"The Iron-Blooded Lion Army is an army, how do you make money..."

When Li Yunlong was muttering to himself, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and quickly said: "Yes, I can set up an arms company, become an arms dealer, and sell the arms in my hand to earn income!"

"Yes, yes, I can sell arms!"

The world's largest arms dealer has officially appeared!

PS: In the fifth update, there are tens of thousands of characters and strong swordsmen "Legend of the Strongest Army God", "The Strongest Army God of the Anti-Japanese War", "Special Forces: Extreme Agent", "The Real Man God-level King". .

Chapter 1254 The world's largest arms dealer (first update, please subscribe)

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The Jagged Lion Army is an army, so the best way to get huge military income is to sell arms!

During World War I and World War II, the largest arms dealer was the United States!

During the First World War, as long as there was money, the United States would sell all kinds of arms!Up to the Second World War, before the United States joined the war in the early stage, the United States sold arms to Japan, which is a dé country.

According to Li Yunlong’s understanding, in the early days of the Japanese war of aggression against China, the Americans publicly accused the Japanese army of aggression, but secretly they secretly traded with Japan and sold arms: Japan’s Mitsui Group purchased DuPont’s ammonia at a price of more than 90 US dollars. A recipe for dynamite.The United States also sold guns and ammunition worth $14, military equipment worth $600 million, steel worth $7000 million, and oil worth more than $1600 to Japan.


In the early days of World War II, although the United States declared neutrality, due to the manipulation of the Morgan consortium, the United States had never heard of Japan’s support. It was not only financial support but also industrial support. At that time, Japan’s metallurgical industry was relatively backward, and the United States invested heavily in Japan. The military industry helped Japan establish a modern military industry and strengthened Japan’s strength in manufacturing arms for invading China. According to our understanding, the ratio of Japan’s imports of military supplies from the United States to all imported military supplies is: 90% of scrap iron and steel, 45% of lead, 90% copper, 65% petroleum and petroleum products, and 70% machine tools required for the development of aircraft and tank industries.

"Damn Americans, let's finally taste the taste of reaping the consequences!" Li Yunlong thought of the US's inconsistency in aiding Japan, and he felt a burst of indignation in his heart!

This is also the reason why Li Yunlong did not aid the Pacific Fleet of the United States. The US government has always wanted to know the secrets of the Japanese Zero fighter jets, but Li Yunlong has never said it!

Li Yunlong just wanted to let the Americans know that this was the result of secretly aiding Japan in the first place!

The Japanese economy is extremely dependent on the United States. If the United States wants to help China in the war of resistance, it only needs to impose economic sanctions on Japan.But in fact, the United States has always supported Japan, hoping that Japan will attack the Soviet Union in the north, while American financiers and companies are mercenary, exchanging the flesh and blood of Chinese people for their own money.Until a few days before the Pearl Harbor attack, the insatiable Americans signed a treaty of friendship with Japan, with the purpose of continuing to make huge profits from Japan's war of aggression against China.

It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest reason and support for the United States to become a world power and dominate the world after this is the First World War and the Second World War, from which it made huge profits and rapidly developed the military industry!

"The profit of this arms trade is not low." Li Yunlong remembered watching a movie called "Lord of War" before time travel, which clearly stated: The profit of weapons is indeed very large, basically doubled.The president of the United States is the boss of these arms dealers. The government needs arms dealers. As long as there is still war, the law cannot do anything to them.

As long as there are arms dealers, there will be arms trade, and it is possible to create wars for arms trade without war.

Li Yunlong also knows in his heart that through the arms trade, not only can he obtain huge profits, but he can also control the currencies of other countries, control other countries, become creditors of other countries, etc. These have great influence in the international community.

"Monk, bring me Political Commissar Zhao, I have something to discuss with him!"


After a while, Wei Dayong brought Zhao Gang to Li Yunlong's office!

Li Yunlong excitedly stated with Zhao Gang the idea of ​​the Jagged Lion Army establishing an arms company, making the Jagged Lion Army an arms dealer.

When Zhao Gang heard Li Yunlong's idea, he looked at Li Yunlong with a surprised face: "Old Li, is such an idea feasible?"

"If the arms trade is carried out, although I can get huge profits, will it affect our security and strategy?"

Li Yunlong grinned and said, "Hey, Old Zhao, that's not what you said!"

"Our Jagged Lion Army established an arms company to sell arms and can adhere to two principles. First, do not sell advanced weapons and equipment!"

"The AK47, Xiaolong fighter jets, nuclear submarines and other advanced weapons in our hands are definitely not for sale. We mainly sell some relatively backward weapons, such as the little devil's [-] rifle, the [-] type machine gun, and the initial cheetah tank. , the first model anti-aircraft guns, steam-electric warships, etc.!"

"These weapons are very backward weapons in our opinion in 967, but they are indeed advanced weapons for other countries, and we can make profits from them!"

"These weapons and equipment will not threaten the safety of our Jagged Lion Army at all!"

"Secondly, the second principle we adhere to is not to sell to hostile countries, only to allied countries and friendly countries! Control exports!"

"I, Old Li, would not be so stupid as to lift a rock and shoot myself in the foot!"

Zhao Gang listened to Li Yunlong's thoughts and nodded slightly! ,

ps: Regarding the final development of the protagonist Li Yunlong in this book, I seek the opinions and suggestions of all book friends:

1: Unify China and build a country to dominate Asia, compete and conquer with European and American powers!

2: Establish a country overseas, do not participate in the civil war in China, implement an imperial system, compete and conquer with European and American powers!

3: Dominate the world and build a powerful empire!

4: Play freely, just eliminate the enemy countries, keep some countries!

5: I will read whatever the author writes!

Reply to the corresponding numbers in the book review area, or if you have any suggestions, I will look at the opinions of readers and friends! .

Chapter 1255 The profiteering industry controls the lifeline of the country (second update, please subscribe)

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Proposing the idea of ​​an arms company is an important source of military expenditure for Li Yunlong, and it is also a method related to ruling and forming an alliance of interests!

Li Yunlong understands that the development of nuclear weapons and space strategies in the future will be very costly and requires strong financial and capability support. Therefore, the Jagged Lion Army now needs to make money to increase income, and now the Jagged Lion Army has this ability!

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