"As for the UN troops, let's set up a UN peacekeeping force, referred to as a peacekeeping force. UN members provide the troops and equipment needed by the Security Council, that is, member states send people and equipment!"

"According to my vision, the source of funding for the United Nations consists of three parts, the regular budget, which is paid by all member states in proportion, and the second is the peacekeeping operations.

, and the third is voluntary contributions from member states! "

"The most important outcome of the United Nations is the United Nations Security Council. The responsibility of the United Nations Security Council is to maintain peace and security among nations. The other main organs of the United Nations only have the right to make "suggestions" to member states, while the Security Council has the right to make recommendations with Mandatory resolutions that member states must accept and implement."

"As for the permanent members of the UN Security Council, I suggest five!"

"The above are some of my views and suggestions on the establishment of the United Nations!" Li Yunlong looked at the people present and said, "What do you think?"

As soon as everyone heard this, they all started to discuss heatedly!

"United Nations, I think this idea is good, it can protect the national interests as much as possible!"

"The idea proposed by Marshal Li is very good. I agree with the establishment of the United Nations!"

"The United Nations, I believe, will be an important international organization to maintain world peace, but the process of building this will be very long!"

"The League of Nations is a failed international organization because of the lack of troops, but now if the United Nations has its own troops, it will be very beneficial to the implementation of the United Nations resolutions!"

"The United Nations, I think this is a great idea that can bring together the interests of countries all over the world and form a consensus!"

"Marshal Li, your idea of ​​the United Nations is very good. The specific details can be discussed. I think it is very implementable!"

"That's right, I also agree to the establishment of the United Nations!"

"The United Nations, this is bound to become the largest international organization in the world. It has a certain foundation for maintaining world peace and preventing the outbreak of world war!"

"The United Nations, the permanent members, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice, these are all very good institutions!"


Roosevelt, 4.4 Churchill, Stalin, etc. all put forward their own views and expressed their intention to establish the United Nations. .

In the eyes of many people, the establishment of the United Nations is definitely a great idea, which can promote world peace and development!

Seeing that everyone agrees with the idea of ​​establishing the United Nations, Li Yunlong said after a moment of silence: "The establishment of the United Nations requires the implementation of many mandatory events, so I propose to set up a United Nations CEO again."

PS: For the first update, I strongly recommend "Snow Leopard War Wolf World": Leng Feng, Zhou Weiguo, Li Yunlong and others fight the world together, establish their own forces, and avoid the Nanjing Massacre. It is exciting and exciting. .

Chapter 1220 Li Yunlong, CEO of the United Nations? (Second update, please subscribe)

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"I am proposing to add to the United Nations the post of Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations, as the executive officer of the entire United Nations, followed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations!"

Li Yunlong expressed his proposal!

According to the historical process, there is no such position as the chief executive officer of the United Nations. The chief executive is the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which can be said to be the largest position in the entire United Nations.

The Secretariat of the United Nations is mainly engaged in various daily work of the United Nations and serves other main organs of the United Nations.The issues addressed by the responsibilities are equally diverse, ranging from managing peacekeeping operations to mediating international disputes, from investigating economic and social trends and issues to producing studies on human rights and sustainable development issues.

The head of the secretariat is the secretary-general, the boss of the United Nations.

"According to my idea, the chief executive officer of the United Nations is the supreme leader of the United Nations, and the Secretary-General of the 11th United Nations is the second leader!" Li Yunlong said slowly.

According to the Secretary-General of the United Nations that Li Yunlong knows, this is recommended by the Security Council and designated by the United Nations General Assembly. He is the "administrative head" of this agency and is responsible for the work of the Secretariat. Bring it to the attention of the Security Council and perform “other duties” entrusted to it by the Security Council, the UN General Assembly and other principal bodies.

It can be said that in front of all countries in the world, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is often regarded as a symbol of the United Nations, and at the same time uses this identity to mediate between parties in disputes.The term of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is five years, renewable.The Secretary-General of the United Nations is often regarded as the "master of the world".

However, in this parallel world, Li Yunlong added a United Nations CEO.

Because everyone present did not know the situation of the United Nations, they thought it was Li Yunlong who proposed it, so what Li Yunlong said was what he said!

"The main responsibility of the chief executive of the United Nations is to maintain world peace and mediate all international disputes, control the development of the world pattern, and have the right to veto!"

"Marshal Li, the CEO of the United Nations seems to be too authoritarian!" Roosevelt said, "Separation of powers should be carried out like the United States!"

"President Roosevelt, this statement is wrong!" Li Yunlong said slowly: "If a country does not have a person with exclusive power, the efficiency will become very low. The League of Nations is a good example!"

"And a UN watchdog could be created to monitor the behavior of UN leaders!"

If the chief executive of the United Nations has powerful powers, then the United Nations watchdog must also become a decoration.

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and others listened to Li Yunlong's idea and nodded their heads one after another!

"Since this is the case, our main general concept of the United Nations has been completed. The chief executive officer of the United Nations is the big boss of the United Nations, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is the sub-boss, and then there are six main organs: the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Security Council of the United Nations, the United Nations Economic and Social Council, UN Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and UN Secretariat.”

"Other international institutions can be continuously added according to the development to ensure the stable operation of the United Nations!"

After thinking for a moment, Roosevelt said, "I agree to the establishment of the United Nations!"

"According to Marshal Li's vision, the United Nations is a neutral and peaceful international institution, and I agree!" Roosevelt also said, "This is very conducive to the development of the international community."

"I agree too!" Churchill nodded slightly.

Seeing that everyone agrees with the idea of ​​the United Nations, Li Yunlong nodded slightly and said, "Believe me, as long as we work together, the United Nations will definitely develop into the world's largest international organization and maintain world peace and stability."

As a time traveler, Li Yunlong knows what the future development of the United Nations will be like!

According to the development of history, due to the continuous strength of the United States, the alliance is gradually inclined to the United States.

As the founding country and host country of the United Nations Headquarters, the United States has played an extremely important role in the development of the United Nations, and has been trying to paint more American colors in it.The United States manipulated the United Nations in the absence of the Soviet Union to form the United Nations Army in 1950 to help South Korea resist the North Korean invasion. In 2003, without the permission of the United Nations Security Council, it launched the Iraq war with Saddam and Bin Laden involved... and so on. U.S. control.

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