Now the top five military forces in the entire world are ranked among the five countries of Germany, the Soviet Union, China, Britain, and the United States, but there is no specific ranking and conclusion on who is the first and who is the last.

As the leaders of the three major countries, they are all high-ranking people, and their aura is already very strong, but now facing Li Yunlong, they also feel a little coerced, and feel the power of this powerful aura pressure!

Li Yunlong possesses the aura of an emperor. If the aura of an emperor is released, then the majesty of the aura is definitely very powerful!

"If you want Mongolia to be independent, you must fight against me, Li Yunlong, against my iron-blooded national defense force, and against our tens of millions of Chinese!"

Li Yunlong looked at the crowd domineeringly and said: "If you fight against us, there is only one end, and that is a dead end. Such a price is not something you can afford!"

Seeing such a situation, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and others were stunned. It seems that Li Yunlong cannot reach a consensus on this Mongolia issue!

But if you think about it, Mongolia was originally the territory of the land of the powerful Chinese. Now if you want to split it, of course you won't want to!

Everyone present was silent, they felt Li Yunlong's toughness.

Originally, according to the decision discussed by the three giants before, on the issue of Mongolia in the Far East, they originally wanted to maintain the status quo of Outer Mongolia, that is, to agree to the independence of Outer Mongolia, and to return the southern part of Sakhalin Island and its adjacent islands to the Soviet Union, etc., but now it seems that It's impossible!

Li Yunlong looked at the people present and said: "The next Far East issue, the Mongolian issue you are going to talk about, it is impossible to make Mongolia independent!"

"In addition, the issue of the Soviet Union's combat troops. Our iron-blooded National Defense Forces entered the Soviet Union to fight. This is to defend the country, and it is also the responsibility of the anti-fascist allied camp. Since it is fighting the German army in the Soviet Union, it is inevitable that it will be stationed in the Soviet Union. !"

"Mr. Stalin, I say very clearly that the garrison of our Jagged Wehrmacht is legal!"

Li Yunlong is very aware of the little things in the hearts of Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill, so he directly stated it clearly!

"There is no turning back when you draw the bow. Since our army is right to declare war, we must fight the German army to the end. It is impossible to withdraw from the Soviet Union now!"

"Now our common enemy is the German army. If I know someone is stumbling me, then it is my enemy of Li Yunlong!"

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say in today's meeting. There is no need to continue the next (bbff) meeting. If you still need to discuss, then continue!" Li Yunlong turned around. Leave the White Hall!

Not long after the meeting started, Li Yunlong left, leaving Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin behind as representatives of dozens of countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Soviet Union!

For such an important international conference, Li Yunlong left as soon as he said it, without giving any face to the three giants, which made everyone present very ugly!

And Li Yunlong dared to be so willful, in the final analysis, it was a matter of strength!

In any age in any world, strength is the most important thing. This is an even more ancient truth.

After Li Yunlong left, the three giants Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin could only continue to hold meetings symbolically, but they did not dare to really control Mongolia's independence, because Li Yunlong had already put down his harsh words.

In the end, the three giants Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin could only hastily end the meeting.

Since then, the entire Yalta Conference has come to an end.

This time the Yalta Conference mainly determined the important decisions of signs: dé country must be demilitarized, democratized, and Nazism should be eliminated; The issue was reorganized and the United Nations was established. In the end, the Far East issue could not be effectively resolved.

It can be said that this Yalta meeting was a very fruitful meeting for Li Yunlong. He first obtained the power to occupy the dé country in partitions, guaranteed the interests of the Jagged Defense Force and China, and gained a strong situation and interests on the Polish issue. , and most importantly, Li Yunlong successfully promoted the establishment of the United Nations, and successfully served as the first chief executive officer of the United Nations.

