"Impossible, it is impossible for our mighty Great Japanese Empire to surrender, this is a lie!"

"Ahhh...why? Why surrender!"

"We surrendered? Surrendered? Ah... impossible!"

"Surrender to Li Yunlong's troops? It is impossible for us to surrender to the Chinese!"

"I will swear allegiance to our Emperor His Majesty, goodbye, my family!"

"Baga, you hateful Chinese people! I can't accept this fact, I can't accept it!"


Many little devils in the Japanese army did not believe that this moment was coming, and they were all severely stimulated, screaming 753 crazily, and some even committed suicide or self-mutilation!

Most of the Japanese people who have been brainwashed by the Japanese government for many years are fanatical militarists. When the Japanese emperor announced his surrender, tens of millions of Japanese fell to their knees in despair.

When many Japanese people heard the broadcast of the emperor's surrender, they burst into tears and wailed, more sad than their dead parents.But in the hearts of the Japanese, the emperor is a god-like existence, and he can only listen and cannot be disputed.

The Japanese campuses were listening to the Emperor's broadcast, and the teachers and students were also crying. The whole school was filled with very painful and sad cries.


These students are very sad. They don't believe that such a war will end in failure. They still hope to join the army to serve their motherland after graduation... But now they have announced their surrender, which makes them very sad.

Under the communication conditions at that time, a lot of information could not be circulated, especially under the government's intentional control, many people did not know the current situation and situation, and many Japanese people, little devils, soldiers and civilians were still doing the rule of the Japanese Empire to dominate The dream of Asia to jointly build the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere!

But now the dream is broken! .

Chapter 1305 After the surrender of the island country, Li Yunlong will not suffer! (Fifth update, please subscribe)

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For the emperor of the island country, who suddenly read the "Edict of the End of the War" and announced that the island country had surrendered to the iron-blooded lion army, many Japanese soldiers could not accept it!

Before this, in order to improve the morale and fighting spirit of soldiers and soldiers, the governments of island countries generally used their strengths to avoid shortcomings and reported good news instead of bad news, and also concealed the real battle situation. This made many Japanese people in island countries believe that in the near future, the Japanese Empire will dominate Asia Dreaming of sweet dreams.

But now the sudden surrender and reading of the edict has made many Japanese soldiers a stimulus, a major stimulus that was caught off guard.

The Japanese people, listening to the edict of the emperor of the island country, cried bitterly, knelt down on the ground very sad, and even committed suicide and self-mutilation.

As for the Japanese army, it was deeply brainwashed by militarism and bushido spirit, which made the Japanese army completely unable to accept the fact that the Japanese army was defeated and surrendered, so they all became crazy, and hundreds of Japanese soldiers even committed suicide in one army.

According to the progress of history, when the emperor of the island country read the edict of the end of the war and announced his surrender, the Japanese troops in China included the Chinese Dispatch Army, the Kwantung Army, the Tenth Front Army, the Chinese Front Fleet, and the Kaohsiung Garrison, with a total strength of about 185. In addition, there were 39729 people in the Japanese Navy, accounting for 54% of the Japanese overseas forces at that time.

In addition, Yoshio’s 17th Front Army in North Korea last month had 294000 troops, Terauchi’s Southern Army in Southeast Asia and South Asia had 743000 troops, and Imamura’s 8th Front Army in New Britain, Bougainville, and New Ireland south of the equator 70000 people.

Moreover, in Japan, the Sugiyama Moto 1st General Army in Tokyo, the Hata Toshiro 2nd General Army in Osaka, and the Higuchi Kiichiro 5th Front Army in Sapporo have more than 240 million people.

At the time of the surrender, the total number of the army was 5681600, and the total number of the navy was 1693000, which means a total of more than [-] million troops.

But in this parallel world, the whole situation and the number of people are different.

All the Japanese troops in the mainland of China have entered the stage of strategic defense, and the total number of them is less than [-]. The Kwantung Army was basically wiped out by the iron-blooded lion army.

The Japanese army fighting in Southeast Asia and South Asia basically still has the upper hand, but because of the alliance expeditionary force, the situation in Southeast Asia and South Asia has changed. Now the Japanese army is searching in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaya, Indonesia, India The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, New Guinea and other countries are basically under occupation control.

On the Pacific battlefield, because the U.S. military has always been uncertain about the secrets of the Japanese Zero fighter jets, it still has the upper hand in air combat. Cooperating with the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet to continuously suppress the U.S. fleet, it is now approaching Hawaii with all its strength.

It can be said that except for the battlefields where the Chinese mainland and the mainland of the island country fought against the Jagged Lion Army, the Japanese army was at a disadvantage in defeat, and the other battlefields were in an upper hand, so they were not willing to surrender!

In short, when the emperor of the island country read out the edict to end the war, it caused a sensation both inside and outside the island.


The Imperial Palace of the Emperor of the island country, now the Jagged Lion Army has fully controlled the entire Imperial Palace, and all personnel entering and leaving the Imperial Palace will be controlled.

Li Yunlong looked at Liu Shiyin and said: "Shiyin, prepare a press release, organize the news and events related to Japan's unconditional surrender into a press release, and spread it widely around the world.‖!"

"At the same time, play the recording of the emperor of the island country reading the edict to end the war in the world, so that the whole world will know the fact that the island country surrendered! This matter needs to be used well, and it will be very helpful to enhance the prestige of our iron-blooded lion army!"

When the emperor of the island country read the edict of the end of the war through the broadcast system, he also recorded a backup at the same time, and prepared to broadcast it on the broadcast system of the Chinese mainland and the world!

Because of the technology and the blockade of the island country at that time, the broadcasting system of the island country could only be broadcast in the island country, not worldwide broadcasting, so when the emperor of the island country read the "End War Edict", it was only broadcast in the island country, and the outside world did not know much about it. !

"Don't worry, Commander, I've already prepared. Just wait for your order. Tomorrow, the whole world will know about it. The island country has finally surrendered unconditionally. This is definitely an unprecedented event in our history." A big victory!" Liu Shiyin replied abruptly.

The end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the unconditional surrender of the island country is a spectacle in the history of war. It defended the integrity of the country's territory and sovereignty. , Significantly improved the international status and international influence of Jagged Lion Army and Li Yunlong.

This battle will surely go down in history!

Li Yunlong asked Liu Shiyin and other professional communication personnel to make good use of this incident of the unconditional surrender of the island country to exert the greatest effect and influence!

After dealing with many affairs, Li Yunlong approached the emperor of the island country, and began to have a good discussion with the emperor of the island country about the affairs of the island country after the war!

Japan surrendered unconditionally, but Li Yunlong was conditional (Zhao Liao Zhao), it is impossible to accept his surrender unconditionally, so the next is the best time to fight for interests and control the island country.

"...Emperor, you have surrendered to our iron-blooded lion army now, so you should talk about what will happen after the surrender!" Li Yunlong looked at the emperor of the island country and said: "If you provoked this war, you should bear the responsibility." as a result of!"

The emperor of the island country looked very ugly, and he was always uneasy. He didn't know what conditions Li Yunlong would put forward!

Judging from the "Su Railway Peace Treaty" signed by Li Yunlong and the Soviet Union and the "British Railway Military Assistance Treaty" signed by Li Yunlong and the British, it is not Li Yunlong who suffers.

"Marshal Li, this war is a catastrophe. I express my deep regret and helplessness. I wonder what compensation our country can make?".

Chapter 1306 "Post-war Island Country Control Treaty", the puppet emperor! (Sixth update, please subscribe)

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