As for the bombing of the Eagle's Nest, Hitler also put the blame on Britain. He wanted to settle the score with Li Yunlong, but Li Yunlong's battlefields and troops were in Asia, and the main battlefield of Dé was in Europe. Now I don't have the ability and energy to go to Europe to attack Li Yunlong's troops!

This is also where Li Yunlong was confident when he made the plan to bomb the Eagle's Nest. After all, it is impossible for the dé country to seek revenge.

Wolf Lair is the safest and hidden one among Hitler’s many command sites. Even Hitler commented highly on Wolf Lair: “…this is one of the few places in Europe where I can work freely and calmly .”

After the atomic bomb bombed Hiroshima, the military intelligence system of country Dé also got the news, knowing that the Jagged Lion Army possesses super powerful weapons and equipment such as the atomic bomb, and a single bomb can destroy a city!

At the moment, the intelligence department of country dé reported this matter to Hitler!

When Hitler heard that the power of the atomic bomb could directly destroy a city, he calmed down at that time (Wang Wang): "My God, there are such powerful weapons in this world?"

As a war fanatic, when he heard about weapons and equipment like the atomic bomb, there was a wave of fanaticism and excitement in his eyes!

If the atomic bomb was manufactured by the dé country, Hitler felt that it would reduce a lot of resistance for him to dominate the world!

"Yes!" Martin next to him said, "It's unbelievable that such a powerful weapon comes from such a backward and barren country as China!"

When Li Yunlong's atomic bomb was detonated, it immediately shocked the world's powers: knock the mountain and shake the tiger!

PS: In the third update, there are tens of thousands of words and strong swordsmen "Legend of the Strongest Army God", "The Strongest Army God of the War of Resistance", "Special Forces: Extreme Agent", "The Real Man God-level King".

Chapter 1187 Virtue also makes atomic bombs?Veteran sigh! (Fourth update, please subscribe)

Martin looked at Hitler and said cautiously: "According to the information sent back, Li Yunlong's iron-blooded lion army dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the mainland of Japan's island country. The atomic bomb exploded so powerfully that it directly wiped out the entire city of Hiroshima. It was destroyed and turned into a scorched earth ruin!"

Apart from shock, Hitler's eyes also had a hint of doubt. After all, the power of the atomic bomb was beyond his knowledge: "Is the information accurate?"

"Accurate!" Martin said hastily: "This atomic bomb is the secret weapon of the Jagged Lion Army, but we don't know how many such shells the Jagged Lion Army currently has!"

The number is unknown, which made Hitler look a little dignified, so he began to wonder how much the chances of winning would be if the German army fought with the Jagged Lion Army!

Besides, once the two sides go to war, if an atomic bomb is dropped on Berlin, won't the whole city of Berlin be gone?

After being silent for a long time, Hitler looked at Martin and said, "Martin, immediately notify the Ministry of Military Industry, and immediately develop an atomic bomb in the shortest possible time at all costs. Our dé country must also have such a super weapon!"

According to the historical process, the original atomic bomb was first developed and carried out in 690 in Dé country, but because of the war, coupled with Hitler's own emphasis on the atomic bomb, this made the development of the atomic bomb very slow, and finally ended without a problem , but it was successfully developed by the United States first!

And it is undeniable that during World War II, country dé had many excellent scientists in the disciplines of atomic physics, nuclear physics, chemistry, and mathematics. At that time, many Jews lived in country dé, and the Jews were all people with high IQs.

Because Hitler persecuted the Jews, these outstanding German scientists had no choice but to leave their hometowns, and most of them went to the United States, which played a vital role in various high-tech, weaponry, scientific research, etc. effect!

The scientists in dé country are very powerful, such as Einstein, Schrödinger, Frank, En Bo, etc., these are all super excellent scientists, but they fled to the United States later!

There is no doubt that the dé country has strong technological and military capabilities. If Hitler paid attention to the development of the atomic bomb, this would be another situation (bbaf)!

"Yes!" Martin replied abruptly!

Seeing the enormous power of the atomic bomb, Hitler was a little greedy, so he decided to develop the atomic bomb at all costs!

This virtually changed the pattern and direction of World War II.


America, the White House!

The news of the Jagged Lions bombing Hiroshima soon reached Roosevelt's ears.

Recently, the relationship between the United States and the Jagged Lion Army has been a little tense. That is because when the United States asked Li Yunlong about the weaknesses and fatal flaws of the Japanese Zero fighter jets, Li Yunlong did not answer, and even the special envoy of the United States was absent. This made the United States and Roosevelt very I'm upset!

Because Li Yunlong did not provide the weaknesses and tips of the Zero fighter, this puts the US Pacific Fleet at a disadvantage in the Pacific theater, and it seems that Hawaii will not be able to defend it!

Roosevelt was annoyed, and when he was preparing to deal with Li Yunlong and put pressure on Li Yunlong, news of the iron-blooded lion army's atomic bombing of Hiroshima reached Roosevelt's ears, which made Roosevelt stunned.

"My God, Li Yunlong can still develop such a powerful weapon?" Roosevelt was shocked, his eyes were very surprised!

If the Jagged Lion Army has weapons and equipment as powerful as the atomic bomb, then he has to consider his relationship with the Jagged Lion Army!

After all, if an atomic bomb is still in London, the entire country of America will be destroyed!

"It seems that Li Yunlong can't be underestimated!" Roosevelt muttered to himself, then turned to look at his secretary and said, "Call a meeting of the Ministry of National Defense immediately!"

This time Roosevelt held a meeting of the Ministry of National Defense, the main purpose is to let the United States also start to study the atomic bomb!

After all, the power of the atomic bomb is so great that it can be used to deter other countries and protect the security of our own country, which made Roosevelt very greedy!


At the same time, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima by the Jagged Lion Army spread rapidly around the world, and the Prime Minister of the UK, Churchill, was also shocked when he heard the news.

The friction between the Ying Kingdom and the Iron-Blooded Lion Army was not small before, but the current relationship is considered to be eased!

Churchill commented on the iron-blooded lion army's atomic bombing of Hiroshima: "This is the most meaningful and valuable bombing in human history, and it is also a milestone bombing. He proved that human beings can create such powerful weapons and equipment!"

The situation in the Soviet Union at this time is not optimistic.

After the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, the Soviet Union was defeated all the way, and the German army had almost reached Moscow, which made the entire Soviet Union nervous!

Stalin was also shocked when he learned that the Jagged Lion Army possessed a super weapon such as an atomic bomb, which could blow up a city.

"I really didn't expect such a barren country to manufacture such powerful weapons!" Stalin looked at the situation in the Soviet Union before him, and began to wonder whether he should ask Li Yunlong for help. After all, the German army had almost reached Moscow.

However, the relationship between the Soviet Union and the Jagged Lion Army is not very good. Although the "Cycad Peace Treaty" was signed, this can only maintain the status quo!

The UK and the Soviet Union are both war-torn countries, so they simply don't have the ability and conditions to start building atomic bombs!

At this time, Lao Jiang, who was far away in Chongqing, learned that Li Yunlong possessed the atomic bomb, and his mood became more complicated!

"The power of the atomic bomb is so great, how can we resist it?" Lao Jiang looked out the window and suddenly sighed: "Oh my god, since you are born in the right way, how can you be born in Yunlong!"

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