The design of the emblem of the United Nations is an equidistant azimuthal projection of a world map centered on the North Pole, supported by a wreath of crossed olive branches.The graphic is golden in color against white waters against a light blue background.The projection range of the map extends to 60 degrees south latitude and includes five concentric circles. The olive branch symbolizes world peace and security, and the surrounding earth symbolizes the purpose of the United Nations and the maintenance of unity. There is a winding dragon totem at the bottom of the entire figure.

The background color of the UN flag is light blue, with a white UN emblem in the center.Blue and white are designated as the official colors of the United Nations.

· · Flowers · · ·

As for the national anthem of the United Nations, it has not yet been written!

From the emblem and national flag of the United Nations, it can be seen that the status of Li Yunlong and the land of China's strong men is becoming more and more important, which is very different from the United Nations in history.

At the end of the meeting, Li Yunlong stood up and said: "Since the "United Nations Charter" has been confirmed, it means that the United Nations has been formally established!"

"This is an authoritative international organization whose purpose is to maintain world peace and prevent war from harming us humans again!"

"Next, we will hold a world conference of the United Nations and invite member states of the United Nations to participate. At the same time, we also need to take over some institutions from the League of Nations and the establishment of United Nations agencies, etc.!"

...... ........

"In this regard, our four countries should form a related working group to complete the work and affairs after the establishment of the United Nations. Are there any problems here?"

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, etc. shook their heads slightly, thinking that there was no big problem. After all, this was the result of discussions among so many representatives present!

The United Nations was officially established, which was more than a year earlier than the establishment of the United Nations in the historical process, but it was all caused by the butterfly effect caused by Li Yunlong!

Li Yunlong looked at the people present and said: "Then the next thing is a very important agenda, and that is the position of CEO of the United Nations!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Li Yunlong one after another.

The chief executive officer of the United Nations, this is the big boss of the United Nations. It can be said that everyone present hopes to sit in this seat.

"There is an idiom in China called self-recommendation. In such an international occasion, I also recommend myself. I will be the CEO of the United Nations. You should have no objections!"

PS: Today is April 4st, the legendary April Fool's Day. I hope someone can give me a reward, not too much, 1 VIP points are enough, mainly because I want to give a reward. .

Chapter 1447 There is nothing that one atomic bomb can't solve, if there is, then two or three (first update, please order)

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"I think I will be the first chief executive officer of the United Nations. You guys here should have no objections!"

Li Yunlong went straight to the point and proposed to be the first CEO of the United Nations, and then imagined the people present, watching how everyone reacted!

The CEO of the United Nations, this is the big boss of the United Nations.

It can be said that everyone is worthy of this position, especially the three giants present, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, etc., they all looked at Li Yunlong.

Quiet, the scene is very quiet.

Because this is a sensitive issue!

It is also a matter of great concern to everyone!

"[-]" After a long time, Stalin said: "Marshal Li Yunlong, you can recommend yourself, and I can also recommend myself. I also believe that I have the ability to be the CEO of the United Nations!"

"Marshal Li, according to the relevant content of the "United Nations Charter", the choice of the chief executive officer of the United Nations should be selected from the representatives of the four permanent members!" Roosevelt also said: "We can also participate in the chief executive officer of the United Nations." Election of officers!"

"Yes, I think we should be more democratic!" Churchill said: "Now it is a democratic society and country. Since the chief executive of the United Nations is to be elected, we should adopt a democratic vote to determine it!"

Democratic vote?

The three of you have been wearing a pair of pants for a long time, now tell me about democratic elections?

There was a slight disdainful smile on the corner of Li Yunlong's mouth and said: "Okay, you want democratic elections, come here!"

"Let me ask you a question, are you capable of maintaining peace in this world?"

"The Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom seem to be very powerful, but now the German army is beating you to the bum, are you capable of maintaining world peace?"

"Okay, who of you will be the chief executive officer of this United Nations? If another country as powerful as the dé country starts a world war, will you have the ability to prevent resistance?"

Was the Soviet Union strong?

Fancy but not useful!

Before the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, it seemed that the national power was at its peak and the number one power, but after the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, it was immediately beaten by the German army and pushed forward to the hinterland of the Soviet Union, heading straight for Moscow!

Is Ying country strong?

The old capitalist country, known as the empire on which the sun never sets, rapidly expanded its colonies before and after the First World War, occupying colonies such as India and Hong Kong Island, but it was still powerless to fight back against the German army. After the air battle of Great Britain Among them, if the Jagged Air Force supports it, the whole situation will not know what will happen!

Is the United States strong?

To be honest, before World War II, the overall national strength and combat troops of the United States were really not good, and the quality of weapons and equipment and the quality of soldiers were not as good as that of the country of dé!

The reason why the United States was able to develop into a super world hegemony power after World War II is that it took advantage of the war fortune during World War II and rapidly expanded its military power!

As a time traveler, Li Yunlong still has some understanding and research on history. As long as we carefully look at the history of the development and rise of the United States, it is easy to find that the United States started from World War II.

During World War II, the military force was rapidly expanded. Aircraft carriers were launched into the sea as quickly as dumplings. Various weapons and equipment were quickly developed and put into war. Many overseas military bases were established during World War II. A map of thousands of overseas military bases.

Another important reason is that the United States took advantage of World War II to continuously plunder the scientists and Jewish talents of the dé country. These talents fled to the United States and brought infinite technological power to the development and rise of the United States. Einstein is very One of the famous representatives.

However, because of the intervention of the traverser Li Yunlong, the development of the United States is not as good as the historical track, so the current military strength of the United States is really not good!

When Li Yunlong's words came out, everyone present was immediately silenced!

After a while, Stalin spoke again: "Marshal Li, you are right, but I believe that as long as all countries in the world work together, they will be able to deal with it!"

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