However, Li Yunlong has no fear at all, because the strength of the Jagged National Defense Force is his confidence to face these world giants!

"The official Yalta meeting will start tomorrow. What they are plotting will be revealed soon!"

As far as Li Yunlong is concerned, no matter what they are plotting, the only thing is that they must not touch the interests of the Iron-Blooded National Defense Forces and the land of China's strong men, otherwise even the emperor and I will not be able to discuss it. .

Chapter 1440 An international meeting to carve up the world! (Fourth update, please subscribe)

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The Yalta Conference is a very famous historical conference in history. According to the progress of history, this conference is a conference to carve up the world.

At this time, the situation of the entire World War II has undergone fundamental changes. Japan, as the three major axis powers, has surrendered unconditionally. Only country dé still has an advantage in the Eurasian battlefield.

At present, on the Pacific battlefield, the U.S. military and the Japanese army are still fighting fiercely, but at this time the U.S. military has divided a group of combat troops to Europe and began to fight against the German troops in Europe!

On the South Asian battlefield, the Alliance Expeditionary Force continued to defeat the Japanese army that invaded Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar. The Japanese army in South Asia was already dying!

On the Eurasian battlefield, with the joining of the Iron-Blooded Wehrmacht, the Iron-Blooded Wehrmacht, the Soviet Army, the U.S. Army, and the British Army declared war against each other in an all-round way. The defeat of the entire German army is doomed, and it is only a matter of time.

683 Now that the entire Second World War has reached the final stage of full-scale counter-offensive, a series of problems arising from the end of the war and the arrangement of the post-war world need to be resolved quickly, especially the basic principles of dealing with the defeated German "Empire" and the realization of international security in the post-war world. The basic principles of the problem and so on.

In order to hold Yalta this time, the Soviet army prepared a lot, beware of allied spies and anti-Soviet propaganda, and mobilized national security personnel to be in charge of communication equipment.In this meeting place, eight companies are responsible for the maintenance and safety of telephone communications, and each soldier is responsible for a kilometer of telephone cables.

In addition, the airspace of Crimea is controlled by 244 aircraft and 300 anti-aircraft guns and machine guns deployed nearby. Any aircraft that break into the airspace without listening to warnings will be killed without mercy.In addition, the security forces conducted identity checks on 25 residents in the area around the Livadia Palace in advance, and arrested [-] suspicious elements. In addition, members of the delegation had to carry their documents with them, because every [-] Ft. You will meet the guards to check your ID.

It can be said that for the convening of the Yalta Conference this time, the Soviet army has put a lot of thought into it, and this is also because they are afraid of crazy revenge from the German army.

The next day, the weather was excellent, the sky was clear and cloudless, and the sun was mild and hot, making people feel very comfortable. A gust of sea breeze came and felt the humid sea breeze, which made people feel refreshed!

The Jagged Defense Force delegation, the Soviet delegation, the American delegation, the British delegation, etc. all entered the white hall of the Livadia Palace one after another.

The White Hall, as the name suggests, means that the ceiling and walls of the entire hall are white. There is a large fireplace in the middle of the front wall, and huge portraits of Tsar Nicholas II and the Queen hang on both sides.The lace ceiling in the hall is very high, the floor-to-ceiling windows are large, and the lighting is excellent.The floor is covered with a whole piece of fuchsia carpet, which contrasts with the white walls, which looks solemn and elegant, just what is needed for the atmosphere of holding an important meeting.

The entire white hall is not much decorated, except for the tables and chairs participating in the meeting, there is almost no furniture, and it looks a bit empty.There is a simple double sofa, and two telephones are placed on the desk and the small round table.

Everyone entered the white hall and took their seats, and then the very famous Yalta Conference in history began.

This time it was not Li Yunlong who presided over the meeting, but Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union!

After everyone was seated, Stalin stood up and said with a (bbef) smile on his face: "Mentors and comrades present, it is a great honor to be here to participate in the Yalta Conference!"

"The current anti-fascist campaign has entered the stage of strategic counter-offensive, and the defeat of the German fascist forces is already doomed. Therefore, we held a meeting in Yalta this time to discuss the following issues."

"First, to deal with the issue of Dé after the war, we had a preliminary discussion at the Tehran meeting before, and at this meeting we will conduct an in-depth and definitive discussion on the issue of dealing with Dé."

