle plan!

In the following time, the Iron-Blooded Lion Army quickly established a combat force for the Iron-Blooded Lion Army to go to the island country in Fukuoka, building a base camp.

Because this area has just experienced a major earthquake, which caused a lot of damage to Fukuoka, and at the same time caused a lot of trouble for the Jagged Lion Army to build a base camp!

But there is no problem that the Jagged Lion Army can't solve!

Three days later, the base camp of the Jagged Lion Army on Kyushu Island was finally established, and the base camp was established in Fukuoka.

As a base camp, this will play an important role in the next comprehensive declaration of war on the island country.

The base camp of the Jagged Lion Army.

Zhou Weiguo, Zhang Dabiao, Lei Zifeng, Li Xiangyang, Sun Desheng, Luo Fei, Sa Zhenbing and others were all reporting the situation to Li Yunlong.

During this period, the Iron-Blooded Lion Army troops located on the Korean Peninsula were also continuously transported to Kyushu Island. Now the 60 Iron-Blooded Lion Army troops and various equipment from the island country have arrived in Kyushu Island.

"Now we have basically landed the main force of our army on Kyushu Island!" Zhou Weiguo made a final conclusion and said: "We only need to deploy the layout, and we can attack the island country in an all-round way!"

Li Yunlong nodded slightly: "According to the plan, proceed steadily!"

"Also..." Li Yunlong paused and said, "We must now ensure a logistics transportation line from Chaoyue Peninsula to Tsushima Island and then to Kyushu Island!"

"We are now fighting in the mainland of the island country, not in our mainland China. The situation is completely different, so we must ensure our logistics lines!"

"Commander! Don't worry!" Sa Zhenbing said: "Our navy will escort the lifeline of this iron-blooded lion army!"

"Very good!" Li Yunlong looked around at the people present and said, "Since we have set foot on the territory of the island country, we must continue to fight and teach the little devil to be a good man!"

As a time traveler, Li Yunlong knows Japan very well, which is a country that is superstitious about strength.They admire the strong, and respect whoever knocks him down.

Since the Sino-Japanese War of 1900-3.2, Japan has always been picking soft persimmons. In 1.2, the Eight-Power Allied Forces had a total of 3 people, including [-] Japanese troops. They did not encounter strong resistance and easily won the Qing Dynasty with a population of more than [-] million. In Beijing, the capital city, the Empress Dowager Cixi escaped, so she won huge compensation and the right to station Japanese troops in Beijing.

Later, Japan only came with 128 soldiers and occupied Chengde without encountering any resistance. Now, a Japan with a population of only 8000 million at that time can run amok on the land of China with a population of more than 4 million, because If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Li Yunlong knew in his heart that in the 21st century, the island countries tampered with textbooks, worshiped the Yasukuni Mystery, and continued to provoke troubles on the Diaoyu Islands and the East China Sea. This was because they believed that China was not strong at that time, so they continued to provoke.

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