After the precise fixed-point bombing was completed, high-altitude reconnaissance of Hiroshima began immediately, constantly preparing for the next atomic bombing!

After two or three days of emergency training and preparations, the Jagged Lion Army is now ready to bomb Hiroshima.

The base camp of the Jagged Lion Army.

Li Yunlong looked at Zhao Gang and said: "Old Zhao, don't you want to know the power of this atomic bomb? We can go and see it for the bombing of Hiroshima this time!"

The atomic bomb has always been said by Li Yunlong to be powerful enough to destroy a city!

Zhao Gang is an intellectual, but this is beyond his cognitive ability, so he also wants to see if the atomic bomb is so powerful!

"Okay, let's take a look!" Zhao Gang's eyes were full of anticipation!

This time the atomic bombing of the island country Hiroshima was the first atomic bombing in human history, and Li Yunlong wanted to see it!

As a traveler, Li Yunlong has always known the power of the atomic bomb, but he has not been able to witness it with his own eyes, so this bombing of the island country Hiroshima is the best opportunity to experience the power of the atomic bomb!

Oita Prefecture!Oita Airport.

The fleet of planes dispatched to bomb Hiroshima this time is very large, mainly including two Canberra bombers, four Xiaolong fighter jets, and one Li Yunlong's special plane!

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang will take a special plane over Hiroshima to witness the explosion of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima!

"take off!"

Following Li Yunlong's instructions, all fighter jets parked at the airport took off quickly one after another!


After gliding from the track for a certain distance, the fighter planes quickly lifted off and flew towards Hiroshima!

According to the flight route, the flying team flew over the Seto Inland Sea to the sky over Hiroshima, and returned to Oita Airport immediately after the bombing was completed.

"Buzz buzz... swish swish..."

The entire huge fleet of aircraft was flying quickly in the air, and it was not intercepted by Japanese fighter planes. It can be said to be very smooth!

Prior to this, the Iron Blood Navy and the Iron Blood Air Force had already launched a fierce attack on the Japanese navy and air force in this area, annihilating their main forces and vital forces, which invisibly paved the way for the bombing of Hiroshima!

Hiroshima, this is not a simple city. It can be said that the Sino-Japanese war in modern China is related to this city. At this time, it is a city of the army and the headquarters of the Second Army of the Japanese Home Defense Army. The location is also the location of the military administration area in the entire central part of Japan, that is, there are many important military personnel of the Japanese Army in this city of Hiroshima.

In the south of Hiroshima City, there is Ujina Port, which is a very famous military port. Generations of Japanese troops set off from here. They were sent off by Japanese people who "love peace and oppose war" and boarded the troop carrier. Go to the Yalu River to fight the Qing army, go to Fengtian to fight the Russian army, go to annex North Korea, go to occupy the Northeast, go to the Marco Polo Bridge, go to the bungalows in Harbin, go to Nanjing, Wuhan, Pingdingshan, the River Kwai Bridge... This is one The beginning of evil!

In addition, there is the famous Kure Naval Base near Hiroshima, which has Japan's first-class naval shipyard. If this important naval base is blown up, it will cut off the logistics supply capability of the Japanese Navy!

· · Flowers ·

It is precisely because of these various reasons that Li Yunlong decided to bomb Hiroshima to maximize the power and deterrence of the atomic bomb and create the most effective military effect!


After a few hours of flying, the entire bombing flight team had arrived over Hiroshima, and a harsh air defense siren sounded below Hiroshima!

"Except for the Canberra bomber on the bombing mission, the other fighters should raise their altitude!" Li Yunlong gave combat orders to the other fighters by radio.

The explosive power of the atomic bomb is very powerful. If the flying altitude is too low, it is likely to be involved in the light energy and air waves generated by the atomic bomb explosion, which is very dangerous.



As a result, Li Yunlong's special plane Iron Blood and other Xiaolong fighters were pulled up to the maximum height, ready to feel the power of the atomic bomb explosion!

"Canberra One is on a bombing mission!"

"Received by Canberra One! Received by Canberra One!"

Immediately after the Canberra bomber arrived over Hiroshima, the collimator aimed at the center of a bridge in Hiroshima, and the co-pilot immediately said: "Start the bombing device immediately!"

Two seconds later, the automatic bomb-dropping device on the Canberra bomber was activated, and about 60 seconds later, the atomic bomb code-named Destruction fell from the open hatch over Hiroshima.

At this moment, the Canberra bomber made a 155° turn and dived directly from the sky; at that moment, the height of the entire bomber immediately dropped by more than 300 meters.

The purpose of this rapid high-altitude dive is to stay as far away from the explosion site as possible and avoid the harm caused by the atomic bomb explosion!

At the same time, the world's first atomic bomb exploded on the island nation of Hiroshima!

PS: In the fifth update, there are tens of thousands of characters and strong swordsmen "Legend of the Strongest Army God", "The Strongest Army God of the Anti-Japanese War", "Special Forces: Extreme Agent", "The Real Man God-level King".

Chapter 1184 A bomb destroys a city with great power (first update, please subscribe)

"Hoo hoo... whoosh..."

When the Canberra fighter jets made a dive to avoid the explosion site, the released atomic bomb began to descend rapidly.


The nuclear charge in the atomic bomb code-named destruction is uranium 235, because this atomic bomb has an implosion structure. Generally, a high-detonation high explosive is made into a spherical device, and the nuclear charge smaller than the critical mass is made into a small ball and placed in a In dynamite.The electric detonator is ignited synchronously, then impacts the structure inside the atomic bomb, and finally explodes to release huge power.

About 45 seconds later, the high-speed descending swallow belt went through a series of internal reactions, and then began to explode at about 550 meters above Hiroshima.

This explosion, "[-]" was simply shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. The roaring sound was deafening and deafening, like a landslide and an earth crack!


A loud noise shot up into the sky, and accompanied by the loud explosion sound, there was a dazzling and strong white flash. This white light was very hot and dazzling, and it was extremely lethal!

In the next second, a huge mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke immediately rolled up over the entire Hiroshima, and then hundreds of pillars of fire were erected.

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