"The second problem is the Polish problem. Poland has been completely occupied by the German army. We need to deal with the Polish problem!"

"Third, that is the Far East issue. The most important thing is the Soviet Union's territorial operations and related agreement control. The troops fighting in the Soviet Union should follow the regulations of the Allied Forces."

"The fourth issue is the issue of the United Nations. When he was in Tehran, Marshal Li Yunlong proposed the idea of ​​establishing the United Nations. This idea is very good and has been recognized by others. Therefore, we should determine the United Nations Come down, replace the League of Nations, and become a truly authoritative international institution!

According to these agendas put forward by Stalin, the third one is obviously aimed at the Jagged Wehrmacht fighting in the Soviet Union!

This time at the Yalta Conference, Stalin wanted to establish the status of the Soviet Union in the international arena and drive the Jagged Wehrmacht out of the Soviet Union.

As for the United Nations conceived by Li Yunlong, it is also in line with the interests of the UK, Dé, and the Soviet Union. They also hope to have an authoritative international organization, which will make it easier to control the countries of the world and obtain more benefits, so they agree The formation of the United Nations!

"This is the agenda of our meeting. Gentlemen, I hope you understand! I also hope that you can express your opinions and make efforts to build post-war world peace."

Li Yunlong, Roosevelt, Churchill, and dozens of people present at the meeting nodded and understood the relevant agenda of this Yalta meeting.

"Okay, what we are going to do next is the first agenda item, which is about dealing with the post-war dé country!" Stalin said: "This issue was raised before the Tehran meeting, and I hope this issue can be resolved this time!"

The Yalta Conference itself is an international conference to carve up the world, and the main decision-makers are Stalin, Li Yunlong, Churchill and Roosevelt! .

Chapter 1441 A sensation in the world: Ukraine announces joining the Iron-Blooded National Defense Forces (Sixth update, please subscribe)

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Dé country, this is the most powerful country among the Axis countries in World War II, and it is also one of the initiators. Therefore, the management of dé country after the war is the most important issue at present.

First of all, Roosevelt said: "The country dé was the initiator and main country of World War I and World War II. It can be seen that country dé is a very dangerous country-!"

The First World War was a world-class war that broke out at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in order to re-divide the world and compete for global hegemony against the background of intensified contradictions between old and new colonialism, unbalanced economic development of various imperialists, and unequal division of order. _Imperialist War.

The course of the war was mainly a battle between the Allies and the Entente.The German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria belonged to the Allied Powers camp, while the British Empire, the French Third Republic, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, and the United States of America belonged to the Allied Powers camp.The war was one of the most destructive in European history.Some 6500 million men fought, with more than 1000 million killed and 2000 million wounded.The economic losses caused by the war are difficult to estimate!

Now the Second World War is dominated by the dé country, which has to make people feel terrible!

"So when we defeat country dé, we should fully occupy and control country dé. The original armed forces of country dé will be disbanded, and no army will be allowed in the future. This is a necessary condition for world peace and security in the future. It should be Divided into the occupied areas of the allied countries!"

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, I agree with Mr. President's proposal. And we should let dé countries pay war reparations!"

"Country dé is the main country in this world war. Therefore, war compensation should be paid for the losses caused by the entire world. War compensation can be based on the national resources of country dé, such as machines, ships, and enterprise ownership, etc., compensation that should be paid within a period of time, or Compensation in the form of labor. The amount is huge!"

"I also agree with Mr. Churchill and President Roosevelt's proposal. As for the amount of compensation, it is impossible for Dé to pay all the compensation. Therefore, I suggest that the amount of compensation agreed is 220 billion U.S. dollars!" Stalin also said, After speaking, he looked at Li Yunlong and asked, "Marshal Li, what do you think?"

It can be said that Li Yunlong's opinion is the decisive opinion!

First of all, the most fundamental reason is that the military strength of the Jagged Defense Force continues to grow, and it has become pivotal in the world's anti-fascist campaign!

If Li Yunlong disagrees and causes the iron-blooded National Defense Forces to defect to the German army, it will definitely be a worldwide disaster.

Li Yunlong listened to everyone's words, then pondered for a moment and then said: "Since the last Tehran meeting and this Yalta meeting both mentioned the post-war control issue of country dé, then I think that after the defeat of country dé, the troops of our four countries will Each occupies an area of ​​country dé."

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