A shot goes off!

A blood hole immediately appeared in the brow of the German spy, and he fell down immediately!

PS: In the fourth update, I strongly recommend "Snow Leopard War Wolf World": Leng Feng, Zhou Weiguo, Li Yunlong and others fight the world together, establish their own forces, and avoid the Nanjing Massacre. It is exciting and exciting. .

Chapter 1223 Help me become king?If I want to be king, who can stop me! (Fifth update, please subscribe)

The German spy hidden among the believers drew his gun until Lan Rouge drew his gun and shot him dead. All this happened in an instant and at such a fast speed that many people didn't come to their senses!

The idea of ​​the spies in dé country is very simple. Since they are about to be exposed, an enemy who can kill them is an enemy, and pull up ~ a back!

The ideal is full, but - the reality is very skinny.

Lan Rouge's speed is extremely fast, from drawing the gun, raising the gun, aiming, shooting... the whole process is done in one go!

Think about it, too, can the apprentice handed over by Li Yunlong be bad?

When the other priests of the congregation came to their senses, they found that the German spy had collapsed, still holding a pistol in his hand.

Because the German spy suddenly shot and made the final suicide attack, the five captured spies also angrily resisted, and they were all ready to draw their guns and fire!

But the iron-blooded guards next to them had long guarded and detained these dé spies. When they wanted to act, these guards opened fire quickly and violently!

"Da da da da... papa papa..."

After a burst of violent gunfire, the five dé country spies all fell down before firing!And the guns in the hands of the German spies haven't fired a single shot.

All these things happened in a short moment, and when everything returned to calm, there were already six corpses lying on the ground, all of them were holding pistols or submachine guns in their hands.

Obviously, true believers will not hold weapons!

Seeing such a scene, the pastor was stunned and stunned!

Lan Rouge glanced at everyone present, and then said in a deep voice, "Take off the clothes of these people!"


A few iron-blooded guards quickly stripped off the clothes of these dé country spies, and saw a "Swastika" and team emblem on the arms of these dé country spies.

The emblem of the SS Army uses two lightning bolts as the SS symbol. In Norse mythology, the meaning of a lightning bolt represents the sun and symbolizes victory.Its lightning logo was designed by Walter Heck in 1932.

Looking at the "Swastika" symbol on their arms and the team emblem, these pastors and believers have nothing to say, because this is the symbol of the fascist Nazi party in dé!

"Facts speak louder than words!" Lan Rouge said, turned around and left!

The pastor and the rest of the believers looked at the backs of Lan Rouge and others, and then they focused their eyes on the corpse lying on the ground. The leading pastor murmured: "Great Lord, forgive us mortals for our offenses! "


Conference venue in Tehran.

The gunshots from the nearby church attracted the attention of Li Yunlong, Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, etc., and the discussion on the United Nations was also terminated.

"How could there be gunshots all of a sudden!" Churchill immediately said, "Could it be an assassination and sabotage operation by a dé spy!"

"I guess so!" Roosevelt said.

After a while, Lan Rouge walked into the venue, came straight to Li Yunlong's side, whispered in a low voice, and briefly explained what happened just now, then turned around and went down!

Li Yunlong looked at the people present and said: "Everyone, the gunfire just now is a kind of victory gunshot!"

"The dark net personnel of our intelligence agency have just discovered the dé spy personnel lurking among the believers in the church, and finally found these six spies sharply!"

"The gunshot just now was our darknet personnel's interception and killing of the spy personnel of the dé country. This gunshot represents the assassination plan of Hitler, the devil, once again shattered, and we have won another victory!"

The church is very close to the meeting place, and in order to ensure the secrecy of this Tehran meeting, there are not too many guards in the infield, so the spy agents arrived at the church, which has a great impact on the safety of the entire meeting place. Big shock!

But now they are all blocked by the dark web!

"I've heard that Marshal Li has a very elite intelligence department called the Dark Net. When I saw it today, it really is extraordinary!" Roosevelt said with a smile on his face: "The spies of the dé country can escape layers of defenses. Entering the church, but being intercepted and killed by the dark net of your army, it is an eye-opener for me!"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

The faces of Churchill and Stalin were a little ugly.

Because Iran was captured and occupied by the Soviet army and the British army, it can be said that the Soviet army and the British army are the hosts of this Tehran meeting, which can be seen from their defenses.

However, the layer-by-layer defenses of the Soviet and German troops still allowed German spies to enter the church, threatening the safety of the venue. If it weren't for the presence of darknet personnel, the entire venue would have become very dangerous.


Stalin said: "This is a mistake of our army's defense. I am deeply sorry for this. Prime Minister Churchill and I will strengthen the security of the venue!"

"Yes, I am deeply sorry!" Stalin also said in embarrassment.

Because of the assassination of German spies and the sudden gunshots, the Tehran meeting on this day came to an end.

The meeting dispersed, and when Li Yunlong, Zhou Weiguo and his party were about to return to their residence, Roosevelt quickly caught up.

Roosevelt said: "Marshal Li, can you make an excuse to speak!"

Excuse me?

What is so hidden?

Li Yunlong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and came to a remote corner with Roosevelt: "President Roosevelt, if you have something to say, just say it!"

"Marshal Li, are you interested in the leaders of your country? I can give Marshal Li the necessary support!"

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