The Jagged Navy and the Jagged Navy are engaged in a very fierce naval battle in the Seto Inland Sea. The two sides may shoot at each other, and the smoke is soaring into the sky, and the flames of explosions are everywhere!

At the same time, in the sky above the Seto Inland Sea, the Jagged Air Force is also engaged in a fierce air battle with the Japanese flying team.


The sound of engines roared continuously in the sky, and the heavy machine guns and cannons mounted on the fighter planes fought fiercely one after another!

"Da da da da... papa papa..."


The fighter planes of both sides continued to shoot violently in the air, the artillery fired at each other, and the machine guns continued to shoot at the opponent's fighter planes!

Because the Jagged Air Force knew that the Achilles' heel of the Zero fighter was that the cockpit and the fuel tank had no protective steel plates, so they aimed at these two parts and fired!

A Xiaolong fighter directly bypassed a Zero fighter in front at super fast speed, and then aimed at the cockpit and fuel tank of the Zero fighter and fired violently!

"Little devil, go to hell!"

"Da da da 737 da... chug chug..."

After a burst of violent shooting, the mailbox of the Type Zero fighter immediately burst into flames, a puff of black smoke rose, and then began to fall down quickly!

In the air situation, the Jagged Air Force combined the advantages of the Xiaolong fighter jets and knew the weaknesses of the Zero fighter jets, so they kept shooting down the Japanese fighter planes!

At this moment, the battle in the Seto Inland Sea is also very fierce!

The Jagged Navy and the Japanese Navy fleet are engaged in a life-and-death contest, and shells and torpedoes quickly fly towards the opposing warship!


At this time, a heavy torpedo quickly shuttled through the water and flew towards a Jagged Navy Zhiyuan that was sailing against it!

The Zhiyuan is a light cruiser, and also the first batch of cruisers of the Jagged Navy. It is powered by steam turbines. It is considered an old-fashioned cruiser, but it has rich combat experience and has participated in more than a dozen naval battles!

However, the Zhiyuan was originally attacked by artillery fire during the naval battle in the Seto Inland Sea, and it had already burst into a burning fire, so its ability to transform became weak, and it was hit by a Japanese torpedo again.


I saw that the Zhiyuan light cruiser was unable to dodge in time, and was concentrated by a heavy torpedo of the Japanese army. Suddenly, a violent fire broke out, and a large amount of sea water continued to pour in!

Deng Mingguang, the captain of the Zhiyuan, saw that the entire Zhiyuan had lost its combat effectiveness, and it was only a matter of time before it sank!

"It's so unreasonable!" Deng Mingguang watched the Zhiyuan sinking, feeling a burst of grief and helplessness in his heart, and his face was very sad. After a moment of silence, he looked sharply at a Japanese heavy cruiser not far away!

It was this heavy cruiser that sank the Zhiyuan!

"Is Zhiyuan still powered?" Deng Mingguang asked in a deep voice.

The first officer next to him quickly said: "Report to the captain, the Zhiyuan's power system can still operate for the time being, but because it is too far away from our port, it should not be able to return to the port!"

When Deng Mingguang heard this, he immediately said, "Who said I'm going back to the port? Order the warships to launch an attack on the Japanese Zhiyuan at the fastest speed, and crash into the Japanese heavy cruiser!"

The first mate was taken aback for a moment, then quickly responded, "Yes!"

Immediately, the Zhiyuan, which was already burning with raging fire and pierced through holes, began to launch a suicide attack on the Japanese heavy cruiser at the fastest speed!

"Hoohoo... whoosh (bbfa) whoosh..."

The Zhiyuan was extremely fast, riding the wind and waves to attack the Japanese heavy cruiser!

Seeing this, the officers and soldiers of the Japanese heavy cruiser turned pale with fright. The captain immediately ordered the artillery fire on the warship to concentrate the artillery fire on the Zhiyuan.

"Boom boom boom... whoosh whoosh..."


A round of shells landed around the Zhiyuan, causing a violent explosion, but it did not hit the Zhiyuan!

The distance between the Zhiyuan and the Japanese heavy cruiser was not far away. When the tilted Zhiyuan was running at a high speed, it took only a moment to reach the Japanese heavy cruiser!

"Kill Jiji, quickly... quickly sink this crazy Chinese warship!" Seeing this, the captain of the Japanese Navy looked terrified, and ordered the warship to fire quickly!

But this can't stop the Zhiyuan's attack!

After a while, although the Zhiyuan was attacked by two artillery shells during the charge, the strong Zhiyuan did not remain silent. Instead, it ran into the Japanese heavy cruiser even more crazily!

"Whoosh, whoosh, clang, touch!"

The bow of the Zhiyuan warship directly hit the middle of the Japanese cruiser's hull. Due to the powerful impact, a huge crack appeared in the middle of the Japanese heavy cruiser's hull, and the whole warship began to shake up and down!

Seeing this, Deng Mingguang immediately said: "Order the warship to speed up!"


Immediately, the Zhiyuan turned on its maximum horsepower, and continuously impacted the hull of the Japanese heavy cruiser. The cracks on the Japanese heavy cruiser became bigger and bigger, and began to break in the middle, causing a serious tilt.

"Crunch... creak..."

"Puff... blah... blah..."

A large amount of seawater continuously poured into the Japanese heavy cruiser, impacting the Japanese heavy cruiser!

After a while, the Japanese heavy cruiser began to sink slowly on the vast sea, but with the Japanese heavy cruiser sank, there was also the hero Zhiyuan!

Some officers, soldiers and soldiers on the Zhiyuan sank into the bottom of the sea and died heroically, while others floated on the sea surface, waiting for rescue!

Heroes are not necessarily heroic, but they must be doing their best for the collective victory!

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