At the same time, Li Yunlong also prevented the Soviet Union's intention to split Mongolia, and safeguarded the absolute interests of the Iron-Blooded National Defense Forces and the land of China's strong men, and established the firm status and role of the land of China's strong men in the United Nations; at the same time, in Eastern Europe's sphere of influence And in the post-war European and world structure, the favorable position of China's powerful man was ensured.

Originally, according to the course of history, the Yalta Conference's interests in the land of China's Xia Qiang Han were damaged, because the Mongolian issue and related territorial sovereignty were damaged, but in the Yalta Conference in this parallel world, Li Yunlong became the biggest winner !

No way, being strong means being able to do whatever you want, at least you can guarantee that your own interests will not be damaged! .

Chapter 1451 Domestic crisis, warlord riot! (Fifth update, please subscribe)

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Although the entire Yalta Conference process was not very smooth, the atmosphere was not pleasant, and there were many contradictions displayed, but this time the Yalta Conference strengthened the international anti-fascist united front, coordinated combat operations against Germany and fascism, and accelerated the process of victory in the world anti-fascist war. Punishment of war criminals, elimination of the influence of Nazism and militarism played an important role, and most importantly, it had a profound impact on the formation of the post-war world pattern.

The Yalta Conference was a very important international conference whether it was in accordance with the historical process or in this parallel world. Some major international issues after the war were discussed and certain arrangements were made. The conspiracy against Li Yunlong by Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union also Without success, Li Yunlong became the final winner of this Yale-Tower meeting.

After the meeting, that night, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt invited Li Yunlong to attend the dinner, but Li Yunlong decided to attend this dinner after thinking about it.

At the dinner, Roosevelt, as a peacemaker, said to Stalin and Li Yunlong: "Marshals, although we have many arguments in this meeting, this is precisely the necessity of our meeting this time."

"So all the unpleasantness at the meeting, we should all forget that all the arguments at the Yalta meeting are for a more peaceful world!"

Stalin listened, raised his glass to Li Yunlong and said: "Marshal Li, we have some arguments at this meeting, but please don't affect our friendship because of this, cheers!"

Li Yunlong looked at it, then raised his wine glass, took a sip and then put it down!

The atmosphere of the whole dinner was quite harmonious. Obviously, the three giants wanted to take advantage of this dinner to ease their relationship with Li Yunlong.

After the dinner, everyone went back to their respective homes. As for everyone's thoughts, all this is unknown.

The next morning, the weather in Yalta was still very good, the sky was clear, a few white clouds were floating in the blue sky, and the sea breeze was blowing, very refreshing.

In any case, the several-day Yalta meeting finally came to an end, and there was no need for Li Yunlong and his party to stay in Yalta any longer!

So early in the morning, after Li Yunlong bid farewell to Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill, he took the Jagged No. [-] plane and began to return to the Moscow area to continue fighting against the German army!

As for how Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill conspired against him behind the scenes, Li Yunlong was out of his control. As long as they dared to make moves, Li Yunlong would dare to take them!

This time at the Yalta Conference, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill also formed a secret agreement, that is, the Soviet Union, the British, and the United States formed an alliance to share research results on the atomic bomb, jointly and rapidly promote the research and development of the atomic bomb, breaking Li Yunlong The nuclear monopoly and nuclear threat, this secret agreement is called the "U.S.-U.K.-Soviet Atomic Bomb Development Treaty."

However, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill each had their own selfishness, so in the end, the "U.S.-UK-Soviet Atomic Bomb Development Treaty" did not play a big role, but was called a treaty to calculate each other.

Yusupov Palace, this is the residence of the Soviet delegation!

Now Roosevelt and Churchill are both preparing to return to China to preside over government and military affairs, and Stalin is also preparing to leave.

As the chairman of the KGB Soviet National Security Committee, Beria had a situation to report to Stalin at this time.

Beria's full name is Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria, a Georgian, vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union and chairman of the KGB. He is a staunch supporter of Stalin and an eternal sycophant of Stalin.

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