Both sides are claiming that they are fighting back for justice!

But now that you've beaten them all, you can only continue to fight!

In the Pacific battlefield, although the U.S. military is powerful, it has been suppressed and beaten by the Japanese army because of the Zero fighter jets!

Recently, the Battle of Midway broke out.Midway Island is in the sea route of the Pacific Ocean, 4156 kilometers away from Japan and 5171 kilometers away from the United States. Its strategic position is very important. Therefore, Midway Island has also become the result of fierce confrontation between the United States and Japan!


This frustrates the US military, which thinks it is strong, and feels that the Pacific War is half of the impossible.

PS: In the fourth update, there are tens of thousands of words and strong swordsmen in "Legend of the Strongest Army God", "The Strongest Army God in the War of Resistance", "Special Forces: Extreme Agent", "The Real Man God-level King".

Chapter 1163 The savior of the American five-star general!Global relationship! (Fifth update, please subscribe)

The Battle of Midway was a very famous battle in World War II, and it was also a battle that suffered heavy losses for the US military.

In the second wave of combat, 6 U.S. Avenger torpedo attack aircraft and 4 B-26 bombers attacked the Japanese aircraft carrier "Chicheng", and then more than 20 Japanese carrier-based aircraft faced off, and the U.S. military except 3 aircraft were injured. Except for the return voyage, ~ the rest were buried in the sea.

Later, the U.S. military dispatched 16 more dive bombers, half of which were shot down by Zero carrier-based aircraft.In the third wave, the U.S. military dispatched 30 bombers to attack, but they were dispersed by the Zero carrier-based aircraft before approaching the target. 15 "Destroyer" torpedo attack aircraft were shot down by Zero fighters not long after they took off. Later, the U.S. military dispatched another 14 torpedo attack aircraft and were shot down 1-0 by Zero carrier-based aircraft.

Before and after, the U.S. Air Force was shot down 57 planes and injured many planes. It is already scared of being beaten by Zero fighter jets!

It can be said that in the Pacific battlefield, the U.S. military is constantly being defeated, which is in stark contrast to the iron-blooded lion army's victorious battles on the mainland of the island country.

Although Midway Island has an area of ​​only 4.7 square kilometers, its strategic position is very important because of its special geographical location.The island is 2800 nautical miles away from San Francisco in the United States and Yokohama in Japan. It is in the middle of the Pacific route between Asia and North America. It is 1135 nautical miles away from Pearl Harbor. Gateways and outposts.

Therefore, once Midway Island is lost, Pearl Harbor, the base camp of the US Pacific Fleet, will also die, and eventually lose its power in the Pacific battlefield.


U.S. base camp.

As the supreme commander of the US military, MacArthur's face is very ugly now, because the first two battles between the US military and the Japanese army were disastrous defeats for the US military, especially the fiasco of air combat!

Douglas MacArthur was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, and is a five-star general in the Army.He is now the commander of the Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Theater, the youngest principal of the West Point Military Academy, and the youngest Army Chief of Staff in the history of the US Army.

However, facing the crazy Japanese attack now, MacArthur suddenly felt a little helpless.

"The Battle of Midway is very important, we can't lose!" MacArthur muttered to himself, frowning, and kept staring at the battle map in front of him: "The current consensus of the Japanese army is very fast."

The current situation is very unfavorable to the US military.

Although the U.S. military now has strong military strength, the U.S. military feels a little overwhelmed by the crazy Japanese attack!

MacArthur also saw the problem, the biggest problem is the Japanese zero fighter!

The performance of Japanese Type Zero carrier-based aircraft in battle made American pilots almost lose confidence in defeating Type Zero fighters. Many pilots even thought that encountering Zero fighters was death, which had a great impact on the morale of the army!

"Fleet, how will we face the Japanese attack next? Their Zero fighter jets have a great impact on us!" MacArthur looked at an American man standing next to him!

The American man standing next to him is a senior army chief of staff with a burly appearance and sharp eyes. He is a very experienced combat staff officer. Fleet stepped forward and said, "Now our Pacific Fleet is facing a huge challenge!"

According to the course of history, the U.S. military seized a Zero fighter on an unnamed island in the Aleutian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and analyzed the weaknesses of this Zero fighter to reverse the Pacific War.

According to the regulations of the Japanese Air Force, if the Type Zero aircraft makes an forced landing, if it is possible to be captured, the pilot must detonate the aircraft's self-destruct device, and the aircraft cannot be captured by the enemy.The pilot of the straggling Zero carrier-based aircraft died unexpectedly during landing, before detonating the aircraft.

It was precisely because of such a fluke that the U.S. military knew that the Achilles heel of the Zero fighter was that the cockpit and the fuel tank did not have protective steel plates. Aiming at these two parts and firing could kill the Zero fighter.

· · Flowers · ·

It's just a pity that the U.S. military still hasn't been able to discover the weakness of the Zero fighter jets so far in the Pacific War, so it has been suppressed by the Zero fighter jets now!

This made MacArthur very headache!

Army Chief of Staff Fleet said slowly: "The Japanese Zero fighters are our biggest dilemma. If we can break through the Zero fighters' air defenses, we can turn the tide of the battle and win the Battle of Midway!"

"It's a pity that we haven't captured a complete Zero fighter yet, and we don't know the secret at all!"


The Zero fighters of the Japanese army all have self-exposure devices. Once there is a possibility of being captured, the Zero fighters will be detonated to keep the secrets of the Zero fighters.

It is precisely because of this that the U.S. military has never captured a complete Zero fighter!

The Japanese army currently has the upper hand in the Pacific War, and it is also because of this occupation that even if the island country is attacked, the Japanese Pacific Fleet did not return to rescue the island country.

Because they felt that defeating the U.S. Pacific Fleet played a vital role in dominating Southeast Asia, and the Japanese army also believed that they could withstand the attack of the Jagged Lion Army and defend the mainland of the island country!

"Midway can't be lost!" MacArthur said in a deep voice: "If Midway is lost, then Hawaii will be in danger, and our American mainland will be in danger!"

Follett nodded slightly, understanding the importance of Midway Island, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Maybe there is someone who can turn the tide of the battle?"

When MacArthur heard this, he was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean... Li Yunlong?"

PS: In the fifth update, there are tens of thousands of characters and strong swordsmen "Legend of the Strongest Army God", "The Strongest Army God of the Anti-Japanese War", "Special Forces: Extreme Agent", "The Real Man God-level King".

Chapter 1164 Contempt for Li Yunlong?Slap in the face! (First update, please subscribe)

Upon hearing this, MacArthur turned his head to look at Follett, stared closely at Follett's eyes, froze for a moment and said, "You mean... Li Yunlong?"

Follett nodded slightly and said, "That's right! I'm talking about him."

The Zero fighters of the Japanese army also fought against the air force of the Jagged Lion Army, but almost every time the result was that the Jagged Air Force won, which means that the Jagged Air Force was able to crush the Japanese Zero fighters!

However, both MacArthur and Follett knew that the first batch of Air Force fighter planes of the Jagged Air Force were produced by an arsenal aided by the US military.

The U.S. military's Wildcat fighter has an engine power of 882 kilowatts, a speed of "515" of 12.7 kilometers per hour, and six 6mm machine guns.With so many fighters concentrated in the U.S. military, only the Wildcat fighters can fight against the Japanese Type Zero fighters. However, because the Wildcat fighters are not as maneuverable and firepower as the Zero Type, the fierce battle ended in a disastrous defeat!

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